"A lot, not too much. Big guys are different."

A young woman teacher greets me.

He was the one who took care of him during the exam.

"No, my stomach hurts when I wait long enough, so I was talking foolishly with my buddies until the end of the day to distract them"

"Oh, well, you, silver-haired child or fox-eared child, which is destiny."

The female instructor asks funny.

"It's a secret. However, even if we can't be lovers, as friends, we both want to be happy.

"Awwwwwwwww, how young you are. That unfounded confidence, the mistake being that you can do anything. Doctor, I love that girl. Yeah, I thought she wasn't a good kid when we had a relentless brutal fight, but she seemed fine."

"Thank you for that."

He's a fun guy. I find it interesting that someone like this is the instructor in charge.

"Instructor Nakita, it's time to start talking about the school director. Come on, let the sausage go. His first task is to hear and understand the philosophy here from the top of this organization. I'm not your playmate."

A big man who was a sitting examiner raises a stern voice that is worthy of appearance.

"Yes, yes, you know what I mean. Instructor Sugort, she won't be able to do it forever because she tends to."

"Instructor Nakita. I'm not going to have a deep relationship with anyone."

Instructor Sugort seems flat not upset by Instructor Nakita's words at all.

"Hey, you, you shouldn't be such an adult. He, I was a student here, and he had a senior who I really admired, and I married him like that, but I've been offering him a fuck all my life. It was just, hey, time, pain, pain."

Instructor Sugort grabs and lifts Instructor Nakita's head with just his grip.

"Instructor Nakita, do you want to piss me off?

"I'm sorry. It was a joke, a joke. Ha-ha-ha, I thought you were gonna die."

Instructor Nakita, freed from Iron Claw, groans with his head.

"You mustn't grow up like this. People who don't understand people's pain suck. She's good as a teacher on the other hand, so take a good look at her and encourage her into school life."

"Ha, ha"

I can only reply with a careless response.

Instructor Nakita then comes close to me in a soft-moving motion and whispers in his ear.

"I say I don't know about people's pain, but even that guy is hurting me because I can't see how he feels about a kid who likes him while he's tied to a dead guy"

And he said it was a secret, put his index finger on his mouth, and instructor Nakita walked away.

"... what, this school with all the hard relationships"

I blurred without thinking.

"First of all, let me tell you something. This school has a great name for a knight's school, but it doesn't want classy character."

A nearly 180cm man in the first half of forty with moderate muscle is sifting through the hot valve.

He is the school director and at the same time an active underground labyrinth seeker.

"Of course, I teach you how to do a street. But at the very least, it's a level that passes in public. I'm not going to teach you any more."

There is no agitation in the faces of the noble frames. Everyone knocks on the gates of this school after finding out that.

"What I want from you guys is strength. It's a battlefield, too, and you can survive in an underground labyrinth, that kind of strength. I don't want anything clean. Dastardly or whatever. Just be strong, ask for it! Be alive and dirty, obsessed with your life. If you can't do that, you'll lose your life like a bug."

Momentum, beating the sandalwood desk from the top.

"Repeat. Be strong, I have everything I need for that. The rest depends on your hard work."

The very terminal speech is over.

In summary, be strong because you can use any means you want.

What an easy philosophy.

From there, the introduction of each instructor begins.

100 noble frames and 50 general frames. There will be three classes for up to 50 people per class.

Students in aristocratic and general frames don't seem to be in the same class.

Our instructor was decided to be instructor Nakita, a young female instructor.

And finally my turn…… the greeting of the freshman delegate begins.

In the mood, I took a step forward.

My voice starts leaking deliberately when I go up on the stage.

"He defeated Rank 2, Rank 1……………"

"I hear the instructor said so. The spear's arm would have surpassed itself."

"The weapon summons from the void."

"Yabe, you can't use subpoena magic unless it's rank 4"

"Rumor has it you can eat any magic stone."

"Yabe, that sucks."

There's a mix of favorable voices, negative voices, a lot of things, but you're definitely interested in me.

Originally, there are only freshmen on this occasion, but this time, sophomores and third-graders interested in me are also visiting.

Look over the student's face from end to end.

And I slowly opened my mouth.

"This is the first time that more than half of the calves have greeted a freshman delegate."

Wait for my voice to echo.

"More than enrolled in this school, most of the calves will reach Rank 3 by graduation. And you must be looking to become an honorary nobleman."

Most of the students who came into the aristocratic frame can't inherit a second son, a third son, or a governor.

The lowest goal is to gain strength here. I want the honorary aristocratic status so badly, I want to hit the gates of this school.

"Naturally, I'm aiming too. No, that's not what you're aiming for. Guaranteed. That, too, isn't just me, all my parties are rank 3. That's the least of the challenges."

There are all kinds of students who can admire my big mouth, admire me, remember my rebellion.

But I keep going.

