Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode X: Clans and Parties

"Yo, whoo, whoo, whoo!"

Kuna is walking forward playing her nose in a good mood.

She has an inflated backpack on her back that leaks light.

"Kuna, you're in a very good mood."

"Because we're finally free from the fight against disgusting bugs!

Kuna turns around and swells her cheeks.

I even hunted dungeon worms in this quest.

The dungeon worm has the nature of sensing vibrations and approaching and attacking while fighting other demons.

Due to his presence, he often deals with numerous Rank 3 demons at once on the 21st basement floor, and it is dangerous for us in Rank 3 to move on.

That's why he continued his hunt to draw and defeat the dungeon worm near the entrance.

"Patience me a little more. With this demonic stone gathering, the hunting grounds on the expedition will be here three more times. If you keep hunting with the same efficiency as you did today, that would make you the middle of Rank 3. Then let's move on. There are many traps in the cave area, but there are many wonderful things like light crystals."

"I'm looking forward to that! I can see ahead, so I think I can put up with a disgusting battle."

Kuna has been calling me sick since just now, but I know how she feels.

Huge potato worms filled with brown mucus. Plus, a round mouth with Kiba growing amazingly in the red eighth eye.

Dungeon worms are monsters with tremendous physiological disgust.

"Ah, Anne. We'll be on the 10th floor of the basement soon."

"Thanks for the help. I don't have the anxiety to be attacked from the ground, the walls, or the ceiling to give it away, or the heat to the point where I'm about to fall. After a taste of the volcanic and cave areas, you'll see how nice the usual forest areas are."

Anne is smiling bitterly.

She also had a bag full of light crystals on her back.

"Sort of. Both the volcanic area and the cave area make demons more resistant to digits, because the terrain itself is a mass of malice. Most searchers can't get ahead of the basement on the tenth floor. Even hunting up to the 10th basement floor can make you a little rich if you know a decent redeemable demon. From there, I can see that you don't feel comfortable stepping into a mixed area next to death."

That's why rarely in sealed cities do Rank 3 seekers grow up.

If there are no members who can operate temperatures like Coona, the volcanic area will need to be equipped for heat control.

For the average searcher, even searching beyond the tenth floor is not a joke, such as carrying food, water and other luggage to special equipment. Not to mention, it would be a dream story beyond that.

"Sauge, that's strange. How do people in rank 3 other than us get there before the 21st floor underground? Thinking about going and going home, your luggage is going to be amazing."

What Kuna is saying is right.

The deeper the underground labyrinth dives, the more important the elements other than strength become.

We can procure food and water locally. We have an unthinkable hardship ahead of us.

"There's a lot going on. If you get to Rank 3, for example, you can mouth the food and water of the labyrinth without [purification]... it takes the most damage to your temper, and if your temper builds up enough to eat and you can't keep up with recovery, you will die. It doesn't have to be. You're having a bad effect on your body. Veterans moving forward in local procurement only mouth minimal water and food in the labyrinth. Still, sometimes I fail and get killed trying demons with a blurry body."

"Sooo, so much so."

"The choice between eating poison and living in pain or starving to death is hard."

Until the development of [Purification], the players struggled a lot. When I dived somewhat, I dug a hole, filled it with water and preserved food, and went back to the ground once, so much so that I was doing something to dig it back in on my next quest.

... I was doing the same thing, but I realized that another Explorer or demon dug me back in at the time of replenishment and took my supplies, and I was dying.

"But Sauge. There's a lot of Rank 3 seekers in this city, right? I don't think they're all diving at that risk."

Anne is smart.

Yes, this is only in the case of a party that performs an exploration of the underground labyrinth alone.

"Yeah, there are other ways. Explorers often act at parties, but there is a gathering called Clans that are bigger than that."

"Oh, I've heard of it"

"Big place, more than a hundred people."

There are limits to the search for underground labyrinths for parties alone.

A mutual aid group of adventurers formed to exceed that limit is the clan.

"The clan has a relay point for each level of the underground labyrinth. For example, lower adventurers are allowed to carry their luggage to the fourth basement of the first relay point. It feels like intermediate adventurers will carry their baggage further down the hierarchy at the relay point. In this way, strong parties in the clan can be replenished in a relatively deep hierarchy, and lower-level parties can earn pennies. Depending on the party, they get resupply at the relay point, and they go back and repeat, and they're not on the ground for about six months. It's also strong that you don't have to carry what you get from the hunt to the ground."

The clan that can prepare relay points is strong.

The efficiency of exploration is greatly increased.

"Wow, that's convenient. Sauji, why don't we join the clan?"

In order to make it easier, the cuna that becomes aggressive raises a detached voice.

"I don't recommend it. Kuna, where do you think the money we're going to pay for explorers carrying supplies to the relay point or to protect the relay point will come from?

"Oh, that's the money the party that's leading made."

"That's right. There is clan membership if we cannot move forward without support. Conversely, if you're a beginner, you can earn a dime from luggage transport or something, and you know more veterans at once, it's useful to listen to them, but even if we do, it's a loss to just pay the overdrafts... for example, what's in the backpack that Kuna carries, if you're in the clan, will you be taken half?

Mutual aid organizations and other things in front of them are a lot of trouble.

Still, although it is great to be able to get food and water and other support stably in the underground labyrinth.

Kuna turns her backpack forward and hugs her.

I laughed a little. You don't have to worry. Nobody takes it.

"After all, you don't get into the clan. With Sauge-kun's [Purification], you won't have trouble with food, and there's no more wisdom bag than Sauge-kun!

That's right.

It's just that the players didn't just hate payouts for anything but digging holes and filling preserved food in the game era so they could desperately eat local food and water.

