Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Lesson 22: The Truth to Be Revealed

Kvar Beste's soul. We're back from the world.

The real body is put to sleep on the ground and the body's savings are painful.

Looks like he's in the shade now. When I open my eyes, I feel real light glistening.

Anne's consciousness returned to open her eyes and wake her body.

"Safe, looks like you're back. Sauge, Annelotta"

Cyril smiled at us as she left her back with Daiki and read the book.

He must have been watching us here the whole time we were inside Kvar Beste.

"Thank you for protecting us, Mr. Cyril."

I'm not thankful.

"How long have we been over there?

"That's a little over two hours...... more than that, did Kvar Beste manage to rule safely?

I send my eyes to Anne.

Anne should answer this place, not me.

Anne grabbed Kvar Beste wide open.

"I could rule. I beat Kvar Beste."

Anne won.

If it wasn't Anne, she would have been defeated and puppeted by Kvar Beste on that spot.

"I'm glad to hear that. Do you mind if I show you your powers?"

Anne nodded at Cyril's question.

And pulled Kvar Beste out of his sheath.

"Respond, Kvar Beste"

A red line pulses across his body.

The line erodes Anne's skin.

Usually here Anne is leopardized violently and suffers from severe pain.

But now Anne remains cool looking.

Kvar Beste's red line turns bright green.

"This is the real second stage of liberation… the power will overflow."

While Anne is surprised by the changes in her body, she naturally embraces the power of Kvar Beste.

And look at the big tree in front of you.

Kvar Beste stood at his waist and let out a flash of sideburn.

The sword did not stagnate, but cut down the great tree.

Incomplete, something that could have been done even in a second-stage liberation state, but now it's quiet and sharp everywhere.

He wields Anne's original sword moves with his powers freed.

"So this is the true power of Kvar Beste. This will keep you up with sausages and coonas. Hey, Sauge. I've grown stronger, haven't I?

"Oh, I'm stronger. That is the power of the real Kvar Beste. You did what the non-first-generation oak rails couldn't do."

In the literature, only the first generation of oak rails had reached the second stage of liberation, but no other swordsman existed that had reached the second stage of liberation.

That is why the first stage of liberation, which is only one end of the ability, was mistaken for the true power of Kvar Beste.

"Thanks to Sauji. I'm glad I met you."

Anne smiles.

In those words, I remember Anne, who was once unable to save me.

Memories were sealed, I couldn't remember meeting Anne, about the times we fought together.

You'll be able to help Anne more than ever before than this memory has returned.

"Me too. It's good to meet Anne."

I let go of the word with all my thoughts.

That's not just as a force of war. It's a word because I feel honored for her strength and her hippocampal orientation.

"Later, I'll have to show it to Kuna, too. I'd like to see which one is stronger than Kuna's nine-tailed firefox."

"That's too much damage to the perimeter, so stop it."

Me and Anne laugh when they tickle.

Cyril spoke to us like that.

"First, let me say congratulations. But there's something I have to tell you both."

That's a terribly serious look.

"First, Annelotta. It's great to have mastered the second phase of emancipation. But you better not try to move on from here. Consider the third stage as non-existent."

I agree with that.

That one is too dangerous. Now Kvar Beste takes the souls of the historical Oakrails himself and changes them into a form close to people, but still heterogeneous on that basis. I don't think Anne can be fully integrated.

Besides, unlike second-stage liberation, I can't get used to it one by one. Unleash as much as you can or not. That's two choices.

Once activated, at the end, if it fails, Anne's presence disappears in an instant.

I can't let Anne use that stuff.

Having said that, I cannot deny that I will eventually be forced into a situation where I have to use it. I intend to continue to study the methods for safely releasing the third stage.

"I know. The fear of Kvar Beste was so much a reminder that I didn't like it. The second phase of liberation, if you let go of your mind, you will soon take it."

The perception is correct.

Kvar Beste is badly whimsical and cruel.

"And sauge. [Ethereal Silver Firefox] is a sobering sorcery, but don't use it in the real world out of Rank 2."

"I know that. If it wasn't for that world, I wouldn't have had my flesh."

Become a pseudo-Nine-Tailed Firefox [Silver Firefox].

[Crest exterior] to wear the armor of temperament.

[Ethereal silver firefox] multiplied by those two trump cards.

In a world of souls dominated by the power of will, dozens of seconds of activation were possible without damage to the magic circuit, but if done in reality, two seconds is the limit. I'm prepared to lose all of my magic circuitry.

You won't be able to use it unless you give it a rank.

"If you're aware of it, fine. Annelotta, Sauge, be aware that your trump card is a bomb."

Me and Anne nod.

It is not very preferable to rely on unstable moves, but I am nevertheless being pushed into a situation where I have to.

To reduce the burden a little bit, let's give it a rank.

