"Chen Qingyun, you bastard! Hum... Rub it yourself! I'm not happy to rub it for you yet? " Crystal wrinkled quite cocky nose, a coquettish, red face ran out of the bathroom.

Chen Qingyun scratched his head with a smile, and the crystal finally returned to normal. To always be like just now, I really have no bottom in my heart! As the saying goes, it's not Ji to be courteous ā That's stealing! The famous saying left by the old man is absolutely classic. If you don't believe it, you'll have to suffer!

In fact, Chen Qingyun is very sleepy now. But the crystal has put the water in. It's not easy to enjoy the intimate service of a big star. If you give up, it's a pity.

After thinking about it, Chen Qingyun decided to take a bath before going to bed.

After crystal escaped from the bathroom, she ran into her bedroom and fell on the bed with a red face all the time. I touched my cheek with my hand and felt a little hot.

You know, she has never been so coquettish with a man, let alone so active and courteous to a man. When I think of just saying that I want to rub my back for each other, not only my face, but also my whole body feels hot.

After a little bashful, the shy expression on the face disappeared, change to y ī The successful Ji ā N smile, looks very ghost.

Hum... If you dare to take a video of me dancing three bears, I'll take you too. hey! You have to figure out your ass.

Crystal lying on his back in bed, can't help ā Smile, as if I have done something great.

Little YY, after a while, crystal came back from the fantasy. Looking at the time, it's almost time. He got up from the bed, ran to the desk, picked up his notebook and walked out of the room.

Just told Zhai Lingwei not to sleep, such a good thing, of course, is to share with the sisters.

Zhai Lingwei has finished washing and gargling. She has been tired all day and is very tired. Although crystal told her to wait, but against the bed unconsciously fell asleep.

Crystal holding a notebook into Zhai Lingwei's room, see Zhai Lingwei fell asleep, with the intention to leave. But as soon as he thought of what he was going to see, he had to wake Zhai Lingwei up.

"Sister Lingwei, wake up."

"Oh, here you are. What's the matter, so mysterious? " Zhai Lingwei opened her eyes and made a place on the bed for crystal to get into the quilt.

Crystal immediately jumped into bed, excited to open the notebook.

"Hey, sister Lingwei, I'll show you a good thing."

Zhai Lingwei didn't understand what crystal wanted to do. Was it for her to watch movies with her?

Crystal starts the computer, then opens a software and a video window pops up. The picture inside the window is very strange. It looks like a bathroom.

There is nothing on the screen. Zhai Lingwei has seen it for a long time and doesn't see anything interesting. Looking back at crystal, her face is red and excited.

"Crystal, is that what you want me to see?" Zhai Lingwei wry smile, crystal is not like such a boring person!

Crystal nodded and said with a smile, "yes! Don't worry! There will be good things to see in a moment. "

Zhai Lingwei also saw that if she didn't watch with crystal today, it seemed that she would not want to sleep. I had to fight J ī He was staring at the screen.

Boring bathroom scenes. Three minutes later, someone finally came out. A tall man stood in the bathtub with his back on his back, whistling, as if very happy.

The man was topless and only wore a big trouser.

This kind of picture, a little bit of that?

Zhai Lingwei looked at the crystal and her face turned red. But the eyes are not willing to leave the screen for a moment.

"Crystal, how do you remember to see this kind of thing?" Zhai Lingwei asked strangely. Is it because I've been with Chen Qingyun for a long time and I like these little movies of Shangdao.

"Ah... Sister Lingwei, what do you think? I didn't look at the mess! Look at the people on the screen Crystal know Zhai Lingwei want to skew, quickly pointed to the screen to explain.

Zhai Lingwei looked at the screen again and saw the man on the screen slowly turn around.

"Ah! Chen... Qing... Yun! " Zhai Lingwei sat up straight and covered her mouth with one hand. She was surprised.

No wonder I'm familiar with this bathroom. It turns out that this is Chen Qingyun's bathroom! Did you take a bath in it?

I just didn't think about it. Now I finally understand why the crystal is so mysterious. It turns out that the camera was installed in Chen Qingyun's bathroom. The purpose is to find her to watch Chen Qingyun take a bath together!

Two women are holding a computer in the middle of the night just to watch a man take a bath. And these two women's appearance, status and status are not low. It's strange to think about this.

However, this is not all forced by Chen Qingyun.

Zhai Lingwei forehead out of a big sweat, this crystal is too tossing. How can a wife secretly take pictures of her husband, and then find a good friend to watch them together? It's a shame that she can do it.

