Zhang mubai didn't expect Chen Qingyun to admit it, and he was so upright. He is also a man, how can there be no anger.

You know, just now Chen Qingyun is still persuading him to accept the child, but in a twinkling of an eye, the child in the belly of dragonfly Ye becomes Chen Qingyun's child.

What is Chen Qingyun doing? Do you want to be a bastard? No matter how well bred Zhang mubai is, he can't bear such shame!

"Chen Qingyun, don't you think you are very irresponsible?" Zhang mubai ī N sink this face.

Chen Qingyun pulled down the window, lit a cigarette and said, "don't be angry. Listen to me

"What else to say. I can tolerate dragonflies with bad life experience and bad past. But you, what are you doing? I can't stand cheating on me Zhang mubai roared twice.

This afternoon has made him feel more pressure, and in the evening came a head-on attack.

"Do you really love dragonflies?" Chen Qingyun didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation, and asked calmly.

Zhang mubai, with a frozen face, asked: "if my feelings for dragonflies are not true, I will come all the way. For so many years, I've been holding on to this feeling that I can't see or touch? "

Chen Qingyun nodded: "well, you should remember what I said before?"

Zhang mubai didn't answer with a face of ice.

"Before you came, I was already a couple with dragonflies. And the feeling is very good, has reached the point of marriage. However, an accident made her lose my memory. I think you should understand what I mean. Now for her, I'm just a man with a better relationship. I'm no longer a man who can take care of her. I have been unable to break into her heart again, and I can only bless her silently behind her. If you really love her, take her away from here! "

Chen Qingyun's speed is not very fast. His words are full of sadness. It seems that he has really experienced such feelings.

Zhang mubai was speechless. What the hell is this son of a bitch's life? There is such a thing. When he came to China this time, he felt that everything was not real. It was really like he was in a dream. Anything could happen.

"Well, isn't she surprised by her tattoos?" Zhang mubai asked.

"She only knows Qingyun, but she doesn't know which Qingyun is. Zhang Qingyun, Li Qingyun, or Ma Qingyun. And I will never be her blue cloud. Now she is more sober than ever, you don't have to doubt that. "

When things came to a dead end, Zhang Mu's white face was shaking. What's the situation now? As long as he continues, he will have to raise a son for the man in front of him and pretend to be very happy?

"Does her family know these things?"

Chen Qingyun shook his head and said: "my identity is not suitable for her family. So her family doesn't know about us. "

Zhang mubai no longer spoke, but turned his eyes to the window.

The dark night is very calm, but Zhang mubai's heart has been stormy.

After a long time, Zhang mubai took back his eyes and said faintly: "take me back to the hotel first! I need to calm down! "

Chen Qingyun nodded and looked back at the direction of the door. The dragonfly came out.

There is no atmosphere of ancient puzzles. It makes people feel green when we go back to that place ū N the image of breath.

It's too fake to say that women are 18 years old. If you give a woman enough time to make up, she will change a lot. Even Zhang mubai, who is still angry, has to admit that the dragonfly at this time has finally fused with his memory. However, there is no excitement, only sorrow.

Who is this woman now? She has shown three different aspects in front of him in one afternoon.

"What are you two talking about?" After getting on the bus, dragonfly ye asked with a smile.

"Sister, we're just chatting." Chen Qingyun replied.

Zhang mubai's smile was a little far fetched now. He touched the corner of his mouth and asked, "Dragonfly. Why have you changed again? "

"Ha ha, I can't go home dressed like that. This is to deal with my father, usually I go to school is this dress

Zhang Mu Baigan nodded with a smile.

"Dragonfly, I feel a little uncomfortable. I want to go back to the hotel first. Go back and talk to your uncle. I'll see him tomorrow! "

The dragonfly rubbed her eyebrows and said, "OK! It's my negligence. You haven't had a good rest after taking such a long flight. "

When he got to the hotel, Zhang mubai didn't let them go upstairs. After getting off, he went straight away.

As soon as Zhang mubai got out of the car, the dragonfly hid under the window and watched Zhang mubai walk into the hotel. See each other's figure disappear. Immediately cheered joyfully: "Oh, great!"

Chen Qingyun didn't laugh, because things became more complicated. Although his words are reasonable, they are not perfect. If you carefully examine, it is not difficult to see some of the clues. However, Zhang mubai completely neglected all this. It's just anger and anger.

Can Zhang mubai's identity be so uncontrollable under Chen Qingyun's explanation? Obviously, there is a contradiction.