"Shall we go back? I knew you guys were gonna grab something, so I'm telling Lucier and Kuwe to make a treat. Sola, Rhina and Yukina. I'm also telling the four of Kuna to have dinner at my house today. Let's go purr."

Lucier and Kuw are the wives of Cyril. Their food is delicious. And the dish Cyril calls luxury, my heart starts pouring.

The tiredness I'm feeling right now is also likely to be forgotten.

"I'm looking forward to that"

"I'm looking forward to it, too. It's been a hard day, and thanks to you, I'm so hungry."

It was when Cyril laughed bitterly and the three of us tried to return to Elsier.

I feel the fetal movement of magic power.

I know this magic move.

The procedure of [Metastasis].

Using something like this…….

"Lord Cyril Elsier, head of Elsier. I came to disapprove of your reply the other day."

A group of about twenty people appeared.

Everyone has Rank 3 or higher and multiple Rank 4 exists.

Characteristic is the rose crest on silver armor.

There is no doubt that it was the Knights of the Holy Roses who attacked us once.

Cyril beats the shit out of me for trying to get out one step ago.

"I wonder what your reply was the other day?

"It is the sacrifice of the Fire God, the surrender of Kuna Elsier and the request for cooperation to save the world against Elsier, including you. If it costs as much as you do, it must be understood that it is necessary. Let's save the world together."

Anne and I were out of line.

Cyril and the Holy Rose Knights had a connection?

And this man said he came to hear back.

In other words, Cyril thought there was room for consideration of this man's words without saying no.

"I was going to say no lightly. Well, let's be clear on this occasion. Neither Cyril Elsier personally nor Elsier will cooperate with the Knights of the Holy Rose.... Will you tell her too? 'I'm not giving up. I found hope,' he said."

The moment Cyril says so, the willingness to kill members of the surrounding applied Rose Knights swells.

"It's going to be a war. The Elsier you created will perish."

"How about that?

"It will be clear to us that the Elves and Firefoxes, the four great races at the top of the earth, fire, wind and water, are no better than the main forces."

"You can try. And regret it. I know the source of your confidence, but you don't think I've ever been ready for anything, knowing that? We Elsiers don't invade from here, but it's not pacifism. I'll do everything I can to pay for the fire powder that comes down."

A man of the Knights of the Holy Rose wanders before Cyril's unusual power.

"Is this the end of the story? I'm reading that the number of people who came here meant something to threaten you, but do you want to appeal to the exercise of your powers here? That's funny. But you think you can beat me with that kind of strength?

Cyril calls the wind.

I just can't stop goosebumping with that.

Serious intent to kill Rank 6. That no longer seems to be accompanied by physical aggression.

Anne is hugging and shaking her own body.

"Damn, I don't mean to. But Lord Cyril Elsier. You're gonna regret that decision. Let me convey this to my Patriarch."

"What is regret? It's a war, and the country is destroyed, and I'm going to be killed? Compared to the regret of losing my daughter, it's trivial. Happy or unhappy, I know that regret."

The word came to an end.

The men of the Knights of the Holy Roses left in [metastasis].

Cyril solves the battle posture.

"Not really, did they see you where you don't want to be seen?

Cyril looked at us and smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Cyril, you had a connection to the Knights of the Holy Roses, didn't you?

"Affirmative. Be kind to their top, in particular. In the first place, the underground labyrinth itself was made possible by their cooperation."

Top and cordial? Did they build the underground labyrinth? Every word Cyril casually spoke was a story she couldn't throw away.

In the former world Cyril cooperated with them and turned to the enemy.

With that in mind, not surprisingly, the upset is nonetheless great.

"Earlier, you said you had given an ambiguous reply, but wouldn't that be on purpose, too?

"That's affirmative, too. Given the worst development, I didn't want to erase that possibility. But when I saw Kuna and you guys back, I was sure. Choose a path against fate. Don't tell me you're weak enough to avoid the worst. If I were to borrow your word, I'd say," Screw my destiny. "

Straight away Cyril looks me in the eye.

There was no single lie there.

This guy is seriously trying to protect Kuna. That's all I need to know.

"I want to protect Kuna. I'll do anything for that. So... please help me, Mr. Cyril."

"Let's ask for it from me too. Sauge."

We shake hands.

And then Cyril opened her mouth with a faint expression.

"So I just need a favor. Earlier, those guys were going to war. You said Elsier would perish."

"Yes, I remember"

"Actually, that word is correct. Elsier can't beat them. It's not about pure power, it's about compatibility."


I was flabbergasted by Cyril's words.

Elsier can't win? This is all I have.

"If you can change that war situation, you and Annelotta will be the keys. Let me count on you.... Come on around here. As for talking, let's go home and eat first. Everyone is waiting."

Cyril turned her back and walked out just saying the story was over.

Me and Anne went after him, feeling something unexplained.

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