Some men dare to challenge Qiu Xiaoyao, and there seems to be signs of success in conquering him. Such a strong news, almost less than five minutes, has spread throughout the whole world ǐ It's a bureau.

Rumor is a terrible thing, and various versions of the description also come into being.

Qiu Xiaozhen is playing with her boyfriend in the car.

Qiu Xiaoyao's violence ǐ Ng Hua's Ben S è takes Yi y ù's rebellious boyfriend and finally wins.

Dissatisfied with the resonance in the car, the office continues.

j ǐ It's a story that has to be told between Hua and the prisoner.

I have to say, J ǐ Sometimes it's boring. The ability of gossip is not inferior to those paparazzi.

Unfortunately, Qiu Xiaozhen is talking with Chen Qingyun in his office. He can't hear these rumors. Otherwise, he will have to shoot the guy who hears them.

At first glance, Qiu Xiaozhen is the kind of girl who is not good at enjoying, so her office is also extremely simple. White wall, brown red S è's desk, a sofa and a few ornamental plants, nothing else.

Chen Qingyun walked into the office and looked at her. This girl's taste is not so good! I don't know what her boudoir looks like. I guess it's not so good?

"Pour me a cup of tea." Chen Qingyun walked around the room and sat down in Qiu Xiaozhen's position.

The only thing that can be praised in this office is this chair, which is spacious and comfortable. Chen Qingyun will naturally choose to sit here.

Qiu Xiaozhen feels his forehead helplessly. This one is here to record his confession. He's just here to be an uncle. His position was occupied, not to mention, he even ordered himself to make tea as soon as he entered the door.

"No!" If you want to be a master, there's no way.

"You're afraid of caterpillars!" Chen Qingyun played with a pen, raised his legs on the desk, said with a smile.

"Do you want to die?" Qiu Xiaozhen bites his teeth and thinks about whether to pull out the gun and shoot the hateful bastard“ I'm not in the habit of drinking tea. If you want to drink it, just pour it yourself? "

"You're afraid of caterpillars!" Chen Qingyun raised his voice.

Frightened, Qiu Xiaozhen rushed from the ground to the desk, reached out and covered Chen Qingyun's mouth, and said angrily, "if you dare to say one more word, I'll... I'll..."

Chen Qingyun pushed off Qiu Xiaozhen's hand and said with a smile, "I want to drink tea."

"Wait!" Qiu Xiaozhen pounded the desk and fell off the desk. Big step meteor comes to the door, fiercely opens the door.

Hula... More than ten people came tumbling in from the door!

Qiu Xiaoyao is stunned. What are these guys doing at the door. Looking up, I saw that Wang Weimin was sitting in the distance, wiping his sweat with a handkerchief. I understood immediately.

"Are you all free? I'll work overtime tonight. No one wants to go home. I'll work for you

Tyrannosaurus Rex lost her temper, who is not afraid. These guys, J ǐ Ng Cha got up from the ground and ran away, not daring to fart.

"Wang Weimin, make a cup of tea and bring it in!" Qiu Xiaoyao ī He cried with a calm face.

"Pa!" The door was shut by Qiu Xiaozhen.

Wang Weimin's heart is cold. This is bad. The captain is very angry. The consequences are quite serious. After receiving the order, immediately rummaged for tea.

Chen Qingyun is also very surprised! These guys, J ǐ You can't see the speed of solving a case. It's very effective to spread some gossip. Judging from the number of people lying at the door, it is estimated that the ambiguous scenes of the two of them in the car have spread all over the country ǐ The game is over.

Qiu Xiaozhen was very depressed and sat on the sofa with a bad face.

"Talk about everything that happened tonight, including the quack bar."

The other side is willing to take the initiative to change the topic. Chen Qingyun, what's the point? Now that I have time, it's no big deal to have a good talk with Qiu Xiaozhen.

Starting from how to help Dragonfly ye, Chen Qingyun didn't hide it and said everything. It's an eventful time now. There are many places after R ì to cooperate with Qiu Xiaozhen. If you have Qiu Xiaozhen's help, it will be much easier to do things.

After listening to Chen Qingyun's story, Qiu Xiaozhen frowned and asked in disbelief: "you've made so many things. You're not a business friend at all. You're just looking for girls?"

What a talent this guy is! It's a gang, it's a yellow order, the result is to help a woman refuse arranged marriage? Can he still do something serious.

"You're wrong. I'm trying to save a woman from suffering. Helping others is the foundation of happiness. You should learn more in the future. " Chen Qingyun stretched out a finger and shook it.

If you don't say it's OK, speaking of it, Qiu Xiaozhen is angry. This guy has made such a big scene with a girl. What's more ridiculous is that the fire dragon gang has come to join in the fun.

After a long time, Chen Qingyun was the one who finally got her into trouble.

