Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

First story: Sneaking school's strongest

The dorm bell rings.

It's the wake-up bell that wakes the students.

Habits are horrible, even my eyes naturally go blind when I hear this.

"Hmm, it's a good morning"

"You slept well yesterday."

The same goes for Kuna and Anne, each getting up.

I hadn't noticed Senior Yuri's visit.

Yesterday I slept after indulging the two of them, so naturally I am still born. Eye blessing in the morning. Kuna's erotic figure is great, as is Anne's modest but smooth and beautiful figure.

I'm really glad you and I could be lovers.

When I was thinking about it, they noticed my gaze and hid my chest. Too bad.

"Sauji, Anne, you're starting school life today. It's been a while since I've studied on my desk, and I'm worried I'm going to fall asleep."

"Elsier was the only one in action."

It is Elsier's policy to get used to it rather than learn it.

Nevertheless, the knighthood school is not inferior.

As a knight, you get the least amount of material you can be ashamed of, and the opportunity to gain a wide range of knowledge is valuable.

We, the privileged students, are just getting what we would not otherwise have received without paying a high admission fee and tuition. It would be a waste not to take it for the future.

"Kuna, you're really done with all the challenges, aren't you?

"You've said it many times, it's perfect! There is no drain on this Kuna!

Instead of exempting the class I took off while I was going to Elsier, I have to submit an assignment.

There are also summer challenges, so it was necessary to finish the task in a very small amount.

Me and Anne did the trick even while we were in Elsier, but Kuna left it untouched, and on a carriage to the sealed city, Anne and I ended it with three days of full support.

If you can't submit your assignment, Kuna will be a junior next year, and if you are rank 3 when you graduate, you won't get the privilege of being a junior nobleman, so it's a matter of death and death.

"Anne, we have time for breakfast. When we get dressed, we'll both check out Kuna's assignment."

"That would be nice. I don't trust Kuna's okay."

Coona swells her cheeks when the two nods together.

"Anne and Sauji are terrible."

"It's a Kuna accident that's terrible."

"Right. Something I don't know how much trouble I've been given."

Kuna does everything with her genius skin, but there is something missing.

Even in everyday life, that inadvertence is somehow played out. I can't be alarmed. I can't seem to get back to Kuna either.

We look at it and smile bitterly and start dressing.

How can you be so excited where girls wear clothes?

Personally, I'm more excited than I am when I take it off.

The two who were shy at first have given up on me lately, so now I can enjoy it slowly.

And when I finished dressing, I started checking Kuna's assignment for leaks.

"Kuna, I'm missing one magic pharmacy challenge."

I knew it. How come these cunas are so sweet to pack?

"Sauge, I found it. It was caught in a textbook. Of course it's blank. Apparently, I forgot to use it instead of the marks and use it for the marks as they are."

When the two of us looked at Kuna's face, Kuna started sweating away and blew a lousy whistle.

"Damn, that, that's it. Everyone has a mistake. Wrong is not the problem. My father said it was important to do something wrong!

Certainly that is true.

And Mr. Cyril says good things.

"There's one thing I want to say, and that's what the comfort side says. In the meantime, get rid of it. I don't have too much time. Now copy my assignment."

Usually, even if Kuna says to let me photograph the assignment, I refuse because it won't be for Kuna, but it's an emergency.

"Thank you very much, Sauji! I love it."

Kuna hugs me.

He's in good shape.

"I'm only in favor of making it photocopied this time, too, but I think we need to punish them so they don't become habits."

"Right. Kuna is a sweet genius. Once you look sweet, you'll wear it everywhere."

Kuna was doing everything she could to copy the assignment, pretending not to hear it.

The fox ear falls and blocks the outside sound, and even the mundane fox tail is pointing that way.

Because he grew up spoiled by his youngest son, Kuna's snack is no longer in the realm of art.

Before I realized it, me and Anne are looking sweeter and sweeter on Kuna.

"Sauge, how about this? Let's treat Kuna to dinner today."

"That's good. Always, because I'm enjoying it. I'll have it served to Kuna every once in a while."

"Hih, even just a small penny!?

