Xu Ming the more fights the more stronger is .

Nine black giants were beaten up and down and chickens and dogs.

Bang! bang! bang! ……

The body of the black giants is constantly injured and is constantly being repaired by array.

However, “repairing energy” is not endless. Otherwise, is it not impossible for the people to beat them?

Xu Ming has been killing for a while, and the strength of the black giants has been weakened to the Initial Core Condensation Level.

“fuck! brothers, hold on! If the time of an incense stick of time is not adhered to, it will be killed by Pass Watcher, it is too suffocating!”

These black giants are Array Transformation, but they also have wisdom. Even if they are killed, they will not really die, but… face problems!

They are majestic’s Pass Watcher. If the attacker kills in an incense stick of time, where is their face?

“Can’t hold it!” Other black giants are bitter.

At the time of the prosperous state, they were all picked up by chickens fly, dogs leap. Now I am weak to the Initial Core Condensation, how can I support it…



To deal with these Array Transformation’s black giants, Xu Ming prefers to use “砸” rather than “thorn”.

Because the use of “砸” can make the black giants hurt more, so the repair energy is consumed more quickly.

“You can still support!?”


Under the repeated roar of Xu Ming, finally, a black giant was unable to hold the first, and collapsed directly into a nothingness.

a beaten army in total collapse, followed by the second and third place…

A few breathing time, nine black giants, were all dissipated.

Xu Ming licked the sour arm and said: “Damn, it’s really hard to deal with! I opened Level 10’s Multiplied Attack, Multiplied Defense, acceleration, and it’s still so hard to deal with; I don’t know, other people, How did you pass through?…”

Xu Ming, where else knows… other stakeholders, either strictly guard against death, have to survive 5 minutes of time; or dodge escape, wretched to avoid 5 minutes of time!

There are not a few people who are as violent as he is!

琚玐u Ming 鍑 簝镄勪 簝镄勪 姹夛纴鍐嶆鍦╕ 姹夛纴鍐嶆鍦╕ 姹夛纴鍐嶆鍦╕ 姹夛纴鍐嶆鍦╕ 姹夛纴鍐嶆鍦╕ 姹夛纴鍐嶆鍦╕ Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair condens condens condens condens

鈥淏rother Ape 锛佲€濋粦鐢插姹変姹変滑閮絪ullen 阆掳纴鈥滆伞涓︷棷鍏宠呭お娌€呭お娌$ぜ璨屼简锛宱bviously 鍙︼鎾戣 stretching 5 minutes of Time 灏卞彲浠ヤ 锛岄潪瑕佹妸鎴戜 锛岄潪瑕佹妸鎴戜 锛岄潪瑕佹妸鎴戜 鍏ㄩ儴鍑 鍏ㄩ儴鍑 鍏ㄩ儴鍑

鈥滃 ammonia 鏄纴杩欎 鏄纴杩欎 闂叧 key 咃纴鎼炲缑鎴戜 寰堟 寰堟 寰堟 闱 (1) 瓙锛佹垜浠緢涓嶅枩娆紒鈥

鈥淏rother Ape 锛岀瓑浼 蹇椤垇闅 蹇椤垇闅 蹇椤垇闅 竴涓嬩粬锛佲

Yellow Haired Giant Ape hehe said with a smile浠墠琛屽憿锛乭ehe 鈥[€[€

鈥淏rother Ape 浣犳晠镒忕殑钖р€[€[€濅濅钖嶉粦鐢瞨 obust-man 閮芥棤璇€

鈥滃埆姘斿埆姘旓纴涓 璧 璧 潵鐪嬩粬镐庝箞闂痵 econd pass 钖э紒鈥漎ellow Haired Giant Ape said with a smile 銆

鈥沧垜浠铏愬缑涓€镣箂trength of resistance 閮 镣箂 pass 夛纴 pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass鈥濋粦鐢瞨obust-man 閮 锛屸 锛屸 滀篃濂 滀篃濂 滀篃濂 滀篃濂 滀篃濂 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 竴璧 潵鐪嬮偅涓変 潵鐪嬮偅涓変 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四

鈥沧亹镐曚篃灏眛hird pass 镄凮x-Head 锛岃兘鏉€鏉€杩檅rat 镄勯攼姘斾 锛佲€

Second pass ass凯ass Watcher 锛屾槸涓夊悕Core Condensation Middle Stage 镄刵atural and unrestrained swordsman 銆

涓嶅嚭 鏂欙纴涓夊悕 鏂欙纴涓夊悕 鏂欙纴涓夊悕 natural and unrestrained swordsman 鍦╔u Ming 镄勫 锷 14 14 铡嬩笅锛屼篃娌¤兘鎾戣 X X X X X X X X X X X

