Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode XVII: Phase III Liberation

He has been hunting every day for four days since diving into Elsier's underground labyrinth for the first time.

The demon stone obtained is used preferentially for Kuna and Anne. Kuna is [the fire foxification of the nine tails]. Anne is struggling with the second phase of the liberation of Kvar Beste, in order to be able to handle them a little better.

There are no raids yet that I was afraid of.

I feel safe there, but I have one concern. Anne is not feeling well.

The person is desperately trying to hide it, but it is not hidden.

If my patient Anne is being pushed that far, it's a pretty bad situation.

That's why I'm talking to Cyril and Rhina today for the day off.

The three of us at the tail of the Devil's Sword gathered in the room I was renting.

The name is to look back and plan for the future.

We discussed how each of them had grown and how they would become stronger in the future.

Such work is done quickly and is now slowing down.

"It's been a long time since you've been off. Sauji, it's time to get tired, so it helps."

He brushed his tail while Kuna straightened it out in front of him.

cleverly, bringing his tail forward from behind to between his legs.

Kuna's brush is handmade by me.

I broke Coona's brush with my carelessness before and made it to apologize. Glad she likes it right.

"Kuna, that would prevent you from brushing the base of your tail. Lend it to me. I'll brush it."

"You can touch your tail... Sauge would have been fine. Please."

Kuna turns a little red on her face and gives her a brush.

She gently holds her tail around behind her and brushes carefully.

When Kuna's also touches her mundane tail, her hands sink in. Warm, soft and sassy, I just feel happy to be touching it.

Kuna leaked a hot exhale as she seemed comfortable.

I couldn't think of letting my tail go free like this until a while ago.

"Sauji, there, it feels good."

"Yeah, I know. And then I guess this is it."

"Hih, it's weak there, too"

"But you feel good, don't you?

Kuna has an interesting reaction. I get obsessed and brush.

A few minutes later, Kuna was uplifting her cheeks and relaxing her entire body.

"That's it, your tail's clean."

"Yes, it feels pompous and good. Sauge-kun's brushing is great"

Kuna smiles at me.

Anne stared at us like that with no expression on her face.

"Hey, Sauge, Coona, can I be doing this? We waste every second of every minute. I knew I'd still have special training."

Anne raises her voice.

She's right.

But now she doesn't deserve to say it.

"Sure, I want every minute of it"

"If I were you"

"But I can't let Anne force me any more"

"I can't believe I can't."

"I am. Lately, the movement has been dull. Concentration is dropping. Anne is getting more tired than she thinks."

That's why I took a break today.

It puts an irrevocable failure like this in the middle of an exchange of lives.

"That's not true."

"If you wave such an unusual sword, not because of tiredness, you will have no sword at all that you have ever taught yourself. I know Anne is obsessed with drawing the power of Kvar Beste. But other than that, it's all wrong. Especially yesterday, it was terrible. Remember your own knife by knife. Can you confidently say that yesterday's sword was the sword that inherited Oakrail's moves and that I worked out and Anne found it? If you keep waving that sword, Anne's sword won't work."

Anne gets stuck in words.

And I bit my back teeth off. I guess it wasn't a convincing move to look at my movements calmly.

"So let's take a day off. You don't just lose your life if you stay like this. endanger even the lives of our fellow citizens."

"… but even Sauge absorbs Kuna's perverse magic and can't do it when she's unwell"

"I made enough moves to make it look like that. I wouldn't say this if Anne was making it."

It's going to be a little tight, but Anne won't stop until I say it like this. She has something too harsh about herself.

"Right. Sauge's right. I'm gonna chill my head a little. I'm walking outside to change my mood."

Saying so, Anne went out.

"Sauji, don't go after him, okay?

"I guess we have to go after him. Anne will definitely train by herself. I'm the type of person who doesn't want to take a break from what I say, but moves hard but doesn't show fatigue."

If I only dated her this much, I'd know about that.

It is her faults, her virtues.

"Isn't that a problem?"

"So I'm going to hit my hand in the supporting direction, not in the direction of resting Anne. Anne's malaise is a drain on her soul, not body fatigue. Kvar Beste is immature. Anne, you can't do this alone, but you and I might be able to do it."

At all, I use a lot of demon stones on Anne so I can counter Kvar Beste.

Still, water on the baking stone would have to take a more effective method.

I'll take half of Anne's shoulder load.

"Do something that smells dangerous again. Sauji, Anne, please."

"You're not stopping me?

"Yes, I won't stop. Because Sauji is stubborner than Anne. … so I decided to support you."

I smile.

You know me well. That's my fiancée.

If Kuna can hold me back, all I have to do is do what I have to do.

Go directly to Cyril without going to Anne's.

I'm not strong enough to help Anne on my own.

When I knock on the gate of his mansion, the servant guides me to Cyril's room.

"Nice to meet you."

Cyril was sitting in her chair looking calm.

"Were you anticipating that look, that I was coming?

"Well, with your powers, I thought it was time for you to come. You must mean Annelotta and Kvar Beste."

After all, I can't.

But it saved me time explaining.

Let's go straight to work.

"With the help of Mr. Cyril, I want you to connect me with Kvar Beste."

I can connect with Kvar Beste alone.

But it consumes a lot of magic power. Connecting them together is the real deal. You can't wear it out here.

"After connecting?

"Anne and I will make Kvar Beste acknowledge that he is the Lord in the true sense of the word. Once the second phase of liberation is carried out in a complete manner, Kvar Beste's erosion should subside."