If ordinary people encounter all kinds of things today, even if they have firm confidence, I'm afraid they can't bear it! Furious, on the spot will be this does not exist much significance of the engagement canceled. We should know that Chen Qingyun's design of this series of games has considered people's psychological endurance and limit.

Zhang mubai's calmness after his anger was a bit extraordinary. Do you have a good mind? How big is the measurement? What do men measure?

Some things are too normal, then they are very abnormal.

"What's the matter with you? He seems to be giving up, isn't he happy At the moment, dragonfly Ye is full of excitement, and the worries that have been pressing her heart for many years are finally to be solved. She really seems to shout twice. But seeing Chen Qingyun's expression is very flat, I feel strange.

Chen Qingyun turned his head and asked Dragonfly ye, "Dragonfly. Why were you engaged in the first place? "

"Last time, I didn't say that his father and my father were very close. Moreover, Zhang mubai and I were born almost at the same time, so we got married. "

"I know that. So there's no allusion? For example, a very happy thing suddenly happened, and then the two old people decided to marry you two in this case. "

Dragonfly ye thought about it, as if she had thought of something. She said, "Oh, I really remember something when you said that."

"What is it?" Chen Qingyun asked.

"I also listen to my mother about this. At that time, there was no me. My father and Xiaobai's father had a common hobby. They both liked to collect all kinds of stones. Once, they went to a very remote mountain area. On that mountain, when they were picking up stones, they accidentally found a cave. A package was found in it. Inside the package were two J's ī It's a bronze tripod. Because they like to collect, they immediately see that they are antiques. "

Adventure is always something to look forward to. Even hearsay can be exciting. Dragonfly Ye is also in high spirits when she talks about her father's adventures when he was young.

"They got the baby and left immediately. Because this thing appeared inexplicable, so although I got the baby, I didn't dare to show it off. When they got home, they separated one by one and hid in their own homes. And then there was our engagement. "

After listening to the story of dragonfly ye, Chen Qingyun felt that it would not be so simple. There must be some afterwords, so he asked, "what happened later? Is it something to do with Zhang mubai's going abroad? "

Dragonfly Ye nodded: "then one day, Xiaobai's father suddenly found my father. It was said that the tomb robber was hiding there, and the man unfortunately fell off the cliff and died. Someone wanted to pay for the bronze tripods and tried to persuade my father to sell them with him. Because it's an antique and a valuable thing, the buyer is a foreigner. In addition, my father has the idea of antiquity. He didn't want to lose the national treasure abroad, so he cheated Xiaobai's father that he had already handed it over to the state. Because a pair of bronze tripods can sell at a better price, they made a lot of troubles. Later, I heard that Xiaobai family suddenly got rich, and then went abroad. I think the bronze tripod was sold. Because of this, my father was quite regretful. He felt that he was too serious at the beginning and made trouble with his friends for such a thing. But after a while, Xiaobai's father began to call home, and they soon made up. If they don't get along, maybe there won't be so much trouble now. "

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Chen Qingyun has some ideas in his heart. Judging from Zhang mubai's reaction, it seems that it is really possible. It's just that it's a speculative stage, and it needs to be confirmed.

"Why do you ask that?" Dragonfly Ye didn't think so much and asked casually.

"It's nothing. I just don't know why your baby has been married. Just ask. What about your father's bronze tripod? Did they sell it later, or did they keep it all the time? "

Dragonfly leaves a mysterious smile, joking: "ask so carefully do what, do you want to plot?"

Chen Qingyun is speechless. This girl is very clever. She guessed this. It's just that it's not him who wants to do something wrong, but Zhang mubai.

"Well, I'm not kidding you. It's been kept by my dad. He said he was going to give me a dowry. how? Are you interested in marrying me? That tripod is very valuable? " Dragonfly Ye joked. As soon as s è gets dark, she becomes different immediately. X ì ng is not so formal, and she is very cheerful and lively.

Chen Qingyun smiles and doesn't answer the question of the dragonfly. Instead, he asks, "does Zhang mubai's family know about this?"

The dragonfly immediately nodded and said, "my father can't hide the secret in his heart. The other party must know."

Speaking of this, dragonfly Ye's head seemed to be suddenly enlightened, with a serious expression: "you have asked so many questions, don't you doubt whether the marriage is fake or not, is it true to cheat the bronze tripod?"

Chen Qingyun shook his head: "it's right and wrong! It's not as easy as you think. Tomorrow morning! I'll give you the answe

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