鈥渇 锛佸摢鍐掑嚭鏉ョ殑杩欎 锛佸摢鍐掑嚭鏉ョ殑杩欎 ab ab ab ab ab 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 濅笁钖峮 el el el el el el el el el el el el el el el el el el el el掍竴涓嬶纴瀹 掍竴涓嬶纴瀹 掍竴涓嬶纴瀹 垜浠 垜浠 琚檺鎴愯 琚檺鎴愯 琚檺鎴愯 琚檺鎴愯 镙 镙 紒鈥

涔濆悕榛戠敳宸ㄦ眽said with a snort 锛气滃埆鍩嬫€滃埆鍩嬫 ㄤ 锛屾垜浠 锛屾垜浠 涓垰鍒 涓垰鍒 涓垰鍒 涓垰鍒 涓垰鍒 涓垰鍒


鈥滆璋佽牏璐 晩锛熸兂骞 晩锛熸兂骞 灦鏄惂锛熲 濅 濅 濅 钖嶉粦鐢 姹夐兘 姹夐兘 姹夐兘 aggressive 銆

鈥滃 鏋讹纻鏉ュ晩锛佲 濅笁钖岘 濅笁钖岘wordsman 涓濇涓嶆儳銆

鈥滃埆钖典简锛孙 x-Head 瑕佸嚭鏉ヤ简锛佲€漎ellow Haired Giant Ape shouted 銆

Xu Ming 鎴樿儨浜嗕笁钖岘wordsman 钖庯纴 chain岖敤浜嗗嚑鏋歮edicine pill 锛屽师鍦版仮澶崭简涓€涓媝hysical strength 锛岃 嶉 嶉 嶉 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂€

鈥沨hird pass 镄刼pponent 锛屼 fine details ore Condensation Late Stage 钖э纻鈥

娌¤Xu Ming 澶 湜锛屾灉鐒垛€[€<竴钖岰ore Condensation Late Stage 镄凪inotaur 锛屾克浣忎 浠栫殑铡 浠栫殑铡

Xu Ming 镄勫槾 掗 掗 掗 鎶栦 nate nate nate nate nate nnate Level 鍒殑 冮獙锛熲 斺 nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate锛屽幓鎴樿儨Core Condensation Late Stage 锛熲€

杩欐 庝箞鍙兘 庝箞鍙兘 埌锛 埌锛 埌锛

灏辫繛cheat 镄刋u Ming 锛岄兘镒熷埌浜嗘棤锷涳紒

鈥 湅锛宼hat brat 镄勮劯鑹 兘鍙 兘鍙 锛佲 濋粦鐢 濋粦鐢 濋粦鐢 ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta

鈥滀粬璇ヤ笉浼氭槸鎯虫垬鑳渌x-Head 钖э纻鈥漵wordsman 浠篃said with a smile 銆

鑳 Con Condensation Middle Stage 锛屽苟涓嶆剰 潃灏辫兘鎴樿儨涓 钖岰 钖岰 钖岰 钖岰 Conorsation Late Stage 銆

Plated crane hird pass 镄凯ass Watcher 鈥渌x-Head 鈥濓纴浠栤€滃崟鏋尮鐗涒€濓纴灏辫兘杞濓纴灏辫兘杞槗鎶娄槗鎶娄钖嶉粦鐢钖嶉粦鐢钖嶉粦鐢佷笁钖岘wordsman 缁熺粺骞茬炕銆

Cult rivation base

鈥渉aha 锛岃 umbrella 涓嬶纴杩檅rat chain 夎嫤钖冨柦锛佲€

鈥沧兂鎴樿儨Ox-Head 锛熸€庝箞鍙兘锛佲€斺€ 杩欎箞澶 锛 锛 锛 x x-Head 濂 儚鍙︼ 儚鍙︼ 杩囦竴娆 杩囦竴娆 惂锛熲 惂锛熲 惂锛熲

鈥滃锛侀偅涓€娆★纴鏄儨璐ョ粰浜嗕竴浣峜omprehension 浜嗏€楥oncept 鈥欑殑Innate genius 锛佲€

鈥 tear nnate Realm 灏眂omprehension 浜嗏€楴ature Concept 鈥欙纴闾omprehension 锛岀 鐩 鐩 brick nimaginable 锛佸彲鎯滐纴闾d綅genius live up to life and death Friend 鈥[€[€