"Crystal, why don't we watch him take a bath like this? If he knows, the consequences will be very serious. " Zhai Lingwei is worried. If this is known by that guy, in terms of the strength of the other party's torture. The two of them are not sure what kind of revenge they will encounter. It's goose bumps to think about it!

In fact, crystal has long thought of what Zhai Lingwei said. She took Zhai Lingwei to see what the purpose was. One is to be shy and find a brave one. Second, find an ally after the east window incident.

The purpose is to blackmail Chen Qingyun, so she must find a strong ally. Peach blossom is definitely not good. At that time, she is a little traitor, and Zhai Lingwei is more reliable.

See Zhai Lingwei some retreat meaning, crystal immediately began to encourage, this ally said nothing can be lost.

"Sister Lingwei, you can't think so! You think, since he came in, how much tofu did he eat from us! I didn't even say thank you. It's very irritating! Now let's see what happened to him. People want us to watch, but we still don't watch? And don't forget. As our roommate, the most basic thing is to be honest with each other! However, he still has a big secret to us ī N Mou, you won't forget? "

It seems unreasonable to ask the other party to say thank you even after being eaten tofu?

Being reminded by crystal, Zhai Lingwei suddenly remembered something. Eyes can't help staring at Chen Qingyun's buttocks.

Crystal see their words seem to work, immediately increase horsepower, continue to bewitch.

"Think about it! Once we have mastered his weakness, will he dare to bully us in the future? We told him to go east, he would never dare to go west. I only asked you to watch it together when I treated you as a sister. If you don't want to see it, I'll go back to the house and see for myself! " Crystal is ready to get out of bed with her notebook.

"No, I'll watch it with you." Zhai Lingwei grabs the crystal. Not to mention, she really moved her mind. It was crystal's "I regard you as a sister" that moved my mind.

After a while, the picture has changed. Chen Qingyun doesn't lie down in the bathtub. Instead, he uses a tap to water his body. It seems that he doesn't mean to take off his trousers.

These two women are stupid. What's the matter! Chen Qingyun doesn't take off his pants. What are they looking at?

"This big pervert doesn't take off his clothes in the bath. There's something wrong with him!" Crystal was so angry that she took a picture of the computer, and it took a lot of effort to press the wireless camera in Chen Qingyun's bathroom, but she didn't think that the other party would take a bath without taking off his clothes.

Just excited also did not have, holding chin with the hand, looking at Chen Qingyun a strength to pour water on the body.

Zhai Lingwei had no choice but to smile. It seems that she is a pervert now. Is it the two of them? It's two o'clock in the morning. I don't sleep. I'm peeping at a man taking a bath.

"Sister Lingwei, how can you make him take off his pants. Our plan is going to fail. " Crystal is ill and goes to a doctor. This meeting starts to ask Zhai Lingwei for help.

Zhai Lingwei gave a wry smile. If she went into the bathroom now, the other party would take off her trousers immediately. But she can't do it! Let crystal know everything.

"What can I do?" Zhai Lingwei said helplessly.

Crystal seems a little unwilling, staring at the computer for a long time. Suddenly on the face a joy, clapped a palm, excited way: "I think of a good idea. Sister Lingwei, would you do me a favor? "

Zhai Lingwei asked, "what's the idea?"

Crystal embraces Zhai Lingwei's arm, leans her head on each other's shoulder, and some coquettishly says: "elder sister Lingwei, you can put on the most x ì ng underwear to tempt him! He's always obsessed with you. If you show up in front of him and ask him to take off his pants, he will certainly take them off. "

What a good idea. Zhai Lingwei almost didn't come up at a breath.

Wife let friends wear x ì ng sense of underwear to seduce her husband, the purpose is to see her husband's butt. What are young people thinking now!

"No nonsense. You are her wife. Why don't you tempt him. If you go, you'll be better than me. " Zhai Lingwei is very angry.

Crystal was Zhai Lingwei knocked a ring head, vomit tongue, now give her two courage, she can't do so bold thing!

"Sister Lingwei, think of a way! You see, the faucet keeps running hot water, and the camera lens is foggy. If we don't hurry up, we won't see anything even if he takes off his clothes later. " Crystal found that the picture was a little fuzzy and forgot to consider the problem of water vapor.

Seeing the screen more and more blurred, crystal began to worry. After a while, I can't see anything.

"What can I do?" Zhai Lingwei has no choice but to show her hand.

"What shall we do! Eh... Where are you Crystal pointed to the empty screen, just focused on chatting with Zhai Lingwei, did not notice Chen Qingyun on the screen, disappeared.

"Wife, are you looking for me?" Beside them, I thought of the sound.

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