"Ahead of the minimum challenge, the goal ahead, that's rank 6. Rank 6 where there is only one person in the world right now, getting there is our goal for the last three years"

After decades of underground labyrinths, you reach Rank 6, where there is only one person. That would be a dream story. That's all I'm saying, it turns into a colorful color. No, only two people are looking at me with hopeful eyes. It's Kuna and Anne.

"If there's a guy following me, call me. Go for Rank 6 together. If you wish, you can compete with different people."

Totally from the top, I think to myself what it is.

Still, here's what I wanted to say.

"That concludes my greeting"

I get off the stage.

There is no applause.

No, a few people started clapping when Kuna and Anne started clapping.

And there's a big round of applause, the school director. He has a smile that can only be described as a nigga.

Next to it, instructors Sugort and Nakita clap small.

This is not enough and I don't want everyone to know.

After the speech, I received an overall explanation in my classroom.

First of all, there are only the first three of the seven days of classes in this school.

However, if you can't complete the assignment as badly as you can, you stay in the year. Forced expulsion in the third year of residence.

If you stay one year, you will be out of the honorary aristocracy.

For the remaining four days, dive into the underground labyrinth or clean up the challenges that have been put out.

If you have any questions about the assignment, you can always rely on the instructor. That's the rule.

Today is my first day, so I ended up only getting the whole explanation.

Walk alone on the road to the dorm.

Since Kuna and Anne had their uniforms and the size of their practical clothes were not ready-made, they were asked to measure the size and have semi-order clothes available.

The average student tells me to be patient, but the treatment of the privileged students is good. Moreover, free payment is included up to two spare clothes.

It seems to be the basic policy of this school to say that the strong will be rewarded commensurate with it.

"So, seniors. It's been followed a long time, but what are the requirements?

I've been followed by several people since I left school.

I knew right away because I was a bad tail.

"Well, that's about all you'll notice."

One by one, the upper classmates show up.

See strength. Two in rank 2 and three in top rank 1.

The five of them surrounded me.

"Oh, is that the belly you lost last time?"

One of them is a Rank 2 opponent I defeated in the exam. He must have called for reinforcements because the shelter has not recovered yet.

"Yes, because of you, for the rest of my life, I will be ridiculed as Rank 2 for losing to Rank 1. So thank you for that."

"Are you going to kill me?

"We're not gonna do that, we're gonna blur out and zero protection now. Then break both hands and legs. Then she went to the hospital. I'll be back for a while and I'll gang-rape your girl. I'll do anything in front of you."

"Well, you say seniors get their hands on them. Okay."

I, at this moment, abandoned the option of being at ease.

"Don't think that's it. The blank will definitely weaken you until you come back. When I get out of the hospital, I'll do the same thing again."

I see, if there is no more protection, it will take at least a week before we can get the protection again. From there, a week to get more than 30% protection. If you are in potato worm for two weeks until you can move your body properly, your muscles will lose strength and your senses will be dull.

"I know what I want to do. But do you seriously think that a senior who lost to me could do something about me just by bringing in the miscellaneous fish?

I laugh like I can afford it.

"Holy shit, over here."

"I know. You will have two seniors in rank and three in top rank 1."

You can't win no matter how you fight properly.

Seniors seem to have learned fear of my attitude of not breaking my margin, holding down my left eye with a spear pierced.


Then let's get to that fear.

"Senior, I knew you hadn't noticed. He said I was in the middle of that game."

"Yes, I heard you fell after that stupid battle."

All right, I ate. Buy some time.

Bringing the sorcery ceremony to mind, under cover, so that seniors don't notice.

It's a magic trick that now takes too long for me to process. I didn't have time to use it in the game, but if this is how you hang out with me for a chat, I can buy that time.

"It's a performance. Doesn't that make the audience more exciting? Not to mention in front of the king, right? It's a waste to just win. Do your best to die, and the weak will defeat the strong. You'll enjoy it better there, and you'll be impressed."

"Damn, there's no way that's stupid. I'll skin you here. Let's go, Frenz!! Any swordsman with awesome arms will be finished."

"Surely a swordsman would be tough if surrounded."

Thanks to the conversation, I've been able to get as many as eighty-three seconds. Enough time.

There's no longer any need to hide the sorcery. Uncover. All you have to do is unleash the magic.

"Oh, what, that vast sorcery ceremony is, oh, no, it's sorcery that can be handled by humans!? You're a swordsman!?

"Senior. I'm a [magician], not a swordsman. Let me show you what I can do when I get back to work."

Stunningly eye-opening seniors. Immediately next to it, in the middle of the other Rank 2, activate the magic that was processing the operation in parallel with the conversation. Magic that requires useless arithmetic time in action for me now in Rank 1. That's...

"[Space Destruction]"

Magic that distorts space and produces overwhelming destruction by its restorative power.

White light filled the area.

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