Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode XV: Screw Your Destiny With Cheat Magic

Final showdown.

Finally, I got to God and the Doom, which increases my temper.

I came here and crossed all kinds of obstacles.

Countless angels called by the enemy.

Competing competitors in the game age.

Rank 5 Demon Herd.

I defeated all of it.

And broke the line protecting the enemy.

By doing so, I finally got here.

In front of me was a young man.

He was a little older than me and wearing a tailored suit.

"Ugh, I didn't know you'd make it this far. … I even used the trump card until I used the power that kept me warm when I was ready to delay the plan for a few years."

After all, was all that power a risk to this guy as well?

I'm also convinced that I spared it.

"Yet I didn't expect those guys to betray me. Maybe he was insulting you and you."

He was a tired looking young man.

I don't feel awesome from him.

There is no such thing as a sense of intimidation from the powerful enemies you've been hitting.

That's what makes me even feel like a normal person in the city.

"……… Will you not resist?"

"Of course I will. I will not die. You can't die. So I have a suggestion. You can live in my world."

Smile, as you give.

Don't break your stance as an absolute superior by coming here.

"You're not the only ones to be saved. I'll give you a city. [M] With my blessing, everything will be as it should be. [M] You should invite your favorites there. Only you and your favorites can live happily ever after."

It is a fascinating suggestion.

I'm not as fraternal as I want to save the world.

I wish I and my loved ones would be happy.

But I can't take this suggestion.

"No. Reason, one of them. Let's just say we've got the city and the dogs that do everything we want. Only that city continues to thrive, so what?

This guy has terrible vision.

I also have a poor understanding of humans.

A people's society is a mixture, a relationship, and it is established with it.

I can't believe only one city is safe, with the dead.

"I want to enjoy the whole world. I want to look around at all the wonderful things in the city.... Besides, if you say you can help your favorites, then you won't be able to help the guys you might like sooner or later, will you?

"One of them. Well, what about two?

"I simply don't trust you. Believe me, if you ride, you're gonna get stabbed in the back."

The man in front of me laughs when he hears my words.

"Oh, was it broken?. That's too bad. I'm that easy to understand. There's no way you're gonna let me live."

"... I've just seen hundreds of guys like you."

Scum can be seen by the smell.

And this guy is a scumbag.

"Oh well, then, we'll just have to do something abusive. Oh, it's troublesome. If I put my hand down directly, I don't know what kind of penalty there is. But you can't help it."

Before I finish, I release the poke with the machine spear Vajra, which has been lightened by removing the outer shell.

You're not nice enough to wait until you're ready.

If there is a gap, poke.

A spear pierced the man in front of me.

I don't feel it, it melts around like a slime in a circle and slips through the spear.


"Ha! [Gunfire Bullet]"

Kuna releases a flaming bullet.

A flame is an iron plate for an indeterminate shape.

They burn down a slime-shaped man.

No, it's not burned.

The flames go out, the slime deforms, and it reshapes.

Of course I was surprised and stiffened by Kuna and Anne.

"By the way, do you imitate it"

"Naturally. We're close to omnipotence, but not omnipotence. You can't create the strongest being from scratch. But I can reproduce as much as I can reproduce the most powerful thing in this world. This is the only way to reproduce it.... Make it the world's only Rank 6, Hi Elf. Living Legend, Cyril Elsier"

The man who looked like Cyril laughs.

Should I say false cyril?

I analyzed it with witchcraft and found out. The mouth doesn't seem to be the only one that reproduced Cyril.

It copies that ability entirely.

"Sauge, you've never won before. In the world of games, or here.... I'll just ask you again. Be one of my men, and kill that woman by striking her surprise. That way everything will be as you wish."

"Sleep. No."

I smile bitterly and slow down the spear.

To the most gapless structure, to the most powerful figure that I believe I have carved into my soul and flesh.

True, I've never beaten Cyril.

Only once, after being handed a hand or two, I've had my value ceded, but in a serious battle, I keep losing streak.

