"Team... Captain, are you looking for us?"

Two awkward voices came from the door, and Qiu Xiaozhen's proud expression solidified instantly. As soon as I turned my head, I saw the two big mouth subordinates standing at the door awkwardly.

Well, Chen Qingyun covered his forehead with his hand. What he said just now was heard by the two big mouths. Don't stop tonight.

Qiu Xiaozhen's mood now has to be depressed as much as possible. How can he be so unlucky? Just proud of the words heard in the ears of two subordinates, will immediately become ambiguous language.

Out of context, which bastard invented this?

"Who told you to come in without knocking?" Qiu Xiaozhen widened his eyes and roared.

Two subordinates shrunk their necks in fright and immediately escaped from the office. You know, Qiu Xiaozhen usually has a very good relationship with his subordinates. She also has no official airs. When did she enter her office, she knocked on the door.

But it is because of such a small detail, once again caused her a great trouble.

"When... When... When..." there was a knock outside.

"Die, come in!" Qiu Xiaozhen is really angry, now she has no mind to explain. There is no need to explain anything else.

But after the knock, no one came in. Outside came another excited cry. It's like the men in prison suddenly saw a female X ì ng!

What's the matter? Qiu Xiaozhen comes to the curtain, opens the blinds and sees the chaos outside. People are all coming together.


What's the matter with these guys ǐ What's the game like? Qiu Xiaozhen is angry. He is worried that there is no place to vent his anger? She finally got a chance this time.

Angrily, he opened the door of the office and yelled, "shut up

I have to say, this girl's combat effectiveness is really strong. If you are less than 8000 points of combat index, you will be easily killed by her. After a roar, the whole J ǐ Quiet down in the station immediately.

The crowd quieted down and two women came out.

A tall man, with a pair of beautiful long legs, dressed very ordinary. T-shirt with jeans. But she had an amazing face, and although she was wearing a baseball cap, she couldn't hide her light. Wherever you go, you are destined to be the focus of men, no matter who you are ǐ Ng Cha, still a hooligan, all prostrated under her pomegranate skirt.

By her side, is a woman of medium height, beautiful as a flower, X ì ng feeling as God, every smile is so attractive. As if Zhu Yin's face is destined to make her the dream lover of most men.

Two faces slightly anxious face, can see is not to drink tea chat. Besides, this place is not that kind of place.

The goddess of the performing arts circle came to a little J ǐ Ng Bureau, can you stop J ǐ J in ng Bureau ǐ Are ng Cha and the fire dragon Gang excited? You know, usually they don't have the chance to be so close to superstars, especially crystal.

Qiu Xiaozhen has all been killed. Even if these people want to sign their names again, they have to weigh whether they have life to collect them.

"Qiu J ǐ Hello, officer. We meet again Crystal smiles and reaches out his right hand.

Qiu Xiaozhen shook hands with crystal, took a look at the animals all around, and said, "Miss crystal, come into my office and have a talk."

"All right."

As soon as Qiu Xiaozhen's office door is closed, some people who are not afraid of death rush to the door and are ready to eavesdrop. But before they put their ears on the door, the door suddenly opened.

"If I catch anyone eavesdropping, I'll be ready for the future!"

"Pa!" The door slammed shut.

Qiu Xiaozhen's words finally extinguished these people's enthusiasm. In order to pursue the stars, it seems very uneconomic to lose one's life.

Crystal into J ǐ Ng Bureau, look around, want to find Chen Qingyun. Because she didn't see peach blossom at home, she ran to ran Tiantian to pick it up. But I heard that Chen Qingyun was killed by J ǐ I've got the news.

Simply from ran Tiantian know what happened, immediately came with Zhai Lingwei. She knows who Qiu Xiaoyao is. As for Chen Qingyun, that's a better understanding. Both of them have the same strange temper. If they collide with each other, it's hard to avoid something unpleasant. I'm really worried about Chen Qingyun in J ǐ They will be treated unfairly.

But as soon as she walked into the office, she knew she was wrong. This guy doesn't seem to have been brought for questioning. This is to enjoy! Even Qiu Xiaozhen's chair was occupied by him.

Look at this gesture, ten share and stay in J ǐ It's a bureau.

"What are you doing here?" Chen Qingyun didn't expect crystal to come.

"You mean I shouldn't have come! It looks like you're comfortable here. " Crystal not good gas said. See the other side is OK, the heart also puts down.

"Ha ha, little fork ǐ It's very nice to be an official. You see, it's sofa and tea. I'm really reluctant to go! " Chen Qingyun said with a smile.

