Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode XI: Vows in the Bathroom

After the engagement announcement, it was tragic.

One after the other, the liquor was tangled in one hand.

It's hard for dozens of guys to tell me to make Master Kuna happy while crying and if I cry, I'll kill her.

I guess Kuna is loved.

Kuna and Anne were abducted by the women and made to talk about their love.

Thanks to you, I didn't see you at all during the festival.

"Nice water."

With Cyril's generosity, I am allowed to use an open-air bath in the garden of his mansion.

He rented me out for about an hour.

It seems oddly elaborate and contains extracts of medicinal herbs with various potencies in those that have warmed groundwater, which seems healthy.

It's a private bath, so I can't even get in the way.

Until now, I have put up with it to avoid worsening the burn, but after the treatment, I can put it in without worries.

I stroke my skin. It makes me happy there with beautiful skin with no after burns or anger at all.

Damn, that guy is a real monster.

"I wish Erin had a hot spring, too"

I can't afford this kind of luxury in Erin, who doesn't have the habit of having a hot tub.

As a former Japanese, I can't be satisfied without soaking up a bath like this.

Enjoy the stars as you sing your nose.

When I was thinking about getting out, I heard footsteps.

Sauge, I wonder if you're here.

Looks like Anne's here.

I guess it's on purpose because we all know I'm using it.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"I'm going that way."

Somewhere, Anne approaches me with a tenuous paw.

Turning to you, there was a naked Anne.

For once, I hide the front with a small towel, but a lot of places stick out.

He blushed in embarrassment as well.

Anne lined up next to me when she wore hot water.

"What's wrong at this hour?"

"I just wanted to talk to you alone. I don't really have time to be alone, so think it's a chance."

"Oh, my God, I thought you were asking me out."

"…… I don't have the courage to do that in people's baths either."

That, too, I guess. I don't know when Cyril and the others are coming, and I'm ashamed of a lot of things.

"I want to talk to you."

"First of all, thank you for accepting me. I'm glad you said you liked Sauji."

Anne's bringing it to me.

I feel comfortable with her fine skin.

"It's up to me to thank you. There's no way I'm not happy that a kid like Anne likes me."

I'm relieved if Anne gets robbed by another man.

"When I say that, I feel great that someone like Sauge tells me I like it too. I'm sure there's no one in this world who's nicer than Sauge."

Me and Anne look at each other almost at the same time and stare at each other.

After doing so for a while, I embarrassed myself and missed my face.

"Oh hon, sauge. That's right, I need to talk to you. … on how to be strong"

Anne suddenly becomes a serious voice.

"Actually, they taught me a lot about training in Elsier while I was away from Sauge. Spiritualization. How to take in mana and be dramatically stronger. And it seems Kuna and Sauge can master the spiritualization to maximize the fire foxification of the nine tails that lie ahead."

"Exactly. We'll still be strong."

"Sauge and Kuna get stronger with it. But I don't have that talent... it doesn't go well with Mana and I can't spiritualize any attributes."

Anne bites her lips with regret.

That is an issue that cannot be helped by effort.

Original aptitude.

I am the adaptive and perverted magic of Homunculus... Extremely, even once I was forced to exercise [Silver Firefox], the suitability of fire was raised, and I managed to become the standard for being able to spiritualize it.

If Anne tries to do the same, it breaks.

"I thought I had finally drawn the power of Kvar Beste to bring them closer to the two of us, but they'll leave me again. Sauge, tell me. No matter how much I think about it, I can't think of a way to suddenly be strong."

"I think you care too much. I think Kvar Beste is powerful enough. If it's about aggression, I'm sure even spirited kuna can't catch up."

Anne's voice is badly depressed.

Anne's Kvar Beste is a blade of bulimia.

Whatever you touch, it may be magic, but it eats everything.

Whether it's in character or not, it can cause fatal injuries.

"Surely Kvar Beste's power is strong. But I felt it fighting the enemy before me. There is no point in Kvar Beste's power, nor in his opponent being untrustworthy. I need something that adds pure speed and power."

"That's the best part."

Different ranks change the dimension of the speed of movement. There are areas where no matter how many sword moves you train, you won't reach them.

"Is it really okay to keep this up, sword moves and just give it a rank...... I'm afraid to be a foot wrapper for Sauge and Kuna. I'm afraid the two of you will leave me."

Anne sinks her face halfway into the hot tub.

Anne's anxiety is well understood and not out of focus.

"Anne is making one big mistake. Anne has not yet been able to draw on the power of Kvar Beste"

Anne opens her eyes when she hears my words.

