Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode Twenty: Screw False Destiny With My Magic

In the soul world of Kvar Beste, I was confronted with Kuna and Anne, who I once couldn't save.

They are memories engraved in my soul.

She has grown more beautiful than the Kunas today.

And that means you've grown.

"Sauji, why won't you die quietly?

Kuna's blast is coming at me.

I read the orbit from the motion and said I made the fastest evasion, but it became a critical evasion.

"Master, now are you going to kill us with your own hands? Just use it and kill it if you get in the way."

Anne's sharp sword trident just beat Kuna's blow.

I taught her the sword, hence the fat muscle I knew and was used to seeing.

Even so, he plunders his right arm and bleeds out without catching up on his reaction. Too fast.


Growing up means getting stronger.

They have reached rank four, strong to the point of horror. Not only is it rank, but we used to spend time together and I worked out. It can't be strong.

I can't win if I fight all I can right now.

In addition to that, my heart screams as I try to hurt them.

For example, Anne's attack today was alarming. The usual me would have fired a counterattack.

"Listen to both of us. I really liked you two from the bottom of my heart. I wanted to protect you."

Scream. It's true.

I loved Kuna from the bottom of my heart in the past. I loved Anne for admiring my master and me.

I've always wanted to be with you.


"You can say anything but your mouth."

You won't get my word.

The attack between the two grows harsh.

I get shredded more and more. I can't attack. I'm just being flabbergasted unilaterally.

The two are phantoms created by Kvar Beste.

Still, if that's what followed the two people who lived in my heart, it's the real Kuna and Anne.


Reason knows.

Even if we take down the two of you on this occasion, we should go after Anne and help her.

But my heart doesn't move.

"That's unusual. Sauge-kun. Just run around, they won't attack me. Are you going to confess just now?

"Boring man. No courage to die from ourselves, no courage to hurt us."

"…… I think so."

If you really want to redeem yourself, you should give yourself a neck.

If not, you should not hesitate to attack.

I can't choose either of them. My head and heart are messed up, and I can't decide one thing.

"Here you are, die to atone for us. That is your destiny. You liked the word fate, didn't you? Sage."

Kuna's words pierce my heart.

So I wonder if that would be okay if they were happy.

No, you can't.

I can't just leave Kuna and Anne in this world to die first.

"I still have something to do. I can't let you die."

That's what I swore.

"Really? Only that I don't intend to atone for my sins. I don't care what you think. It's no different to having you die. I wish I'd never met you."

"You're right. I became unhappy because of you. You screwed up our lives."

In two words, I was struck like I had been hit in the head.

What did I just say?

You wish you hadn't met me?

Did I make you unhappy?

What the hell is that?

Kuna and Anne let that word go?

"Please die"

"Goodbye, Master."

Kuna unleashes a tremendous fiery magic, and Anne takes aim at her neck with a slice of life from the shrinkage.

My head cooled sharply. Thoughts become clear.

Lightly, implement countermeasures.

Think only of eliminating enemies with maximum efficiency.

"[Exasperation]. Continue, [Silver Firefox]"

Intercept Anne's inactivity with [Heartbeat] and cause Anne damage by preaching Heartbeat from her body.

Then it turns into a silver fire fox with [Silver Firefox] and performs full control of the flame.

It absorbs the flames emitted by the kuna and begins straight back.

Anne is upset, and Kuna suffers from the flames.

I came here to fight back for the first time.

"It attacked us. Why? Don't you like us?

"After all, the master was only thinking about using us."

Two sad screams.

But that doesn't reach my mind anymore.

I didn't want to hurt them living in my heart. I could have been killed without the coonas in this world.


"Shut up, fake. I'm sure of it. You are not Kuna or Anne. It's a doll that was distorted by reading my memories and imitating only shapes. You have no soul."

Anger is coming up. There's nothing I can do about it.

"No. We are the real thing carved into the soul of Sauge-kun!

"That's impossible"

I can still remember when I close my eyes.

The last words that Kuna and Anne said.

