Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Epilogue: To Know the Truth

Open your eyes.

Then I was in the middle of the hall I used at the lecture.

Cyril, Kuna and Anne were fighting demons that could only be described as green ghosts.

Cyril was working his way through the universe to ensure that if anyone was disadvantaged, he would go into support and avoid casualties.

And Kuna and Anne are back to back and fighting each other's blind spots.

"Don't interrupt! Quickly, I have to go find Sauji!

"Whether you fight or not, there's no kiri... the demons are disappearing"

She's right, all the ghost demons disappeared into blue particles.

Maybe it was a demon made by those people in that white room.

"Oh, really. That!? Sauge-kun is back!

Kuna runs over.

It's the fox's tail. Do everything you can.


Kuna jumped into the room.

I took that rush... and suddenly I got my buttocks on.

She seems to be tired, although she is fine with it.

"Sauji, I thought the demon squares had suddenly appeared and disappeared. Even if I asked my father, he didn't die. All he said was that he was just taken away."

I see you've been worried about me.

I rub my face against my chest plate with tears.

"Kuna, running out is bad."

Anne came too.

He smiles bitterly when he sees me and Kuna clinging to me.

"Both of you, you're worried."


"We know the sausage isn't bad. But I want you to explain what happened."

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later."

Flew into the white room, he fought the angels and talked to the mysterious beings.

And then Senior Yuri, who came to save me, showed up and eventually disappeared into the light.

That man has always been, only moving for himself, not on his side or his enemies. I said they were just using us.

I don't doubt that word. In fact, that's what I kept doing.

But this time, I really didn't think it was just my purpose to help me.

The last look she gave was too emotional to look at my chest.

I want to hear her true intentions.

But that won't happen. Senior Yuri disappeared.

I heard footsteps and turned around and Cyril was there.

Even though it was after the fighting, I didn't cut one alive.

"After all, did you survive?"

"Did you know?

I dared not say clearly what I knew.

Because he would understand the intent.

"That's just a little bit. I've known that for a long time, to be exact, from the guy who made that one."

The guy who made it must be the one Senior Yuri said about the main unit, "I really am".

"Why didn't you tell me?

"Didn't I tell you before? That's the kind of restriction. It's not like I could have done anything I taught you."

Also, that.


It's like, I don't even seem to be able to stand on stage.

I'm caught up in something, probably playing an important role.

And yet the discomfort placed outside the mosquito nets.

"Sauge, you're not going to be sick about this. Instead, you did well. More than I or that guy expected.... if you really want to know what's going on. You should see him. Now he can explain it to Sauge."

"Is it because Senior Yuri defeated them?

"Right. Thanks to this, some restrictions were eliminated.... but I need to be ready. If I ask, I won't be able to go back."

"This is how we get involved, even if we don't ask. Then we have to go. At least understand everything of your own free will and choose your path. Somebody's pawn is perfect."

I really dream about it.

Senior Yuri was punished for his unacceptable intervention.

If I knew everything, I could have prepared another ending.

It may be tedious to think that you have such power.

Still, I want to at least give it up.

"Okay. I'll pick you up soon. He's weird and twisted. To where I live. You can't get there normally."

Cyril turned her back.

Tell him to ask for a coona when he leaves.

The festival was cancelled by demonic raids.

No casualties or serious injuries have occurred thanks to Cyril.

My speech is considered safe and sound.

Several researchers seem to have absorbed exactly what needs to be absorbed and to have valued me highly.

A mountain of them had asked for scouts from the lab and the university, but I refused them all.

I guess that path will be fun on that path, and your income will be stable without danger.

But I've decided to go another way.

"Sauge-kun. I don't want to leave you."

"If Sauji's going to stick his neck in it, we're going to stick our neck in it."

The Knights School has been closed for about a week due to that raid.

I'm going to use that period to meet Senior Yuri's main unit, Me, on Cyril's introduction.

So you will find out different truths.

And you know what I mean when I'm called into this world.

All this time, I pretended not to see it. I should have known you were called to stop [ruin].

"The carriage is here. Sage."

"Yeah, let's go."

Cyril arranged a carriage to come and we'll get in on it.

Come on, let's go.

To know the truth and to decide how we will proceed.

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