Kuna's fox tail hair turned upside down.

I feel a little sorry for her, but to fix her inadvertence, I'll have Coona put me out today.

I thought of a cheap and delicious store because it seems cute even if it is scattered too much.

When Kuna finished copying the assignment, she moved to the dining room.

Buffets can be enjoyed in the morning with a dining room in the special dormitory. Plus, if you ask your aunt, she can wrap the extra for lunch and make it a lunch box.

For the golden Anne and Kuna, it is a lifeline.

Available free of charge as long as you are a privileged student, and there are many menu types and day to day replacements to avoid getting bored.

As always, Kuna took meat dishes in the morning.

Anne has a lot of vegetables, mainly legumes, but she prioritizes more protein menus, such as beans, in order to gain firm muscle.

I'm a balancer, as much as vegetables and meat.

When we get to our seats, the other grade privileged students make a little face.

Some strong person can see the other person's power just at a glance.

It takes a surgical formula to accurately measure the rank, but even without it, it can be roughly felt on the skin.

Several people who felt uncomfortable ran the surgical ceremony to an end.

He noticed that we were rank 3.

He's looking at us like he sees a monster. Anyway, only about one person in a few years in the Knights School will graduate from Rank 3. I guess we just look like monsters that got there less than six months after school.

"Sauji, your gaze around you will pierce you."

"That's like a duty as a strong man."

It would be cruel not to be surprised. In the age of games, I've never even reached Rank 3 at this pace with 168 years of experience.

It would be all the more so for ordinary students.

We sit in the corner.

There are few dormitories in special student dormitories. Each has a fixed position. Slowly taste the taste of the dorm for the first time in a long time.

I had a violent footsteps.

Looking at you, I put on a two-year armband. A seemingly obscene boy student came in.

I recognize him.

But, yes, he's an upper-class student who's been holding onto the entrance exam.

He was expected to reach Rank 3.

I lost the entrance exam. I got paid back to attack me on the stomach, and even after the treatment, he shouldn't have come back to this dorm avoiding me for a while.

Is that what finally healed my heart?

"Dude, there's a face I'm unfamiliar with. I can't believe a guy like you is the same privileged student as us, whoa!?

A senior who was about to cause it raises a strange voice.

"What's wrong, seniors?

"No, it's nothing. Have a good breakfast. We need to build a solid body. hahaha."

That said, the senior left.

"Sage, is that it?

"Probably, but the seniors who resented me tried to harass me in retribution by specializing and building strength and confidence while we were gone, but it felt like we were stronger and rushed to fix the place and run away?

"Sauge, you know that very well."

"Wow, I've seen a lot of people of that type."

Anne and I have different experiences.

I'm sure that senior was on fire for revenge.

Poor thing you did.

Oh, the seniors are back.

Her face is bright red. Shit. I forgot to keep the volume down. They seem to have listened to me earlier.

No offense to me.

No offense, but it seems to have shattered my senior's pride.

"You, don't get on with it! This school will be back soon! Rumor has it you've reached Rank 3 in this summer's special training! I haven't been in school in seven years. Rank 3! It's time to keep your big face on. Don't think he'll forgive you for a busy year."

But I'm not scared or anything about the normal Rank 3.

More than that…….

"I know that person is coming home, but why are seniors so good at it? Seniors don't matter, do they?

I have no idea what that means.

Someone laughed.

That propagates to the dining room.

The seniors left the dining room with their shoulders covered.

"Sometimes sausages are unforgiving."

"Right. He may not be able to recover."

"…… I'm not bad."

Exactly, I can't follow up to that perfect suicide bomber.

We forgot about the seniors and had breakfast in a hurry.

Time was pressing because Kuna was copying the assignment.

Even in the dining room in the morning, this noise.

Even in class, there must be something......

With that in mind, I cook breakfast.

For some reason, Lyle, who was obsessed with Kuna, and Cranell, who was obsessed with Anne, came to mind.

What would happen if I saw that pest combination...... couna and anne tied with me??

Let's just enjoy breakfast without thinking about it now.

You just have to think about it when things go wrong.

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