Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode XII: The Last Holiday

The three of us are sleeping together using a fuzzy bed that cannot be tasted in the dungeon.

I don't usually think so, and I often feel that the bed is after diving into the dungeon for a long time.

Looking at Kuna's sleeping face, she looked loose.

Inside the dungeon, there was hardness in my expression even when I was asleep.

A dungeon is exhausting just to be there.

I was just so exhausted yesterday that literally the three of us are just sleeping together.

I feel better thanks to the fact that I slept in a lot of fuzzy beds.

"The sanctuary of the goddess is amazing."

Do a self-check. Almost exhausted protection and magic have recovered to about 70%.

Regardless of Magic Power, the less Residual, the less Healing. It is arguably an anomaly to recover from that residual amount to 70% in one day.

I even want to be taken care of in the future.

To tell the truth, I thought the battle against the Emperor Dragon had failed.

Worst case scenario, I was so prepared that I couldn't recover before the showdown.

But with this amount of recovery, I can blacksmith without any problems, and I can take it to full condition tomorrow.

Change clothes with care not to wake the two of them.

I want you to sleep slowly and get tired of long-term exploration.

"Well, let's go."

I went outside and awoke my brain by gently moving my body before I headed to the workshop where the goddess gave me permission to use it.

Unless you finish your love spear perfectly.

The workshop is lined with materials and tools prepared by Cyril.

I have everything I wanted to create a new outer shell.

It's about him. You must have prepended what I wanted.

It is regrettable but helpful that thoughts have been read.

And if you regret it, you can go further. I'll make something Cyril can't even imagine, and I'll brag about it later.

Make something that only I can make.

"... Well, it's not just about that kind of pride. I need strength. It's also an overwhelming force."

I remember the last time I was taken to a white room with a forced transfer.

Not to the point where you defeated a bunch of angels.

I struggled badly but I was able to win.

Even if we are in the same situation again, we are always confident that we will win.

The problem is then. The enemy summoned copies of my competitors in the game age, Rank 5 players with the same skills as me.

The same hand is likely to be used when attacking me this time.

As it is now, it will pack and defeat it.

Senior Yuri had a blow, slaughtered them all, but I can't do that.

If we can get the help of the goddess, we can win, but the goddess is doing her best to send us, and they're telling us that we can't intervene any more.

Then we need just a handbill to defeat dozens of Rank 5 players without having to rely on the power of the goddess.

It's impossible for me to grow to Rank 5.

Anyway, each and every one of you has the same skill, knowledge and experience as me.

"If we're going with the right approach, we'll have to use the power I gained as a sausage, [Ethereal Silver Firefox], but there's a limit to doing so."

In the rank 5 state, I don't think I can be overwhelmed by using [Spiritization] or [Silver Firefox] that I couldn't use in the game era.

But that's only if they're a small group.

Plus it's the other Pryor. It's not just strong, it's cunning. Neither do I, but I naturally understand how to fight someone stronger than myself.

They just don't take me down easily as a single person.

Perhaps, less than a minute after the battle begins, they will see that there is a time limit here.

And they'll be thorough buying time.

No matter how different the specs, it takes time to defeat the players who are thoroughly defended.

Besides, they would show off their collaborative play even impromptu.

Gradually depleted, [Ethereal Silver Firefox] runs out of time.

The rest is crushed by the difference in numbers and defeated.

Such a future comes to my attention.

"... at the time of the battle, there was no chance of winning. So I don't fight."

I was also thinking of ways to defeat dozens of players while I was exploring this past week and had already developed one piece of magic.

No, actually, it was a long time ago.

On School Festival Day, when I confronted dozens of players in the white room, I gave up fighting and winning instantly.

If you're not stupid enough to think you can beat dozens of top players on your own, you're not making fun of them.

So I was considering how to win without fighting and I was starting to prepare.

Senior Yuri's help made that preparation futile.

But that's when I'm ready for this fight.

"… it worked that the battle in the white room was over until it was already verified."

We could develop new sorcery without hesitation because we knew it was feasible.

With that magic, you can do it over even confronting dozens of players.

However, there is only one problem, and although I have completed the basic theory of magic, there is a tremendous amount of magic in activation.

I still don't have enough when I get to Rank 5.

Let the outer shell of the spear have the capability to solve the problem.

"Come on, do it."

Hold a hammer and line up several types of metals, magical creature materials, demonic stones, and them, starting with Orihalcon.

In your head, float all the working instructions, simulate.

When using magical creature materials, the heat, force, time, and properties to be applied change only slightly.

Precision work is required in 1°C, 1 torque and 1 second units.

Of course, it's an alchemy job.

I can't miss magic control either.

If you're analogous, it's like having a relaxation while walking at all costs.

The precision required is different only for what you are trying to make.

Extreme difficulty.

That's why it burns.

I couldn't have done it before.

But now that you've reached Rank 5, you can afford the arithmetic, and the magic control has been sharpened, you should be able to do it.

I try to laugh, increase my concentration to the extreme, refine my mind and magic.

The trump card for the final showdown, I'll bet my pride to make it up.

I started working on it, and it took me about two hours.

I fell in a big letter in the workshop.


I expected it at the end of the design, but I used more nerve and magic than I imagined.

Safe, the weapon was finished as designed, but the roots were exhausted.

I don't want to do it again.

Instead, I'm not even sure I can make the same thing again.

So much work.

... With this, you can fight even if your enemy puts out dozens of Rank 5 players.

The belly sounds.

Time for lunch.

Let me get you something. Finally, I need to get a potion to increase my magic healing. Natural recovery used a bad amount of magic power to recover by tomorrow.

