Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Lesson 7: Falling Aristocrats

"Breakfast ♪ Breakfast ♪"

Kuna and I walk around the market in the morning.

I plan to buy breakfast at the stall and then apply for an exam in two days and go back to my room.

There are few shops open in the morning, but stalls offer everything cheap and delicious.

"And you did a terrible job. Math is almost perfect but history and witchcraft are terrible"

"Buh, 'cause I don't know the history of any other country, and magic is more wrong with the problem. What is it? An issue using that wasted procedure as an example. The composition is strange, and in the first place, the person who created the problem wrote the magic ceremony without knowing what it means."

"Yeah, I actually am. Basically, I don't even fully understand the meaning of the underlying command formula for magic research here. Researchers know if it's their field of study, too, but they keep it a secret without sharing it. So, I don't know much about magic right now, but if it had been configured like this, it would have been done. It's only on a level."

Nevertheless, there is some common recognition based on the similarity of effects. There is also the harm, which has been handed down all along without the waste of what originated in the first place being fixed.

"Oh, I want to rewrite it. You're getting annoyed, aren't you? Watching a futile maneuver."

"I wonder who Kuna's father is who can teach him proper sorcery ceremonies."

"I'm just a bigoted father. Amazing cheatiness."


"Yes, I have three daughters. I'm five brothers, two of whom are half-sisters."

"That's tough. So, Kuna's mother is unhappy?

"... looks so, so happy. I'm Yi, and I'm not worthy of being old enough to fall in love. But there's so much time I can't see my father that I seem to miss him, and when I'm with other women, I look sad. I'm happy, but sometimes I wish my daughter-in-law was my mother."

As far as Kuna is concerned, Kuna's mother is beautiful enough to be super. He's the worst man to make two more daughter-in-laws while his daughter-in-law is there.

"So I made up my mind. If you want to marry me in the future, marry someone who only loves me."

"Yeah, that's good. You just have to be with the person who loves Kuna the most."

Heart to heart, I think so.

But Kuna, I don't even know how my father feels. If you're a man, I want to get a lot of pretty girls to serve.... in the end it will depend on how they feel.

"Look, hey... Hey, Sage, that stall soup over there looks delicious. It's got meat in it, and vegetables, nice."

"Kuna, now you've tried to call me your wallet."

"Ugh, shit, that's not true, is it? Look, come on, come on."

Kuna pulled my hand and was taken to the soup stall.

In the end, you will buy two soups in large batches and give one to Kuna.

In the soup were crumbed vegetables, chopped meat, and moist chunks of wheat like a wonton.

The soup is salt based. The meat and vegetable stock is out and quite tasty.

"Nice, isn't it? Cheap and delicious cuisine because we collect what we throw away if this is normal."

"Actually, stalls around here usually open up at noon. That's why I'm disposing of ingredients I'm supposed to throw away that I can't get out there. The store can use the free time, and the cost of materials is cheaper because it is something to throw away. The people who explore the underground labyrinth early in the morning have the dimensions of being nourished and helpful with cheap and good meals."

I drink soup and show off my trivia.

Because I have lived in this world for a long time, I am now more familiar with it than Japan.

"Nice. If I take it to Knights School, I want to leave first thing in the morning, have some soup here, and go to the underground labyrinth. Don't you feel like a Seeker?"

"Yeah, if I pass, shall I come with you? And this."

I can bring 10,000 bales into Kune's hands.

"What is it, this?

"That's inconvenient if you don't have the cash, right? You should keep it."

"No, you won't get it!

"Who said we'd do it?


"I just lent it to you. You'll get 10% more every ten days, so be careful."

"Terrible rampage! That doesn't look like a big deal and it's about twice as bloated in two months!

"If you don't like that, take it as a privileged student and go into the underground labyrinth and earn it."

"I definitely need to take it. … If you stay like this, you will also get my tail swept off the debt."

"That's a lot healthier."

"Where!? It's the tail. Wow, that's so fucking awesome!?

I followed him in front of the cavalry school while we were talking about such a fool.

He seems to be accepting applications for entrance exams until today.

"Wow, you're a great guy, Sauji."

The application venue has a private seat in the courtyard, but there were already about fifty people lined up.

"Normally, I get about 500 people."

"Is that all you're coming for even if you're under sixteen, I'm surprised? There were only about thirty kids my age in my hometown."

"We come from all sorts of countries to fulfill our dreams. It would be like this."

"By the way, there are three preferential student frames, but how much is the normal frame?

"Sure, there are a hundred people in the aristocratic frame and fifty people in the general frame."

"You have more aristocratic frames. Even though it's a lot less than the average person."