"I think it's not true to help others, but it's true to pick up girls. Don't forget, you have a wife. " Qiu Xiaozhen snorted coldly. Thinking about whether Chen Qingyun's head is sick! There is a beautiful bubbly at home, so that as a woman, she is very jealous of the wife, actually still outside cheating. This man, as expected, is not a good thing!

As soon as Chen Qingyun sees that Qiu Xiaozhen's face has changed, he immediately guesses what she is thinking. This woman is really strange. How can she not think that she really wants to help others? But... She really didn't do herself wrong.

"Hey... How did you get to the scene so quickly at night? Even if someone immediately reported J ǐ Ng, j from you ǐ Ng bureau is so far away, and it's time to get off work. How can there be so many J's ǐ What about overtime In fact, Chen Qingyun wanted to ask this question for a long time, but there have been new questions, so he didn't ask them.

Just transferred a little attention, this meeting Qiu Xiaozhen turned back, also had to ask another question, lest this Ni son still hold on to the question just now.

"Because someone reported it in advance ǐ That's it. " Qiu Xiaozhen didn't reply well.

Before the arrival, someone reported in advance ǐ ng。 What does this mean? Everything is premeditated. If today's Xingtian is not to successfully complete the task Chen Qingyun told, leaving only a small number of gang members in the bar, what will happen.

The quack bar will be smashed, and none of those brothers will be able to stand out of the bar. After all this, J ǐ Here comes the police. So it's not the fire dragon gang that's bad luck, it's the torture society.

It's just a possibility. There's another possibility that there's J in the gang ǐ I'm undercover. However, this is life, not a movie. The second is unrealistic.

"Did you call back ǐ Who's calling Chen Qingyun didn't have much hope. Since the other party designed so carefully, he would not leave a tail for himself.

Qiu Xiaozhen shook his head and said, "No. The other party is using an anonymous mobile card. I've checked. I've only made such a report ǐ "Call me

"Your plan is provisional, which means it can't be aimed at you. Then there is only one result. This is for the quack bar. It seems that your friend is in trouble Qiu Xiaozhen analyzes the way.

Chen Qingyun shook his head: "what trouble does he have? You are the one in trouble. He is a good citizen who abides by the law. You should protect him and crack down on the criminals of the fire dragon gang. They must not be so arrogant. "

Qiu Xiaozhen is not angry. He looks at Chen Qingyun. You are not a good person. You have the face to talk about others.

For the existence of gangs, this has always been J ǐ It's a headache. It's impossible to arrest everyone, just some leaders. But after catching this, there comes out another one. And now the gang people are not fools. They all have enterprises behind them. They are whiter than serious businessmen. How can we catch them without evidence?

Although so many people have been arrested tonight, there will be no result. These gangsters have been on J for a long time ǐ He knows the procedure of handling a case like the back of his hand. Even if they are familiar with the law enforcement regulations. The most they can do is to fight in public, and they can decide what kind of crime to commit.

If you try to scare them in a threatening way, don't even think about it. They won't be afraid at all.

"Don't even think about it. Let's go ǐ They are not going to protect them. It's you. If you don't want to get into trouble, stay away from them. Although the Yellow order can bring you safety, the token is not omnipotent after all. " Qiu Xiaozhen can do not interfere, make a little maintenance, this is a big face.

Chen Qingyun is just joking, and he never thought to let Qiu Xiaozhen do favoritism.

"I forgot to tell you that the people Du Zhiyuan took with me were also from the fire dragon gang. Anyway, I think if you want to stop them, you should pay more attention to them. Otherwise... I have a good way to make sure it doesn't happen again. "

"Oh, tell me. What's your idea?" Qiu asked.

"We can let them kill each other! For example, if you help Xing Tian secretly, you will destroy the fire dragon gang. Then I'll help you to be a lobbyist. In the future, the society will be a good citizen. What do you think of that? " Chen Qingyun asked with a smile.

Qiu Xiaozhen's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. This guy is actually abetting her to cooperate with the gang. Is there any mistake? Although this is a good idea, it is undoubtedly a mistake of principle x ng. She couldn't have done that.

"Are you what you call a good idea?"

"No? Kill two birds with one stone. If it was me, I would definitely choose this method. Gangs are the product of the times. From the ancient Ming religion to today, they are not the same. This kind of thing can not be replaced, it can only be suppressed and reasonably used. Of course, I'm just making a suggestion. It's up to you to take it or not. " Chen Qingyun spread his shoulder and said it doesn't matter.

Qiu Xiaozhen had no choice but to frown and talk about problems with this guy. It's easy for him to abduct him to other places. If you let him try the prisoners, he's probably a good hand. Just now, she didn't have any feelings. She was even told to use this alternative method to test.

"May I ask you a question?" Qiu asked.

"Well, you say!"

"Isn't your yanhuangling stolen?"

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