"Damn! Damn! Damn."

Cranell was screaming in the hospital room bed.

I lost. I lost by the time I had no skin.

I lost to a man named Sauge who said he was Annelotta's master.

Because they broke my ribs after losing all my protection, my ribs don't heal and I keep complaining about the pain.

Whenever I speak out, the pain runs.

Still, I couldn't help but scream. Otherwise, it goes crazy.

"Why not!? Why am I, always, where it matters?"

At a young age, even though he carried the expectations of the Faerate family wholeheartedly in your previous game, he also lost to the younger Annelotta.

Even the next battle, you should never have lost, lost to rank one of the civilians. I applied mud to Ferrathe's name again. By now, Father will have been informed of his unusual defeat.

"I'm more surprised about Annelotta than I am about applying mud to Faylate. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

I applied mud to Ferrate's name. ”More than that." I am disappointed that Annelotta didn't get it.

Annelotta in the audience noticed with her eyes on the civilians.

That's not a respectful eye for a master. No, there's that, too. But at the same time, it was the eyes of a woman in love.

When I saw that eye, I was shocked as if it were the end of the world. I could look at Annelotta like that, I was jealous of that civilian.

And I noticed. I hate Annelotta. But I liked her more than that. I don't want to give it to anyone. So, if I hadn't won, I would have had to win and take it. Lost like no other.

I can say as many excuses as I want. But it doesn't change what happened.

"As it were, I might even lose to Annelotta again. When that happens, it's really over."

Almost as long as I slept for a month.

I have to rehab on my own more than not healing with shelter. Get used to full season muscle strength and a new sword. There's no way I can do that.

In the first place, I don't know why I lost. One last blow, there's no guarantee Annelotta won't be able to use that one. He's been with me for two months. I can't imagine how strong Annelotta will be.

Scary, scary, scary.

Lose. Also lose. If I lose again, what happens to me?

In the king's capital, if he loses to Annelotta, Ferrathe's honor falls to the ground. Everyone says that the Ferrate in question can't beat Oakrail.

And more importantly. The connection with Annelotta disappears completely. I lose what connects me to Annelotta. If you win, even get Kvar Beste, even though that will be an indelible bond for the rest of your life.

I want to win. I want to win with any hand.

"Wow, let's be awesome rough. Hey, boy. The benefactor of my life has come to see me. Oh, I doubt it, huh? Sauji wouldn't have killed him, but if I hadn't, he'd have cut off his right hand and you, the swordsman, were dead."

A girl with brown hair stood beside her bed.

My spine freezes.

Though I was dramatically elevated, I am a first-rate swordsman. Didn't you notice until you stood right next to me?

"What, the pigeon looks like a bean cannon? This way, a beautiful girl like me came to see me, and she didn't respond. I'm shocked."

The girl laughs when she tickles.

The trick is like preying on prey, more like a cat and more alert.

"That, not really? Wow, you must be really careful."

"………… Who are you?

"I'm your senior. Two years of yuri. Nice to meet you, huh? I brought you a good story today."

"……… good story?

It's incredibly frigid. Let's get rid of it properly.

"Hey, Ringa! Hanama!"

It calls the elite name of the Faerate family, who are their own escorts and support hunting in the underground labyrinth. They're both rank three. Such a girl would easily get rid of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. They're not coming. I wanted to talk to you two alone, so I got some sleep."


Watch the girl in front of you. But no matter how you look at it, rank one. I didn't think I could do anything about those two.

"While you have these colored eyes, it's useless to look at them as much as you want because they're rank one. Better than that. You want to hear a good story? Let me talk to you. You must want to win. I'll let you win."

"I want to win. But I don't need your help. I will win."

"That's crazy. You said, 'I want to win. I want to win with any hand'. That's what I should have screamed. In my heart."

"" Why, give it to me ""

Cranell complains. The girl in front of me covered her lines at the perfect time.

"Still, I don't need the power of a guy like you. I don't care if you don't choose the means."

"Phew, you, maybe, the Ferrate-family SS guys. Have you ever thought about using them in Rank 3 to fight darkness in an underground labyrinth?

"What, so, that,"

What the girl said was a last resort.