But I don't feel like losing today.

Rather, the opposite is true.

"Coona, Anne, listen to yourself. Don't lay your hands on me until I'm defeated.... Mr. Cyril, if my class is against me, it's easier for me to fight alone. And then you're mean. I really don't have a chance to kill each other with Mr. Cyril. I want to cross Mr. Cyril."

If it is a battle between masters, it becomes a high-dimensional reading.

In doing so, I want to reduce the elements that drive the reading crazy by a little bit.

So I don't need reinforcements.

That's the reason.

More than that, I valued going beyond Cyril.

"Okay. I'm used to Sauji's selfishness."

"If you lose instead, I'll never forgive you."

"…… Thank you, both of you."

Kuna and Anne step back.

This is a one-horse hit.

I release my powers. The most powerful form, [Ethereal Silver Firefox], combines the firefoxing of pseudo-nine-tailed with the power of temper.

Wrapped in a flame that shines in the colour of my soul.

After Rank 5, I could afford to control this power.

While using [Ethereal Silver Firefox], I can use all kinds of bills.

There is no shade in the skill.

With this, I can wield my full powers.

"Are you out of your mind? Now I'm the strongest man you've ever won."

Looking at me with no fear, on the contrary, I am frightened by the god who became Cyril.

"That's why it's funny. Come on, shall we? If I beat you, I'm the strongest man in the world."

"Strength. Got it. I guess you thought you could use the same hand that just got the players' hearts back!? But I'm sorry to hear that. I will not repeat the same mistake. [M] Only the vessel was prepared this time. I have no memory or heart. So there's no such thing as a replica getting your mind back."

"… well, unfortunately."

"Right, so, surrender."

That's where the words go away.

Because I launched an attack with a spear.

Fake Cyril takes my spear so hard. But I was out of balance at the price.

Quickly pull back the spear and release another thrust.

At the same time, the mechanism of the tip of the spear is activated.

Magic Grant "Enchant" [Perforation].

The official name among the players is [Perforated Particle Orbital Release Magic].

One of the ultimate interpersonal attack magic created by the players. It is a half-sf twisted magic that involves the subject in a vortex of resonant particles by rotating the magic dyed to a special concept in a certain pattern, causing the atom to collapse.

Someone with a different rank.

I can't do any damage if it's just a poke.

However, if it is [perforated], the story will change.

Not to mention, it's combined with [Ethereal Silver Firefox]. There are no streets that cannot be pierced.

"Hey, why?"

A spear hits the shoulder of a false cyril, a bloodshot strikes, and is healed by [bleeding].

If it was Cyril, the blow that should have made it easier hit Fake Cyril.


"You don't know the battle. I threw away something I shouldn't have thrown away."

In the confusion, the fake cyril takes a distance for the wind and, conversely, beats the wind on this one to slow it down.

It's a boring escape.

I explode a flame behind my back and pack my distance as I break through the wind with a low posture ramp.

An invisible wind blade strikes but [perforates] it.

I know it's meant to be unintentional, but I can see it.

Preliminary motion, gaze, and increased magic teach the enemy to move.

It quickly fills the distance and releases a poke in between the spears.

Ideal intermission where the sword does not arrive and only the spear does.

On the one hand, I'm pushing.

"Why, why, why, I should be stronger now."

He looks like the most powerful man, and he turns.

It's fundamentally wrong.

He can't even copy Cyril.

"There's no memory, no mind, there's just no way your body is strong. Shake the moves carved into your body and mind with faith, that is the power of man. However, if you want a strong vessel, you can be a demon!

Push it off with a rush of spear.

Indeed, the fake Cyril in front of him has the performance and moves of Cyril.

You can use Cyril's usable magic, just like him, it's mana usable with four attributes.

But that's just a lot of bills.

I can't use countless bills correctly.

Just look at the shape, so you can see all the preliminary motions.

If it was a real Cyril, it wouldn't show any spare motion at all, or make it smell like all possibilities, or fake.