In fact, if you just have to pay the surcharge, it will be black considering that your fellow relay point will carry the hunting results to the top even if you do not return to the ground.

… there are more unpleasant elements besides the payment.

"The clan is tired. If you get stronger, you can push a lot of trouble, and... Nawabari consciousness The harassment of the rounded ancient ginseng is awesome."

This one is more troublesome.

Most clans that can assist searchers in the cave area and beyond have a considerable history.

Not just history, but sequences, factions, etc.

If a rapidly growing newcomer appears there, he will be thoroughly beaten from the ancient ones to protect his jealousy and his position.

The players could have prevented it if it was a table, but the water they supplied was rotten, set in a trap, or misjudged.

It shreds my heart from behind with disappointment.

I also have trauma in my clan. I don't want to get close unless there's so much going on.

"Sauge, you look really nasty."

"Sort of. The bad personality and wickedness of a boss monkey with a season is amazing."

Kuna and Anne tilt their necks.

I'm sure the two of you can't imagine a world.

After walking for a while, I finally reached the basement 10th floor.

"It's cool!

"Yeah, you'd be relieved to have green."

I feel the wind on my skin and enjoy the scent of the trees.

"We're both getting dark, and we're tired. I'm camping on the eighth basement floor today. Don't miss the monster that's about to be dinner."

"Leave it to me! Because in the volcanic area, turtles, lizards and all that stuff was gettin '! I just want to eat regular meat. The target is a cow or a pig!

Kuna began exploring the surroundings by moving her fox ears perfectly.

With this, you would expect it.

They set up a camp on the open floor on the eighth basement floor.

Not as much as four floors underground, but this is also a recommended hierarchy for camping.

You see, there are also the Seekers.

"Kuna, what a rumor to do. Clan relay points are installed. That symbol, [White Wolf Brigade]?"

"Oh, it's true. You're using a big, splendid tent, and good connections."

There are two patterns of relay points for clans, which are available all year round, and those that are installed for a short period of time when large-scale searches take place.

This time it would be the latter.

Maybe another searcher is setting up a relay point on the fourteenth basement where we were camped. It's also a camp attraction.

Anyway, let's stay away from the clan. It's troublesome to go inside, but it's troublesome from outside.

While Anne and Kuna make tents handily, I cook well.

"Even so, Kuna is really amazing"

Kuna discovered a cow demon named Diahorn Bull on the tenth basement floor.

As its name suggests, it is a monster with horns with diamond-like hardness and radiance. After the defeat, the corners can be sold for a high price, so I have secured them and have wrapped only a few kilos of sirloin and fine loin meat.

Make steak with this meat.

I got some good meat, so I'm going to try my best to season it. Create a fine sauce with plenty of spices.

When I was spreading the ingredients onto a slab made of stone, I heard footsteps, so I turned around.

"Hey, Sauge. I see you again."

"... surprised. I never thought we'd be together in a camp."

"We were surprised to see you, too. You haven't forgotten your promise."

"Of course. It's good to have more meat."

A party of foursome seekers appeared. That's the face I saw.

[Crowd Blue Eagle]. He was once the opponent who behaved like a demon steak and saved his predicament, and vice versa, the benefactor who sent him to the ground when he became full of creation.

If we were together in the camp, we talked about it when we met on the first basement floor when we behaved like demon steaks, but I didn't know it was going to be real.

"Were the Sauges hunting based here?

"No, he was hunting on the 21st basement floor based on the 14th basement floor. We're going back to the ground tomorrow."

That's the moment I am. The man's face creases.

"You're lying, you're joking too, Sauge."

"Even if you look at that one, do you think it's a lie?

Point at the backpack with plenty of light crystals placed next to the tent.

I've been an explorer for a long time, and there's nothing I don't know about light crystals.

"Ha, I'm surprised. What kind of magic did you use?"

"Moderate exercise and a good meal, perhaps?

He laughs at me for joking.

But I won't pry any further.

You may be concerned, but it is the Seeker's rule not to step in more than necessary.

We talk absurdly.

He's only been a leader for years, he's a good talker and he's got a lot to talk about. It's fun talking.

Keep your hands moving as you speak. The special sauce was completed.

Because of the large number of people, a huge iron plate is made in [Demon Mine Smelting] and the thick cut meat is cooked one after the other.

The smell of meat began to smell good, and Kuna and Anne were attracted.

Serve on a plate and serve with plenty of sauce.

He heard someone sipping their saliva.

"Come on, guys. The meat's cooked. There's more to add, so eat more and more."

A cheerful reply echoes.

Soon the meat disappears into my stomach. Thanks to fine meats and special seasonings.

I smile bitterly and bake extra meat.

It's a busy table.

They're all just explorers, eating fast. I can't catch up on cooking meat.

You failed. I don't have time for this.

As I think so, Kuna sits next to me and looks at my face.

Dishes and small cut steaks on the hands.

On the other side is Anne, doing the same.



Bring the meat you two stabbed in the fork to your mouth.

I was thankful for the meat. I think I can eat meat while baking this. Besides, it's better than eating it yourself.

Noli's good [flock of blue eagles] faces cool down but spoil and accept. That's all I'm happy about. I don't mind if I chill.

Really enjoyable dinner.

Tomorrow, back to the ground.

With this shallow hierarchy, there will be no accidents either.

... and tomorrow is the day Yukina comes with the outer shell of the mechanical demon spear Vajra restored from Elsier.

Finally Vajra returns to her true appearance.

I'm just looking forward to it but a little nervous. It seems that Mr. Cyril has put his hands on it, but I wonder how it has changed.

With that in mind, he enjoyed a meal with the faces of Anne and Kuna [the flock of blue eagles].

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