"In the case of aristocracy, I have received some training from a small place, and I use demon stones with gold to help me. There are a lot of good people. They are also well-groomed and educated. It's normal for ordinary people to dive under a license without going into a knight's school. For the most part, I can't use a lot of magic, and I don't have the know-how, so I can either make change in a shallow hierarchy, or I can't go to the lower level and drool."

"This is the unequal society……………."

Apparently, he expects the effect of swinging and dropping.

This country, history, witchcraft and math. None of them can be received unless they are born into a family with some affluence and upbringing. Besides, searchers need to be smart and knowledgeable. Even if the true brain muscle becomes an explorer, the number of corpses just increases.

If it was just practical skills, about three times as many applicants would have come.

Safe, when the two of us started to finish the reception and get ready to go home, we heard a whisper.

"Look, look at that."

"Oh, of that fallen house?

"Rumor has it you're going to take this place, but are you sure it's coming?"

"Though I'm a nobleman, I'm not ashamed to take an exam with a general application."

In that voice, a girl walks in.

I know it used to be a great outfit, but it's dressed like dirt on the mud.

Silver hair, which would have been beautiful, has lost its radiance whether its nutrition is not satisfactory.

The only thing that shines out of place is the long sword hanging on my hips.

But even though the girl was naughty, her expression was limp and her walk was elegant.

Beautiful girl. I thought so. Kuna is also a beautiful girl, but the expression is that the child is beautiful whereas the specific gravity is placed on the adorable from the atmosphere.

The exam seekers who were supposed to wait in order naturally pave the way.

"Let me apply for a general exam. His name is Annelotta Oakley."

The receptionist's hand is shaking.

Oakrail... I knew that name too.

The great nobleman, known as the katana of the kingdom, gave his name as the guide to the sword of the royal family.

... but in the past. There was an incident, now called the biggest foul spot in the kingdom's history, and the house was destroyed and our Lord executed.

But I know. That it is a wrongful crime, the truth about it, too, may be why it was necessary to fall into Oakrail.

"Thank you. Good luck with your work."

"Yes, sir."

When the girl named Annelotta thanked the receptionist, she just went back the way she came. The receptionist's face is red. The girl's elegance and charisma made her do so.

Annelotta, who wanted to pass beside us, stopped.

And I look at Kuna's face cursorily.

"Princess of Elsier. How did you get here?

"Oh, you're wrong. Oh, my God, Princess, I'm just a pussy. It's a normal beautiful girl fire fox. I think he was mistaken for overflowing elegance or something."

"No, no doubt about it. Something I remember meeting at a royal palace party."

"It's a mistake. I don't know anything about Anne."

"Those of you who allow me to call you Anne are a very small part of it."

"... I'll say it again. Ignore my position here. I'm here as a single kuna. Guess why."

Kuna looks unusual and serious and says in an awesome voice.

"You have a situation, too."

"Well, Anne is the one, how could Anne, the great nobleman, apply to the public? It's easier that way if you have a noble frame."

"... I'm not a nobleman anymore. I was overthrown for a crime. You can't sue me for innocence, you can't listen to me if I'm not noble. Become an honorable nobleman here and I will regain the honor of Oakrail"

At last, it's a rebuilding of your home.

Whatever the form, I guess we won't even be able to talk about it unless we get the throne of nobility.

The title of the honorary aristocrat who will reach Rank 3 upon graduation. That's why she came here.

"Anne. I advise you as a friend. It sounds silly to be tied to a house. It's more meaningful to forget about the house and just think about your happiness"

Kune said as if to mock himself.

"Sure, that's right. But I won't throw it away. Oakrail is me."

Tired and still a laugh filled with pride.

I honestly thought I was beautiful.

"Is Anne after a special student?"

"That's right. That's all I have right now, because I have no sentence. But even if I lose my money and status, I have this sword!

Softly, soak a long sword hanging from your hips.

The body is pure white. And the slightest leak of magic tells me that the sword is the Devil's Sword.... I was feeling nostalgic. There was a time when I was carrying that sword of love.

Great sword. But it's not just the sword that's great. Pull out the sword and set it up. I could see her skill in all that motion.

Her words, I'm guessing, are not offering sword performance. Training stacked to use it. That's more than the only thing left for her to lose everything.

"I'm targeting special students, too. It's a battle. Anne."

"I won't lose. But anyway, I'd love to be in the frame of three privileged students."


Leaving me unattended began the deployment of the spocon.

Anne turns her back on us and waves flirtatiously. That kind of trick is getting worse.

Drop off your distant back.

And then, all of a sudden, Anne collapsed so that the thread could be cut.


Kuna's voice echoed worrying about her friend.

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