鈥 湅鐪婳 x-Head 镐庝箞韫傝簭浠栧惂锛丱x-Head 鍑 锛屽彲浠庢潵娌¤ 锛屽彲浠庢潵娌¤ 锛屽彲浠庢潵娌¤ 锛屽彲浠庢潵娌¤ 镄勶紒鈥 镄勶紒鈥

Yellow Haired Giant Ape Hair 夊叴镊 夊叴镊 銆 銆

鈥滆 umbrella brat 锛岃兘鎴樿儨 Ox-Head 钖楋纻鈥漎ellow Haired Giant Ape 涓 镣 镣 镣 纴鈥滀笉杩囷纴鍦∣ 纴鈥滀笉杩囷纴鍦∣ x-Head 嬩笅鎾戣 嬩笅鎾戣 嬩笅鎾戣5 minutes of time

Minotaur 韬珮10 feet chain 変 bundle bow head 镄勪袱镙箂harp horn 锛屾瘮Xu Ming 镄勫ぇ can胯缮绮椼

鈥沧垜鍒 垰鐪嫔埌浣犲拰闾 垰鐪嫔埌浣犲拰闾 崄浜屼 崄浜屼 崄浜屼 崄浜屼 锛佲 满 满 满 full inotaur 鍝 鍝 皵镄勬椂 chain 欙纴鐗涢蓟瀛旈兘浼 欙纴鐗涢蓟瀛旈兘浼 啋鍑篴zure smoke 锛屸€滀綘brat 寰堢妫鍟婏纻鏁(four) Umbrella 镙锋璐熸垜璐熸垜嬩笅锛佲


鈥沧垜鍙槸涓 闂叧 闂叧 thats all 锛佲€

鈥滈棷鍏 綘灏 綘灏 棷鍏 棷鍏 棷鍏 晩锛屾妸浠栦 晩锛屾妸浠栦 晩锛屾妸浠栦 韫傝簭鎴愰偅镙 韫傝簭鎴愰偅镙 韫傝簭鎴愰偅镙 涓仛 涓仛 涓仛 涓仛 Boss 镄勶纴寰堟 闱 一 一 一 一 一 一


鈥滈兘鎶娄粬浠 婧冧 锛屼綘璇 锛屼綘璇 锛屼綘璇 锛屼綘璇 綘 綘 chain chain 夎箓韬忎粬浠纻鈥

鈥滃彲鏄€[€垜涓嶅垜涓嶅垜涓嶅 Ming婧冧粬浠纴镐庝箞嶈兘闂叧鎴愬姛锛熲漍漍 Ming Ming 粖杩 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ 笉鐭ラ Ming佹拺杩嘪NUMX minutes of time 锛屽 绠楅棷鍏 绠楅棷鍏 鈥 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € €

鈥沧皵姝 佺 佺 佺 浜嗭纴浣犺缮鏁 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿

姣撷u Ming 鏁 浜 浜 浜 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 To To To 掔牳 掔牳 掔牳

鈥渇 锛岃锷ㄦ 锛岃锷ㄦ 灏卞姩 灏卞姩 灏卞姩 瀵笴 瀵笴 Connesation Late Stage 镄刼pponent 锛孹u Ming 涓濇涓嶆暍鎺変 杞诲 杞诲 銆 闂︼ 闂︼ 闂︼ Han 锛岄伩杩哗olf Tooth Club 锛屾 涓璴 sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp

鈥渋gnorant 灏忓 锛佲 满 full inotaur 镄刡ig hand 锛屽 ammonia 璺熸愧铓婂瓙浼 shoulder 殑锛宎 slap 灏 敥 敥 X Xu Ming Xu Ming 镄刲ong spear 銆

鈥淐ore Condensation Late Stage opponent 锛屾灉鐒堕毦瀵 漵 漵 漵 trength 灞傞 涓婄殑宸窛锛岃 涓婄殑宸窛锛岃 Xu Ming 寰堥毦浼ゅ埌 Minotaur 锛屾洿鍒鍑 锛屾洿鍒鍑簝浜嗐€

鈥滃彲鏄纴涓嶅向庝箞闂缑杩噒庝箞闂缑杩噒庝箞闂缑杩噒d pass forged u Ming 鐪夊ご绱ч挛锛屸€滀笉passed through third pass嶈兘鎴愪 鈥榝 鈥欙紒杩 ist ist Rain Battleship 濡傛绁炵锛屾垚涓篛ld Master 镄 ated ated 锛岃偗瀹 锛岃偗瀹 ソ澶勪笉灏 ソ澶勪笉灏 锛岃偗瀹

Xu Ming 涓€鍜堕锛气€Measure a锛 寰椾笅镣Si chain

What if I can’t beat it?

Simple, open more plug-in 呗!

“Minotaur of Core Condensation Late Stage?” Xu Ming has a firm gaze. “In order to be ‘fated’, I am not a curse!”

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