How dangerous this man is, with a camera in the locker room.

All the people present didn't expect that Chen Qingyun would play this hand, and his face became as ugly. Everyone has sent people to the dressing room. Isn't it their face to look for cigarettes?

Chen Qingyun ignored the ugly faces of several people, took out the camera hidden on the button, and connected it to the mobile phone in front of them.

They all came to have a look, and their faces immediately changed at the same time.

Chen Qingyun put up a thumbs up for the acting skills of these guys in his heart. It's really good. After watching the video, the only good thing about face s è is Renault, because his men didn't appear on the screen.

"Mr. coplan, I want to know why Nathan wanted to steal from me. Don't you think you should give me an explanation? " Chen Qingyun's face sank and asked.

"This... I don't know!" Copperblue embarrassed M ō It's M ō Nose“ Is there any misunderstanding? "

"Well, let's talk about Mr. coplan for a while. What about Mr. Fark? If I'm not wrong, that man should be yours, right? I'm curious. What on earth do I have that interests you all? " Chen Qingyun sneered“ I can see that you invited me to swim just to search my things, I'm afraid? "

"What Nathanson is doing today is absolutely my inspiration. Mr. Park, please give me some time. I will give you an explanation. Can I ask you what's in your shoes? If you can say it, let's analyze it and see if you can infer natson's motive. "

"Yes! I'm also surprised that Tony doesn't know you. How can he be greedy for your things. I think it's because he saw Nathan stealing that he stood in the way. It looks like he's hurt. "When I find him, it'll come out."

When Chen Qingyun heard the question, he immediately became a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, he said, "in fact, it's nothing. I wrote some information "because I need to keep it secret, so I keep it secret. I really don't understand. There's nothing to steal from that shit. "

Chen Qingyun's acting skills are not bad. He can hide his sorrow well and make people cry.

It would be strange for these people to believe that what Chen Qingyun said is useless. However, we did not say what it was, we all knew it.

Renault can stay away, comfort Chen Qingyun and leave.

The other two also solemnly promised that they would give Chen Qingyun a satisfactory reply.

After Renault returned to the office, he immediately made a phone call and got a positive instruction. Immediately, he sent everyone out to catch Nathanson. Obviously, it's in Nathanson's hands. If we don't do it at this time, it's all over.

When Fark returns to his room, he immediately calls Tony and learns that Nathanson has gone to New York. The latter immediately sends someone to encircle him.

At this time, everyone is surrounding natsen, and no one has the heart to think about Chen Qingyun. Of course, he is stubborn, but compared with the data, "Chen Qingyun" is not so important.

Natson fled to New York with his car. As long as he got to New York, he would be safe. There's already s over there ī The plane is waiting for him, just give the things to the DuPont family, and then he can live a happy life with a large sum of money. "He doesn't have to be a cow or a horse for anyone anymore.

It's not so easy to run away with a huge treasure.

There are two helicopters on the top of the car, and there are many cars in the rear of the car.

"Damn it Natson stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward quickly. Because he has what everyone wants, no one dares to use heavy weapons against him. "So he is still safe at present.

However, he underestimated the accuracy of the sky sniper, a bullet hit his tire.

The car immediately skidded "can not be normal fast situation.

"Damn it Nathanson tried to control the car and rushed into the woods by the side of the road. He stopped the car and disappeared in the dark.

Several blocks, the upper part can't see natsen's specific position. At this time, the helicopter does not seem to be of much use. Instead, several Humvees, which were followed by them, played a huge role and rushed directly into the woods.

Natson did not run foolishly, but climbed up a big tree to hide. He was waiting for an opportunity.

However, at this time, he suddenly felt the danger coming. Before he made any response, a bullet hit his eyebrow, and his head was hit on the spot ā The shape of the image.

The body fell to the ground, and the searchers immediately swarmed on.

However, it seems that the man hiding in the dark is not only aimed at natson, but also many people. Someone's going up. It's a shot. It's killing.

"Hide!" After a shout, everyone hid behind a few.

