Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Lesson 5: Into the Underground Labyrinth Again

With us in rank three at an unlikely rate, instructor Nakita called me in and asked me a lot of questions.

We could solve this by just discussing it.

I hope so, but I called the best magicians to give a lecture.

... a little worried. With my knowledge, I can speak without problems, but I don't know if the basement is on the customer's side where I can understand what I'm talking about.

We should raise the level so that we can understand, but this is the first time we've met. You can't possibly know the power of Aidan.

Well, okay.

To the extent that you can't understand the [purification] procedure I gave you, let's think about the content with that assumption. If you don't understand, don't understand. That's fine.

"Sauji, you're like a professor at a lecture."

"Kuna is right. But it's not weird. Sauge is from that side. It's stranger to be a student."

"Right. Sauji, I know everything, and I can do anything."

Kuna and Anne are thriving.

She also has a point.

I'm not saying I'll get new knowledge at the Knights School.

"Knowledge isn't the only thing you can get in school. There's something you can't get out here."

Yes, I'm not doing students because of Dada or insanity.

Sometimes to keep an eye on Kuna and Anne, but I get irreplaceable things myself.

"What is that?

"Song of Youth."

"Pfft, what is it, that"

"Pfft, as always, Sauge says weird things."

That's terrible, even though I mean it.

It would still be school life to enjoy youth. More importantly, Kuna and Anne, it's the privilege of the students to be seen in their lovely uniforms.

"Well, shall we both go outside, quickly? Let's go to luxury for dinner today."

"Well, it's a treat for Kuna in the punitive game today."

This morning I accidentally annoyed Kuna when she said it was her first day of class after her summer vacation. There is a leak in the assignment or forget the ribbon.

To make him reflect, he decided to ghost his mind and execute a punishment game.

"Shit, a lot happened today, so I thought you might have forgotten."

Kuna looks away regrettably.

Kuna is subtly skewed, but there is something wrong with her.

"Anne, where should I make it?

"Right, I want crabs. I found a shop swimming around the Pearl Club in the tank the other day. Crabs come first in freshness. It's absolutely delicious to be swimming right before you eat it."

Pearl club is a large crab, packed with plenty of herself and delicious.

However, the only downside is that it's a bit expensive.

"Whoa, that's good. Then let's go there."

"No, no, no. - Absolutely, isn't he expensive? -"

We headed to the store where Anne found us, dragging Kuna, who protested desperately against the hair on the fox's tail upside down.

"Ugh, neither Sauji nor Anne are too forgiving."

Kuna had tears in her eyes as she turned her empty purse upside down.

"If you punish this, it's a little bit about getting rid of the dodges"

"Kuna, that was delicious. Dear treat."

Anne's found Pearl Club store was pretty good.

It is the appetizer that removes the giant bright red crab from the tank and punches it straight into a pan, while you are eating it, the sashimi, stir-fry, gratin, etc. are carried.

Not just delicious, but fun. I think what I need to cook is a sense of expectation

Even though I complained, Kuna was obsessed with eating it.

However, the price will be quite good.

I didn't have enough hands on Kuna, so I'm paying for what I haven't had since I got all the money.

"From now on, I will stop inadvertently. I am reborn!

Kuna expressed her determination to pin her fox ear.

Me and Anne look at each other and smile bitterly. Let's wait without expecting it.

Have some after-dinner tea, and it's time to leave.

"Shall I buy a crepe at the stall and go home? I have a delicious shop on my way home. Coona served dinner, and I'll serve dessert."

"Wow, I love crepes! Sauji, mine is raw cream! I like the fruit exactly!

If you're happy with something like this, add as much cream as you want.

"Kuna really isn't hesitant..."

"Anne wouldn't shy away either, would she?

"I'm fine. Unlike Kuna, you don't get fat no matter how much you eat. You're not the owner of a strange body."

Apart from being slender and small in the chest, Anne also seems to have a lot of problems with style.

"Then tomorrow is just dungeon day. It's been a while since we've dived into the underground labyrinth of a sealed city."

"Your arms are ringing."

"You've only been to the tenth basement floor before, haven't you! We're rank three too, and let's go all the way to the basement twentieth floor or so at once!

"Don't make it easy on me. But it's funny."

Twenty floors underground?

And maybe that too.

The underground labyrinth of a sealed city changes the rank of the enemy roughly every tenth floor.

Rank 3 demons emerge from the twentieth floor.

We wouldn't be strong if we didn't dive as deep as that.

"All right, let's go for the 21st basement. It's just that we only have four days, so it's hard to go for the 20th floor."

To encourage the exploration of underground labyrinths, the Knights School will only have classes three days before the week and the remaining four days will be the exploration of underground labyrinths. Just make exploration possible from tomorrow.

Given the number of days it takes to get home, I just want to reach the twentieth floor by noon on the second day.

We've never been able to do that before. It's up to rank three, and the pace of trespassing will increase, but you still won't be able to get there unless you force it.

"Who are you going to? There's nothing impossible about this Kuna."

"I agree. If I can't, I want to be stronger than I am now."

"I understand how you two feel. Quite unscrupulous, but follow me."

They nodded.

With this, it will be fine.

What bothers me is Yukina, which was written in Cyril's letter.

Tomorrow, Yukina is leaving with the outer shell of my mechanical demon spear Vajra.

Three days from Elsier to here. I don't think it's going to be a mistake, but I'll ask my dorm mother for a message.

Instructors should be ready by now.

You haven't even set a date yet.

"I'll make plenty of special Irraxa cookies when I get home!

"Do that. This is how deep you dive. I want to keep the preserved food as much as possible."

Irraxa cookies specially made by Coona. A preserved meal with plenty of lard, nuts and honey.

Those are super high calorie and nutritious cookies that will feed you if you eat one.

The basics are that even though we hunt demons and procure food locally, we don't necessarily meet all the demons we can eat. Be a good insurance policy.

"Looking forward to it."

I'm sure the first underground labyrinth in a long time will show a different face.

Yesterday, I ate crepes since then and bought the consumables I needed to explore and went home.

I am finishing up my tent and other maintenance within the last night.

It's a tent I've been looking after ever since I started exploring. I've been attached to it.

Next time we'll go back to the store where we bought the tent.

I'm already done installing the tent, but thanks for serving us at the time we didn't have any money. I want to contribute a little to sales.

"Ugh, I'm sleepy"

"If you don't dive from this time, you won't be able to earn the distance."

It's still early in the morning.

However, early departure is the rule in the search for underground labyrinths.

Even though it is in the dungeon, the day is lit by a fake sun and the sun sets at night.

Demons activate at night, and fighting in poor vision is suicidal.

Earn some distance while it's bright and set up a camp at night to keep it from moving.

"Let's go to the usual stall"

"Right. Eat that and you'll wake up."

At Anne's invitation, buy soup with plenty of scum vegetables and cuts of meat in a stall near the entrance to the underground labyrinth.

This stall starts early in the morning for adventurers heading to the underground labyrinth, and since it is a fixer by day and night, it is a thankful place to offer a nutritious soup with plenty of vegetables and cuts of meat.

Even if you can afford money, you can't change your habits.

More importantly, this soup is good.

The moment I mouth the soup, I feel my consciousness switch to combat mode.

The three of us are about to enter the underground labyrinth.

I smelled nostalgic.

Well, our power in rank three. Shall we try it in this nostalgic place?

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