As soon as the two met, they bickered, and Zhai Lingwei, who was standing next to them, had a big head. He pulled Qiu Xiaozhen aside and whispered: "Qiu J ǐ Officer ng, I have a general idea of what happened. You see if you can make it convenient for him. After all, he is crystal's assistant. For a long time, I'm afraid the impact will not be good. "

"This..." in fact, Qiu Xiaozhen's main reason is his psychological imbalance. As for the recording, as long as Chen Qingyun cooperates, it will be done in a few minutes. What's more, that guy has a burning order. Even if he doesn't want to take notes, he doesn't have a move.

"He'll only cause you more trouble here. Do you think so? " Zhai Lingwei said with a smile.

That night, it was star group and National Security Bureau. Now crystal is coming again. This guy is very popular. I can't figure out who will call again later. Although he is reluctant to let Chen Qingyun go, Qiu Xiaozhen also hates trouble!

In this case, it's better to be a human being.

"All right! I'll take a note of him now. In about ten minutes, you can take him away Qiu Xiaozhen takes a despicable look at Chen Qingyun who quarrels with crystal happily and nods.

Bickering belongs to bickering. Crystal didn't mention the three bears in a word. This makes Chen Qingyun very puzzled. How can this girl forget this stubble.

But it's better to forget, or you will be tortured when you go home. It's almost midnight, or you won't want to sleep today.

Qiu Xiaozhen took out the paper, moved a chair and sat opposite Chen Qingyun. With a cold face, he said, "if you want to go home early and go to bed, you should cooperate well."

"I know, I know!" Chen Qingyun said with a smile.

Crystal and Zhai Lingwei sit on the sofa.

The atmosphere in the room was very strange. The suspect sat in the position of the captain, but the captain got a chair and sat aside. He didn't know who was interrogating whom.

Women's intuition is very sensitive, from a room, crystal feel strange. Qiu Xiaozhen is famous for his bad temper. How can he be so tolerant to Chen Qingyun? Not only that, he also gave his seat to Chen Qingyun. Is there something between them?

"Sister Lingwei, do you think Qiu Xiaozhen likes big hooligans?" Crystal asked Zhai Lingwei in a low voice.

Zhai Lingwei embarrassed smile, did not expect crystal at this time is still considering this kind of problem. But she didn't feel much. Chen Qingyun is such a person. It's easy to get close to others. Even though he is playful, he is sincere to people. However, it's a bit surprising that he can get along well with Qiu Xiaozhen!

But if you want to say that Qiu Xiaozhen likes Chen Qingyun, Zhai Lingwei doesn't believe it.

"Of course not. Yes? Are you afraid of him being robbed? I didn't expect that our big star crystal would have a guilty heart Zhai Lingwei teases crystal in a low voice.

"I didn't!" The crystal blushes and quibbles.

"Is that true? Who was in such a hurry just now? They didn't know how many red lights they ran, and they arrived so soon ǐ It's a bureau. Are you just coming to see him? "

"I... he's my assistant. It's normal for me to care about him." Crystal thinks that's what she thinks in her heart. How can she like Chen Qingyun. I just think that since I'm my assistant, I'm the boss and I have to take care of my subordinates.

Zhai Lingwei is the person who knows crystal best. She knows that the other party can't understand her inner thoughts for a while. However, if it goes on for a long time, Chen Qingyun will certainly be robbed. At that time, it will be too late to regret.

Now there is a ran Tiantian. It seems that the teacher in the school is also strange. There are many enemies!

"Crystal! When it's time to be a regular, it's time to be a regular, otherwise it's too late for him to be robbed that day. " Zhai Lingwei said earnestly.

Since they may not get, of course, I hope crystal can get happiness!

If crystal is missed again, it will be the pain in her and crystal's heart in this life!

Crystal did not speak, eyes turned to the two people who are doing notes, a faint smile, the heart seems to have an idea.

"Chen Qingyun, male, 25 years old, unmarried and single. QQ number 983413. mail box: [email protected] 。 The account number of kaixin.com is... Sina Weibo is... The ID of fengmo.com is... Baihe.com id... Shiji jiayuan.com... Starting point chinese.com ID...... "

Chen Qingyun really cooperated. He explained everything. But listen to Qiu Xiaozhen's nose will be angry crooked, this bastard is to find their own fun.

"Who told you to say that!" Qiu Xiaozhen's face smacked the table with his hand.

"Er... Didn't you ask me to cooperate with you as much as possible? I've explained everything. What else do you want me to do? " Chen Qingyun spread his shoulders.

Qiu Xiaozhen sighed sadly. He grabbed Chen Qingyun's hand and pressed it on the blank paper. Forget it, I'll make it up by myself. If I ask again, I'll be angry with him!

"Go, disappear right in front of my eyes“ Qiu Xiaozhen said biting his teeth, and repeatedly resisted the impulse to pull out the gun.

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