Faylate prides itself on being the most elite. Using about three Rank 3 users, in an extraterritorial underground labyrinth, slaughter that civilian. I thought that would make sure we won.

"You're on surveillance. Maybe it's your Majesty's money. I can't support him directly, but I'm thinking enough to prevent a duel from happening. You and your surroundings are broken faces and watchful. If, on the day I tried to fight darkness, I'd be happy to get a big father-in-law name and do a lot of things."

It is common sense among senior aristocrats that the King and the Duke of Oakrail are close and think of Annelotta like a daughter. Even if the Duke of Oakrail were executed, that would not change.

I was licking it. The king recognized Annelotta's duel with himself because Annelotta had a chance to win. That's the chance, that civilian. If the battle comes with a duel in public, Kvar Beste will be out of reach in the future. That's why the king accepted the duel.

"Then all I have to do is win a duel. Get fit by the duel at all costs. That way we can win. You should be able to win."

I was as anxious as I was until just now, but on second thought, there's nothing wrong with that.

I saw the trump card over there in this fight. Then you should be able to handle it if you assume that. Local power is completely different between myself and Annelotta in the first place. You can't lose.

The guy was rank one, but I hear Annelotta hasn't given him any rank at the time of enrollment. No matter how abnormal the man is, he will be about the middle of Rank 1 at best.

"Yeah, well. You know, I just feel like I might lose."

The girl grins with her belly in her arms. I have tears in my eyes about how strange it is.

"What's wrong!

"No, I thought it was too funny. I have a little more strange power than people. I'll teach you that. If you stay like this, you will surely lose to Annelotta. By the next battle, Annelotta will reach Rank 2, and the skill of the sword will cross you in the teachings of Sauge. I can't talk to you at rehab."

"There's no way that's possible!

"It's possible. In fact, Annelotta went from zero to the top of Rank 1 only four days after diving into the underground labyrinth. With the power of sausage. Why do you think the people who can do that can't be rank two after two months? Even sword moves go hand in hand. Sauge is a genius about teaching people. Annelotta is getting stronger and stronger. It's a scary growth rate. Of course, she has her own talent."

Usually, content that makes me laugh with my nose if it's not possible.

But Cranell couldn't laugh. Because I know a man named Sauge.

Four days to top rank one. It's too likely to make me laugh. I dived into the dungeon before entering Knights School and it took me over a year to reach the top of Rank 1.

"Am I going to lose?"

As soon as I put it in my mouth, that turns into certainty, not anxiety.

"Yeah, for sure. So let me tell you what happens next. Annelotta, who was weakened by the threat of you. Naturally, to Sauji, who helped me, chirp. You can offer your body and mind now. Come on, eh! It's called, you let it happen. It's just a stepping stone for a protagonist named Sauge to come into play."

"Mine, my” Anne ”gets dirty."

My whole body freezes. My feet collapse. That civilian figure floated, holding Naked Anne from behind in her head and laughing thinly.

"Hey, are you okay with that?

The word was a devil's whisper. My instinct was to say that if I accepted this, I would be ruined.

Still, I can't stop myself.

"There's no way I can forgive that. There's no way I can forgive you. Because” Anne ”is mine!

I won't do it to anyone. All the time, Anne has to be my only Anne.

"Right. Then give it to you. Come on, take it. When you're ready to move, just take this and hunt on the same level as the sausages. If that's all, the surveillance won't work either. And then on your own, you'll die. It's a toy that causes man-made disasters. Riot Stampede. You've heard of him, haven't you? Be careful not to get involved."

The girl giggles and gives her a disastrous black ball.

"With this, you can protect my Anne."

"Yeah, I can protect you. From the bad wizard, let's get the princess back. Now you're the hero."

The moment I received the black balls, my heartbeat grew louder.

That was a terribly sweet feeling.

The girl, looking at Cranell, continued her words with a laugh.

Knock it off, with a whisper that doesn't sound like Cranell.

"Cranell, you are indeed the protagonist. That's a funny comedy. Hmm, I wonder if this will make the difficulty adjustment better. Until now, it's been too warm. Now, Sauge, now you, no, I wonder if you'll be strong again."

Cranell, after a while, looks up. There was no one there anymore.

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