Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode Twenty: Rules of War

I can see with my skin that the war is approaching.

Suspicious humans have been getting into Elsier a lot lately.

Originally, Elsier had a lively deal in other cities and was in and out of other than fire foxes and elves, but spies and funnies were exploring the interior of Elsier.

The problem is that you can't get your hands on it even if you know it's suspicious.

On the face of it, I'm dealing with someone. You can't decide to do harm with your enemies.

I talked to Cyril, but she doesn't seem to care if she sees anything.

Cyril, this time it seems like a war with rules.

There are two types of war.

One is a war with no rules. He breaks into the city and kills and steals it without even caring if it's military or not. In the case of wars like this, it is often muddy. There is no clear end. Afterwards, scars are engraved on civilians and the city.

The other is a war with rules. Set the location and date and time to clarify the termination conditions. Proceed with the negotiations on the basis of the results. In this case, we basically don't fight except for the military. Less damage is done to the city.

The latter is often better to win or lose.

There are also natural disadvantages. Originally, it would be more advantageous to use Elsier as a battlefield to fight.

Elsier has equipment, including a fence that encloses the city, which is suitable for protection. There is no way that the Elsier side will unilaterally choose a more favourable battlefield than to decide where to fight with each other's consent.

Conversely, there are advantages when choosing a battle without rules. It was originally possible for a few elite Elsiers to ignore the Spirit-eater raid and destroy the enemy city.

Cyril seems to have chosen to do less harm to Elsier, whether he bought it or lost, based on whether he fought directly from the front or had a chance.

"Sage, are you thinking again?"

"It's been like that lately."

Kuna and Anne peered into my face.

I'm shopping at the store now.

I've been packing too many roots lately, so it's a holiday.

Elsier is a location that can be described as a border, but it produces many attractive products, and a large number of merchants come to purchase it. The merchants don't come by hand. Bring a product for sale in Elsier.

Thanks to this, there are a lot of things in store and shopping is quite enjoyable.

"I've only been thinking about getting stronger, but I've been thinking about whether I can do anything other than get stronger and fight"

"That's true indeed. We can't just be warriors."

Elsier's princess and her fiancée.

I have a responsibility according to that position.

"But unfortunately, this time it's Mr. Cyril's mess and we have to move. I can't help but freak out Mr. Cyril's painting.... paint with me if I have the next one. That's why I'm sorting out a lot of things in my head."

Give me this far, I can't do bad adds.

But the next time you're in the same situation, you just watch and you won't end it. I'll do what I need to do for that.

That's my idea.

"Rarely, Sauji is cool. I'm an apprentice too, Sauji."

Kuna held me in her left arm.

"Do that. Anne, how's your special training with Cyril?"

"It's working. The power of [second stage opening] could be drawn to its limits. Let Sauge and Kuna catch up."

"That's just great. I look forward to seeing the power of Anne and Kvar Beste."

"Yeah, I can work hard if Sauge will stay with me."

Anne laughs.

Now all the members of [Tail of the Devil's Sword] have gained strength.

Kuna has completed the [True Flame Regression], I have completed the [Ethereal Silver Firefox], and Anne is using the power of Kvar Beste's [Second Phase Opening].

I'm glad I came to Elsier. You wouldn't have worn it if it weren't here.

For a while, I kept shopping.

Kuna buys clothes, Anne buys trinkets.

I bought dried herbs for my hobby.

It's interesting to see a lot of things for the first time.

When the shopping was over and I tried to get back to Rhina's house, people around me started making noise on purpose.

When I thought about it, Cyril came back.

His subordinate elves and fire foxes run graciously.

This time he has been negotiating the terms of the war. Finally, you can see that the story has come together.

And the results will soon be shared.

My reading was correct.

Cyril gathered Elsier's warriors in the square at night. He was facing the warriors, before the blackboard.

The warriors also have a sequence.

Headed by Rhina, Rank 5 transcendents, top of the list is Elite Troop Irraxa, made up of just a dozen.

There is an army underneath it, a group of dozens of people gathered together at least at rank 2, many of them unusually strong: rank 3 or rank 4.

And dozens less than Rank 2 were in the form of supporting the strong people mentioned above.

It's too spectacular a sight.

With all this power, I don't know what kind of country you can destroy.

"Guys, you've come together well. There will be more military discussions than this. I've already told the commander the details, but I'll explain them to everyone again."

Cyril's voice is stuck.

"The date and time of the war will be a week later, a battle from the early morning until the sun sets. The battlefield, five kilometers south, is a giant plain. The shield is not like. My vision is always good because the battle ends before the night comes. It's a simple battle you can't think of, except to bump right from the front."

Perhaps it was the enemy who chose this battlefield.

Powerful junctions and spirit-eating. I'd prefer a simple battlefield if I were to take advantage of that advantage.

But there's no way Cyril wouldn't notice. I guess I swallowed the terms because I thought I could still win.

"Conditions of victory are to take the General's neck or have him surrender to his opponent. If that condition is not fulfilled, it will be negotiated according to each other's damage situation after the sun sets. Handing over prisoners after the war is over. And let's talk about winning this war and losing it."

The atmosphere is stretched out.

"If you win, you will get the compensation and you will have to promise not to touch Elsier and Kuna in the future. It's not just a promise. Apply [Pledge" Gesh "] to several hearts, including the top of the other side"

[Pledge] is a powerful curse.

Break it and your heart will be crushed. I can't break my promise.

"And if we lose, we'll pay the compensation while we offer Kuna, plus I'll belong to the other organization."

Everyone breathes.

There was a flame of determination in the eyes of the warriors.

Kuna is the princess of Elsier and loved by the people.

Nothing watches the princess take away with her fingers behind her back.

"I don't want to lose Kuna. I want everyone to help me."

A powerful voice replied to the words.

They're dependable.

"Announce the operation to win. The enemy is overconfident of the [absolute guardian kingdom] and [spirit-eating]. poke there."

Cyril began drawing diagrams on the blackboard.

"It can't be anything but a frontal collision on this terrain. At the start of the war, we'll set up a formation about two kilometers away from each other. Clear fire immediately after the start of the war. Elf's bow will get it."

For a moment, I doubted my ear.

It is out of common sense to aim two kilometers away with a bow.

But if Elsier has this much of a rank 5 elite, then common sense is no help.

Cyril continues to describe the operation indifferently.

In that operation, we [the tail of the Devil's Sword] are the key.

If we fail, we lose instantly.

Funny. It's burning.

Come on, Cyril's expectations. And Elsier's fate, more importantly, the war that cost Kuna her life. Let's beat it and show it.

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