But he can't do it.

Everything is thin.

The power of borrowing, there is no one more worthy of that word. I'm not afraid of Cyril like this. I advance the fight in my favor.

"Damn, dammit, dammit, then, memory and heart too"

If we do that, this war situation will turn upside down at once.

"You can try. I'll do the same with the players I did earlier. If it's okay to go back to Cyril."


Even if it rots, it is ruled by God. Normal sorcery is impossible to disarm.

I have already used the outer shell, which accumulates magic.

If they do the same thing just now, now it's time to fight the real Cyril.

But he doesn't have the courage to do so.

"I don't need, more, stronger beings like this anymore!

Cyril disappears.

Strong, the image of being is like a dragon.

It's a dragon that looks familiar. My trauma will be decided.

Powerful limbs, huge wings.

The last dragon I fought before I came to this world. The dragon I defeated.

I'm sure this isn't a coincidence.

He's stuck in the presence that I couldn't win.

The dragon opens its mouth and mana gathers with tremendous momentum in its mouth.

Dragon braces emitted by high-ranking dragon species. Ultra-powerful shelling using the phenomenon of the compression collapse of mana.

... at all, reminds me of something I don't like.

But it's not like you can't win.

"I'll tell you why you lost. If you transform into something you couldn't win, you can win. That's the mistake in the first place."

Breathe well and focus harder.

This guy, having seen dozens of adventurers, never knew the essence of it.

"We are obsessed with losing. Once defeated, the opponent will never lose. strives, measures and prepares to do so"

To intercept [Dragon Roar], I also shape the dragon's mouth with both hands.

My Special Attack [Silver Dragon Roar].

This is the magic I made to imitate dragon braces and at the same time I made it to never lose again

It's imitation, but it's not just imitation, it's magic to overtake.


"[Silver Dragon Roar]!

Dragon braces and [Silver Dragon's Roar "Dragon Braces"] collide.

Power and power antagonize in the center, swell up, and... my [Silver Dragon Roar] pushes off unilaterally.

It's not right that I pushed it off.

Even the opponent's power is mounted and his power is multiplied to the point.

… [Silver Dragon's Roar "Dragon Breath"] is a technique that unleashes an overwhelming force that occurred in the phenomenon of the collapse of mana.

In doing so, make the collapsed mana oriented.

My [Silver Dragon Roar] is a few steps higher than the main dragon brace.

So if we bump into each other, even the other's powers will give me the orientation I want.

That's why we even swallow his dragon braces and move on.

I made it so that I would never taste that despair again [Silver Dragon Roar].

Sorcery to kill a dragon does its part correctly.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!


The light born of the phenomenon of the collapse of mana swallows everything.

There was nothing after the light had subsided.

Kuna and Anne rush over.

"Sage, did you win?

"I wonder."

"…… Now I hear something cracking."

I heard it, too.

The surrounding black space cracks one after the other.

This world breaks.

'All three, you did well. The world will soon collapse with the loss of the Lord.' Cause I'm gonna call you back now. '

The voice of the goddess echoes in her head.

The voice contains joy.

"Did we win?

Now I finally have a sense of victory.

'Yeah, a complete victory. Well done. Now, [Qi] will not increase year after year. You avoided [ruin]. "

Now, finally, it's funny.

"Sage, I did it!

"... I'm glad to hear that, but at the end of the day, I regret not letting Sauge and all the players do the job."

Kuna smiling and hugging and Anne worrying about the little things.

I laugh at contrasting attitudes.

"The world is at peace. Now let's rejoice."

Come on, let's go home.

This is the end of everything.

I'll return to my routine tomorrow.

Start attending school. I hope so...... how do I explain that they are all ranked 5.

Let's give up, there's no explanation.

Well, fine. That's something you should think about later.

Now, I want to take a bath. You might want to ask the goddess to send you to Elsier.

Cyril's mansion has the best open-air bath.

The three of us, we want to take our time getting tired.

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