"That's a lie. I can put Kvar Beste in a state of liberation."

I make a bitter smile.

It's not impossible for Anne to get the wrong idea.

Until [Phase I Liberation], when Anne can now release the power of Kvar Beste. In Kvar Beste there exists a second stage of liberation, up to the third stage of liberation.

Even if Phase III liberation is too risky, if Phase II liberation is possible, the power will jump.

"I think what I'm going to say now will be a humiliating story for Anne, no, for Oakrail. But I want you to take that fact. Kvar Beste is a demon sword that opens up its power in stages. The only thing Anne thinks she can use right now is the squeeze of Kvar Beste's power. It's not just Anne, Oakrail has fought with all but the first generation, squeezing them. Because of this, I am satisfied, without realizing the true value of Kvar Beste"

Kvar Beste has only been able to unlock full disclosure in the gaga story. Even to the extent of squeezing it, it had an overwhelming performance, which led them to mistake it for full force.

"No, your father, your grandfather, everyone, you're telling me you weren't able to use Kvar Beste?

"You're right. The true price of Kvar Beste lies further ahead."

Anne was depressed.

Kvar Beste's presence was Oakrail's pride. My words now would have hurt that pride.

"Haha, haha, yeah, you are....... thanks for letting me know"

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm glad. You've got a good goal. Hey, tell me. Can I be stronger if I further draw on the power of Kvar Beste?

"I promise there. The first stage of liberation is incomparable."

"I will use Kvar Beste to become a true oak rail. And every time you line up in sausages and coonas!

face out of the hot tub, Anne declares forcefully.

Anne's eyes were full of motivation.

With this, it will be fine.

"The question is, how do we further leverage Kvar Best's power?"

Anne turned into an imaginary face.

Well, all of a sudden Kvar Beste will not come up with how to pull it out, even if he tells me that he has hidden powers.

Not to mention the power that generations of oak rails never delivered in their lifetime.

"I'll help you with that."

I've even done a second phase of emancipation. Some guiding principles could be shown.

I couldn't liberate the third stage... No, I didn't. That one makes a sacrifice.

No, I did. I, on a certain occasion, took care of Kvar Beste, taking the wish of that child who admired me as his master and feeding her blood and soul as she died...... Phase III release me. Who's that girl? The shadow on that kid, no, definitely. How could you ever forget...

"Sauge, what's wrong, hold your head"

"No, it's nothing"

I had a terrible headache.

Yes, [I have liberated until the second stage of Kvar Beste, so I can give you some advice. I only know it exists about the third stage, but I can't imagine how to liberate it].

I have a problem with my head.

"Are you sure it's nothing? My face is blue."

"Maybe you could put it up a little bit. But it's okay now. I'd rather have a clear head and feel good."

I get up. Anne turned away.

"For the moment, let's try to liberate the second stage."

"Thank you, Master. Nice to meet you."

Only when I teach swords, Anne calls me a master, not a sausage.

"Yeah, I got it. And Mr. Cyril will come if he can."

"Why not?

"Kvar Beste is a sword made by Mr. Cyril, so I think he knows more about it than I do"

"You're unbelievable. Kvar Beste is 500 years old, isn't he?

"I can't tell you the details, but that's not surprising to Mr. Cyril."

"Damn, that guy's a real monster. That's the strongest rank in the world, six."

In the former King's Capital, Cyril said Kvar Beste was a sword made by me in the past.

I didn't know what that meant at the time, but I would know after seeing Cyril's [circle regression].

That's a weapon made by Cyril from a previous life. Then you must have some pretty in-depth information.

"It's time to leave."

I try to get up. Then Anne called out to me.

"Hey, Sauge. Exactly on this occasion, it's a problem to do it, but you think it's a little bit? Hey, isn't that what you're interested in?

Anne stares at me with her eyes shut.

Something seems to be wrong.

Seeing her like that makes me feel weird, too.

"………… of course, I am interested. But do you mind?"

"Yeah, be a sausage.... I've been keeping it a secret. Sometimes watching the sausage made me feel weird. When I thought I was finally tied, I suddenly couldn't stand it."

Yes, I can't bear to hug Anne when she sees her face turning bright red.

The body lit by fire in the bath is warm and soft, and the smell of love creeps up.

"Anne, I'll touch you."

"Yeah, yeah, do as you please with the sausage."

So I enjoyed Anne's body plenty after that.

Unlike during acupuncture treatment, it felt really good and happy to feel well and touch each other.

We will be even stronger if me and Kuna master the spiritualization and Anne draws on the further power of Kvar Beste.

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