"On her death, Kuna said, 'I was happy to meet me. After I met Sauji, the cold world warmed up. I will die first, but Sauji will be happy alone." That's what he told me. "

Kuna told me to squeeze it out, crying.

I will never forget her strength.

"I remember Anne, too." Master, I'm glad to be able to help you at the end. Thanks for everything. Master and the sword the master gave me. It's a pride I can't replace. ""

She pushed me on my back, hesitating to sacrifice her at the end of the day.

He told me he was proud of my sword.

"Kuna, Anne, even if you resent me, you can't possibly say that meeting me was a mistake"

That's the truth in me.

Never shake.

I won't even let God tell me that the time I spent with them was a mistake.

"You used our bond like that to twist and bend and hurt! I will never forgive you!

All I have in front of me is a doll that peeks into my memory and optimizes it just to hurt me.

I have no hesitation in destroying it.

No, let it disappear quickly, even for a second.


"Dull dull dull"

The appearance of Kuna and Anne turns into something alien.

Wings grow, nails grow, ugly, then just keep your face.

"Too bad it was funny to be upset and look like you were about to cry"

"Even though death doesn't change either way. Too bad. Wouldn't it have been happier to have been killed by someone you liked? It doesn't change my fate to die here."

Kuna and Anne, no, two aliens are attacking me.

I'm not in a hurry.

The opponent is equal to Rank 4.

Even with [Silver Firefox] activated by me, it's rank 3. There is no chance of winning.

Same even if [crest exterior] is activated.

"Destiny? I don't like destiny. Instead, I like to screw it down."

I've always done that.

And always will be.

entangled in a false past. If such a thing is destiny......

"Screw your false destiny with my magic" Hiro "!

Launch a new sorcery with that word.

In the [Silver Firefox] state, overlap the [crest exterior] further.

Fire mana and temper rebound.

To get rid of it, I'm going to change my magic powers to both sides. It is necessary to simultaneously degenerate both the mana and qi of fire with perfect accuracy.

Because of its difficulty, it has never been successful before.

But this is a world dominated by the power of will.

Right now, I'm out of bees like never before. I was willing to be stronger than ever. It can't be a failure.

Over all the impossible, my magic will be done.

The white and silver flame is stained with the pale, which is the colour of my magic, and the magic lettering of anger is spelled on my body surface, and the tail of the pale flame appears behind me.

The name of this sorcery is………

"[Ethereal Silver Firefox]"

The magic that was only allowed to me in this world was completed.

"Also, are you Sauge-kun's favorite little worker? I know all Sage's bills, don't I?

Pierced by a monster mimicking Kuna.

He throws flames out of his mouth. Undressed red flame that doesn't even look like Kuna.

Such a thing, it doesn't work for me when I have total control of the flames. I can't run out straight.

Almost intimate distance.

"[Black Claws]"

It creates three long, black claws with a temper.

piercing and pouring a flame of ethereal silver into that wound. In an instant, it burns down from the inside and becomes ash.

"Kvar Beste, if you read my memories, you would have known my bills by now. But remember. Humans move on."

So monologue, turn to the other monster.

The monster imitating Anne rolled from all over her body with countless swords.

I gather my temper in my hands and change my shape. Sanity shaped the sword and wrapped the pale silver around it.

A black sword five metres long, wrapped around Ethereal Silver, was completed.


I shook it sideways as much as I wanted.

For every countless swords I have made in my body, I turn the monster into two pieces.

Then I'm tired of waving my sword over and over and burning it to pieces.

After a while, the monster turns into particles and disappears.

I had my limits, and [Ethereal Silver Firefox] was lifted.

Even in the soul world it does not turn into a heavy burden.

This world could have used it for about twenty seconds, but in the real world, it would have been rank two.

"Anne, Kuna"

When I was alone, I thought of my former girlfriends.

Seeing them once, loneliness, remorse, and different emotions boiled down.

I'm sure they didn't resent me then.

Still, regrets don't go away.

So, I...

"I'll never lose it again."

That's what I decided.

Even saving Kuna and Anne in this world won't save them.

I know that.

Still, I want to make Kuna and Anne happy now.

Renewing my resolve, I went after Anne.

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