Until now, Anne has taken out her powers in a way that exposes Kvar Beste to eating.

The method has been able to reduce the burden by minimizing the depth and time connected with Kvar Beste, but because it does not control Kvar Beste, it was eroded by Kvar Beste every time.

That is why we will once and for all rule. That would make it easier to draw strength in the future.

"Sauge, I like the edge of your eyes, but you guys are rank two. I think it would be a reckless place to challenge that rank. If you get used to it slowly without forcing it, you'll get to the depths sooner or later even as you are now. We have to."

"I know. About what I said is reckless. But there is a chance. Inside Kvar Beste is the soul and magic of the historical Oakrails. With them on your side, you can fight Kvar Beste from both inside and out, and on top of that, you can win with me and Anne."

It's possible because he's an oak rail swordsman who's been with Kvar Beste for hundreds of years.

"Is there such a method? With the help of the English Spirit of Oakrail. Interesting. It's a trick I can't think of. Fine. Let's work together. … but let's keep insurance on the sausage"

A 3D magic formation floats in Cyril's hands.

Cyril is good at magic. A magic formation that draws on a space that has become so inefficient. A stunt that draws it as a 3D and activates ultra-high-density sorcery in minimal configuration by making it mean multiple things.

...... I recently started mimicking but it is quite harsh. It's going to take a little longer.

Cyril leaves the magic formation floating flat in her hand, releasing her palm bottom toward a position in my heart.

Cyrillic magic carved into my heart.

"Ka ha."

I can't breathe.

Hot so my whole body can cook.

What the hell is this?

"Hey, I made it abusive, but I planted my magic on your soul. I don't know how I can make my pretty daughter a widow. It should protect you at the end of the day."

"Does the fact that you can't explain it mean that it's a translational procedure?

"I don't mind if you take it that way"

Damn, they do.

But there is no need to doubt that it is for me.

And I remembered that I really wanted to ask you something.

"Mr. Cyril. You're strong, just one rank six in the world. Magic, knowledge, everything is at its finest. And we have not only your personal strength, but also this Elsier and several Rank 5 personnel."

I actually came to Elsier and understood the difference very well.

Sorcery and science are overwhelmingly advanced.

And rank five personnel, starting with Rhina and Sola.

Despite the fact that the sealed city of Erin said that there were only five ranks in the world, Elsier hid as many powerful men as there were not on the surface stage.

Clearly, it's an anomaly. Even the sealed city of Erin can ravage in a week if Elsier gets serious.

The most powerful in the world. This small country has the overwhelming power it deserves.

"Still, you can't protect Kuna on your own. That's why I said you called me in cooperation with God. The one you can't win, what the hell is that? We had no hands or feet, Holy Rose Knights. Even they can defeat Mr. Cyril with no teeth."

It has been on the back of my mind.

If you can't even protect Cyril, you have to be stronger than Cyril.

But you can't win with a country under his command, Elsier, and you can't come up with a vision to win there.

"Good question. There is little that can be said with a" pledge ”. So let's just talk about two things. It's not a lie that me and Elsier can't protect Kuna. And the sauge and, Annelotta. There's no doubt that with the power of both of us, hope will arise. I'm sorry, but this is the limit of what you can tell me."

Same look as always. But Cyril said in a voice that made her feel helpless.

… what we can do without Elsier's power.

It's not pure force. Something.

There must be a reason it has to be us.

I have to find that.

"Mr. Cyril, thank you for letting me know. First, I need you to help me do something about Anne."

"Okay. It's easy to connect you with Kvar Beste."

This completes the minimum challenge.

And then there's me and Anne.

"Sauge, do you know who Kvar Beste is?

"No, I don't."

To be precise, my memory is sealed.

I can't remember what I should have known.

Cyril smiled and spun out the words.

"Five hundred years ago, Shjina, the hero who saved the world, was to destroy it with his people. It's sealed in the form of a sword."

My heart got louder.

Demon King, itself?

But when I hear it, it sticks strangely.

"Feeding the Demon King is the first stage [bulimia], the second stage [tyranny] with the help of the Demon King, and the third stage is to become the Demon King himself"

I remember. I know that. Everything.

Positive attack will not bring us to the third stage. Being the Demon King means you have to understand the Demon King. However, it is virtually impossible to comprehend the existence of something completely different from a human vessel.

There's nothing we can do if we don't degenerate the Demon King into a form that people can understand.

"Sauge, someone in some world, let Kvar Beste free the third stage by feeding and assimilating the soul with which he had the highest righteousness, by degenerating it into a form that could understand the Demon King, a form similar to a man, and by cooperating with the soul that made him eat even more… that he was cornered by a situation in which he could only free the third stage in that way and only free the third"

... that someone is me.

Even if I can't remember the details, my thoughtlessness at the time made me cry with my chest.

Why, I've forgotten about it so far.

"That's my advice. You should think a lot about it now so you don't be like him in some world. Even I can't think of a way to follow the third stage of Kvar Beste, but I can help you with your ideas."

Return to me in Cyril's words.

No matter how much you look back on the past, there's no meaning.

What matters is what we're going to talk about.

Either way, a situation arises in which Anne aims to liberate the third stage. I have to be prepared for that.

"Let me do that. Mr. Cyril, let's fix the problem right now."

"Right, let's go"

Cyril rises.

That's how me and Cyril started walking towards a place where Anne would be hiding and specializing.

Come on, let's start with the second stage with force moves.

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