But no matter how you hide, there are people lying down. Reality has told these terrified guys that there is more than one sniper. Who's got the body? One million dollars. Give it to me“ Cried one. There must be brave men under a lot of money. This time is Hu ā It's worth the cost.

There are two people who want money but don't want to die. But before they get to the body, they are hanged immediately.

"Report. Nathan, we've sniped. But there are still people sniping at us in the dark. At present, there are heavy casualties and we can't snatch things. Request support. "

"OK, I'll be right there."

Renault put down the phone, sneered and said, "it seems that you two are playing for real this time. ok Let me know the science Blue first Coplan is sitting in the room at the moment, commanding remotely, and the news that natson has been dead has already reached him. Now what he has to do is act, continue to act, play the game until * *, then he will win.

Why? The reason is very simple. After natson got the things, he immediately sent them to coplan's room, and the things on him were useless waste paper.

Originally, he thought that he could attack the West and make natsen attract everyone's attention. Then when natson's pawn died, he would be completely out of the way. Because in the whole process, Nathanson has no contact with him, he can completely rely on Nathanson for everything.

Taking out that information, coplan wants to see the manufacturing principle of this legendary super weapon. But when he opened it, his brows were straight wrinkled. All of them were in Yanhuang language, and it seemed that they were in Yanhuang classical Chinese. He couldn't understand them at all.

At the height of his exasperation, Renault came.

"Mr. coplan. At this point, I have to tell you clearly. Your Excellency has learned that the information is in your hands. You have always been our most powerful partner. If you are willing to hand over the information, your Excellency the president promises that the DuPont family's arms supply will increase by 10%. I think you know best what that means. "

Ten percentage points, which seems not much, can be seen from the huge consumption of the United States, it is already an alarming number. The reason why coplan wants to master this information is to increase the status of the DuPont family in the United States. Now the government is willing to take the initiative to give them this status. In five years, the DuPont family will certainly surpass the other two families.

However, if we have the information, it is also a great wealth. Moreover, with an exclusive monopoly, the other two can't make it at all. The U.S. government doesn't have to rely on the DuPont family, and the benefits it may get can't be measured by 10 percentage points.

"Mr. Reynolds, if what you're talking about is natson's share. I think as long as we catch him, you'll get what you want. " Coplan said.

"But I don't think so. I think he's just a y-u bait, a y-u bait that takes us off course. Mr. coplan, I think at this time, you should call your mother, she will give you the best way. I'll wait for your good news. "

Instead of pressing coplan, Renault turned back to the office.

As soon as he left, coplan's phone rang.

"Copulan, give it to him!" Penny's beautiful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"But mother, is it too late. Nathan's dead. He's got the best cover for me. No one can doubt me now. " Some of the popular science blue is not reconciled to say.

"How about that? Copulan, you're a little over anxious. If I'm not wrong, the information you have should be false. Give it to Renault! "

"How can it be? If it's true or false, I give it to Renault, and he will be more suspicious of the DuPont family. " Coplan thinks what Penny made him do is crazy enough.

Penny sighed at the other end of the phone and said, "there's no way. If they don't hand it in, they'll think it's still on you. If you hand it in, at least they think it's possible to be fooled, so they won't focus on you. Besides, we also have the support of the childe family. Your Excellency, as a man of great righteousness, will not be too embarrassed by the DuPont family. The most important thing now is to watch Chen Qingyun and not let him leave the United States, otherwise it will be too late. "

Coppolan suddenly realized that she had made a serious mistake, that is, she had forgotten to guard Chen Qingyun. That's good. Chen Qingyun ran away. The real information is missing. He also wasted natsen, a tiger general. It's really a loss for his wife and a loss for his soldiers.

After thinking about everything, coplan is getting ready to get up. FAK rushes in with people and points a few black guns at coplan's head.

"I don't think my dear friend will mind giving me what you have at this time."

Copperblue was very happy. He was worried that no one wanted this hot potato. This guy came to the door on his own initiative.

"All right! I don't mind at all. Take it! "

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