Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Lesson IX: Creating Protective Equipment

"Don't you think this guy's outer skin, which we struggled to pierce, would be a good protective gear?

"...... it was stiff indeed, it was strong against flames and I struggled. I think you can do a good thing with your protective gear, but you can't process demons with normal tools."

What Kuna says is more.

Demonic material is excellent, but there are problems with it. Normal tools can't be machined properly. For example, if it were the skin of this converted boar, the blade would break first, even if it tried to be cut with an iron scissor.

"Don't worry about it. If you don't have the tools, you can make them. I can get anything I want with Mithril. [Demonic Silver Smelting: Keno Sword/Slash]"

Use Demonic Silver Smelting to deform the Mithril into a one-handed sword.

And in my head, I'm going to make a blueprint for my protective equipment. Calculate the size and number of skins that need to be sewn later.

Based on the calculation results, quickly cut off the hide of the converted boar.

Through my magic power on Mithril, if I give it sharpness and strength, I can somehow tear it apart that it would be a hard outer skin that the iron blade won't pass through.

I felt my gaze and when I looked at you, Anne was staring at my movements. I guess I'm worried about the thickness of the sword. It's a study enthusiasm.

"[Demonic Silver Smelting:" Hachi "No-type Needle/Spike]"

Again deform the Mithril with [Demonic Silver Smelting]. This time it was made into a threaded needle.

Originally this type is used for tricky tactics by using a contradicted needle for throwing or trapping utilizing yarn, but also by narrowing the needle.

Pierce with a misrill needle and sew with a misrill thread. By doing so, it is possible to create protective equipment.

"I cut the skin apart. And now I'm going to knit. I think I can use good protective equipment. The skin of that hazed boar is also resistant to fire, as well as excellent blade resistance and elasticity, just as the magic of the Kuna fire was tolerated to some extent. Originally, I washed and dried it beautifully because I thought it would sell, but it's a good opportunity and I'm going to use it. It'll be over in half an hour, so call me when you're ready to clean up and have breakfast."

It's been a long time since I've sewn. I have arms.

Some of the magic in my brain can be sewn with machine-like precision and speed, but I remember my body because it's been so repetitive. You won't have to use magic.

I am confident in making gear. There are few people who can use high-ranking materials to make gear, and even if there were, most people would hold high-ranking seekers. I inevitably needed to make my own.

"Sauge-kun can really do anything, can't he? Martial arts, combat witchcraft, convenient witchcraft, good cooking, and proper blacksmiths. How the hell can you be so handsome at such a young age"

"Yeah, I'm too clever for the opposite."

"I don't want you to be surprised. I still have hidden skills."

I haven't been an explorer in this world for over a hundred years to Dada.

Why, two women who don't pull.

Anyway, I don't know if I'd be surprised at the sewing.

If you're both girls, I'd like you to turn the prey you hunted in the underground labyrinth into protective equipment on the spot.

With those two on my ass, I'm going to knit my cut skin. The two of them were surprised by the speed of my machine.

The skins vary in thickness and weight from part to part. I'm going to make light armor, so I'm going to make a good combination of the thick, heavy parts that are hardened like rocks and the thin, light parts that are used for the joints.

When sewing with thread, devise a sewing method to make magical sense. It's a mythrill to have an affinity with witchcraft.

In no time, the boar skin turns into fine light armor. That's magical.

casually, looking at the excess skin, I came up with a good thing.

"I'm going to have light armor on my skin by the time I can really have breakfast...... Good luck making it, Sauge. I'll be ready in a hurry."

"Kuna, wait a minute. I just figured, as I build my light armor, I'm going to make all the inners with a thin skin."

If you use the thinnest skin, you can create an inner that can be worn under protective equipment. It gets a little hot and humid, but has excellent shock absorption capability, and there are few advantages to cutting a good performance inner with blade and fire resistance.

"It's convenient, because you're just an inner, but you're a lot more defensive than bad iron armor."

"Oh, that's good. Me, lightness is a creed, so I'm happy with lightweight, well-performing protective gear."

"Yeah, well, I can't wear too much heavy stuff either, so that'll help."

It seems that we both know just how convenient it is to be a Seeker.

In particular, Kuna and Anne avoid heavy equipment because of their style of combat.

No, regardless of Kuna and Anne, heavy equipment is unsuitable for searchers operating at vast distances for extended periods of time.

"Hey, so, but I want to size it. I need more information because it sticks to my skin. I want you to go back to the tent once and let me measure your size.... Good, before we clear the tent"

"Damn, could that be"

"Yeah, I want you to look like underwear. Then I'll measure it."

When I say that, Kuna trembles with a grudge.

"I can't help it if it's for protective equipment. Let's go, Kuna."

Pong and Anne put their hands on Kuna's shoulder.

"Ugh, I'm so happy to give you defense, but I can't let you look like that in your underwear with a syrup."

Kuna crouched holding her own body.

Well, then there's no other way.

"Are you sure you can't?

"... um, not that I can't, but there's that awesome resistance. It's still bright, and it's embarrassing."

"Is that so………"

"Okay, but if it's to give you a little survival... I'll put up with it. I totally hate it, but I'll put up with it!

Kuna gives you a ready look.

He also looks like he's half fucked up with a bright red face.

"Oh well, if you don't like it so much. Because I make it without measuring it."


"Look, you've shown me underwear a couple of times, right? It's burning in the back of my brain. I don't measure it, but I can manage to make it. It's just that I can handle it. If you don't measure it, you'll need to fine-tune it after you make it, because it's a growing season, and there are errors. I asked for it because it was a hassle."

All about Kuna's body is carved into her head up to the mole position. I could make something pretty accurate.

"Damn, Sauji, then why did you tell me to look like underwear?

"Like I said, I needed fine-tuning and I didn't like the hassle twice. And then, well, I thought it was a chance to see Kuna's skin. Well, if you don't like it that much, you won't have to worry about adjusting it."

Kuna lays down her face and shivers her clenching fists.


Subtly changing her tone as usual, Kuna turned her face bright red and shouted.

Seeing such a kuna, I also feel that the angry kuna is cute.

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