And there's even more magic in this spear ”recharge”.

Unlock it, open the door.

The key was for someone to come into the room and stay focused.

Then the door said 'Work in progress, no knocking'.

"Ah, Sauji. Finally."

"That face, your new weapon is safe."

Kuna and Anne were there.

Apparently, he waited for me in front of the room.

"Sort of. You've got a weapon that you can call my greatest work."

I wanted to be proud of you, so I'll say something unexpected.

"Is it the greatest masterpiece? I'm curious. Let me see."

"Yeah, this is it."

I had it in my nostalgia, showing a new outer shell.

"It's so simple this time."

"Beautiful. What a smooth surface. And a strange shade. Similar to Orihalcon, but not Orihalcon. I've never seen metal like this before."

This time the outer shell doesn't seem to have any extras on it.

There is no flashy gimmick because the purpose is a rank 5 player measure and it is specific to its function.

But what it looked like was a magic trick, an alchemist's magic trick.

"It looks simple, but the contents are more complicated than any weapon I've ever made. The material is an alloy mixed with many different materials in Orihalcon. Orihalcon originally had the properties of enchanting magic, but the properties were made into alloys that enhance to the extreme."

This spear has the magic power of three of me.

"What do you do with so much magic?

"You're a battery to use magic that you can't use with all my magic power. The external battery of magic isn't the only function of this outer shell."

That's just amazing, but I haven't had this hard time if that's all.

"100% of its external magic was left intact, allowing it to function as the magic of its owner. Once outside magic is used normally, half of any leading magician loses his magic powers, and there are a lot of obstacles to magic control. But this guy doesn't have a L.A., and he doesn't have a control problem. I can literally use it as my magic. It's my collection of magic studies."

Anne, the swordsman, doesn't have much knowledge of magic and witchcraft, so she hasn't come to the pin.

But Kuna seemed to understand the awesomeness of my words, and she was stunned.

I can treat external magic powers as my own without losing them and without affecting my control.

Publishing this would be an historic invention.

In the first place, magicians have a huge difference between potential magic and releasable magic. Even if the tank is large, there are few magicians who say there is a small amount that can be put outside at once.

… the great thing about this mechanism is that you can have a huge tank outside to sag in from everyday life and release all the magic you've sagged in at once.

Dozens of times more powerful magic than a regular sorcerer can be used.

But it's a different matter of whether you can control the magic.

"Sauji, if you can really do that, ask for the secret of that spear, and there will be a war. The country that has the secret of its spear will be the champion of this world."

"Right, so I won't tell anyone. This is a bad invention if you go out there."

The underlying theory itself was complete in the game age.

Four top players, including me, put it together and developed it.

Something like what Kuna actually said is happening when one player published it in the game age.

The players' database contains an item called Contraindicated Inventions, and a list of inventions that have plunged the world into havoc by publishing them.

This guy is one of them.

"Come on, you've seen enough. Let's have lunch. I've been working too hard in the morning and I'm hungry."

This spear will always come in handy in the final showdown.

We need to infuse magic to the limit for the final showdown.

At night, he was [transferred] to a sealed city by a goddess.

Spend the night in a sealed city today and transfer tomorrow.

It's our last night, we need to enjoy ourselves.

"Sauji, I've been saving magic on spears, are you okay?

"Thanks to the effects of the sanctuary and the finest automatic healing potion, magic will be restored by tomorrow's departure"

"... that spear, it contains a hell of a lot of magic, doesn't it? Sauge from Rank 5 has been pouring magic all along."

"Well, still, it's just for one shot of witchcraft. If it fits well, the war situation will incline at once"

For once, I'm going to use it for witchcraft like against the players, but if the players didn't show up, I'm going to use it as witchcraft for pure destruction.

"But good for you. The goddess listens to herself."

"Hey, you look disgusting."

I make a bitter smile.

If it was true, it was supposed to [transfer] directly from the sealed city to the enemy's home base, but in the middle of the night, they were to be brought back to the sanctuary of the goddess once.

The reason is simple.

I wanted to continue increasing the amount of magic power restored by the sanctuary in order to increase the amount of magic power charged to the spear.

I was prepared to tell the goddess not to go to the sealed city if that's the case, but she drew our feelings.

Hiding our faces in the hood, we head to the liquor store with our thoughts.

When I walked into the store, it was still thriving.

Like that day, he greets us with a bright voice.

Take charge of the edge and ask for the same menu as when you formed the party.

"Sauji, I knew the rice here was delicious."

Even though he's a fox, he swells his cheeks like a squirrel, and Kuna raises her happy voice.

"Well, it's cheap, it's a lot, it's good"

"It's a cheerful flavor."

For adventurers, it is oily and intensely flavored.

But not only that, but it's also ingenious enough to eat deliciously.

At first, I'd like a liquor for every favorite.


"Good for you. Elsier wine is always out of stock."

"I'm sure God gave us Yale to hang in there."

"It's a luxury to be supported by a true God, but to help even an invisible God."

Elsier wine is brought in.

We once drank this Elsier wine and formed the [Devil's Sword at Tail].

Pour wine into the glass and hit each other with the glass.

The gentle sweetness stains your body when you pour Elsier wine down your throat.

After all, Elsier wine is fine.

"Kuna, Anne, I'll come back when it's all over."

"Yes! Of course."

"We're not done yet."

The three of us laugh and enjoy a delicious meal and drink.

Tomorrow, so much so that we cut up and went back to the Goddess's mansion.

I did everything I could.

All you have to do is believe in yourself, and in Kuna and Anne.

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