Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode XVII: Degenerative Magic

"Good morning, Sauji."

When I woke up, there was a naked kuna next door, and the morning sun entering through the window lit up Kuna's face.

She stared at me in the face, blushing.

Seeing such a kuna makes me happy.

"Morning, Kuna. Well, did you sleep?

"Yes, I haven't slept well in a long time. I've never slept well because of the weird forces that were raging in my body.... all thanks to Sauji. Thank you very much."

"That was good. But it's not enough to sleep naked with a man and feel safe."

I tell them to tear it up.

Kuna opened her mouth as she hung on.

"Because I trust you, Sauji. By and large, if Sauji was going to do that, it would have happened."

"So is that."

"Wonder, when you're hugged by Sauji, you're relieved. Rest assured, you feel pompous, don't you? Why not?

Follow Kuna's casual words.

"I'm glad you said that, but as a man, I feel subtle."

Kuna smiles and wakes up her body. And I hid my chest with my arms.

Every trick is glossy.

"I woke up a little earlier than Sauji, and I was looking at your sleeping face, but your sleeping face is cute"

Oddly enough, your sister Bukuna.

Well, it's good to make fun of me. Next time, let's make sure you know what it's like to have a kid who pissed off a wolf.

"… and Sauji."

"What is it, Kuna?"

"I want to wear clothes, so please rub them off and keep your eyes open."

"Can't we just keep doing this? I'd love to see Coona get dressed. We hugged each other naked. Now you won't be shy about wearing clothes."

Kuna then blushes and swells her cheeks.

"And it's not like this! I thought I'd looked back a little bit. I knew, Sauji is Sauji!

Me or me, Kuna slapped me in the chest so gently.

After teasing Kuna like that, I turn a blind eye to Kuna's request.

Then, after glancing at this one with an alert face, Kuna began to dress.

"Bye, Sage. I'll see you later."

"Be careful with your body too."

"Sauge-kun is the one."

Leaving behind his clothes, Kuna left the room.

"Yeah, stripping and porn, but dressing is porn"

Kuna still doesn't know I can put Kuna in my sight even if I'm turning away from her by refracting the light.

For a while, let's have some fun like this.

After Kuna is gone, I embrace my body.

It was really dangerous.

"Kuh......, you managed to pretend to be calm until Kuna left"

My body trembles. It makes me sweat. The magic that I absorbed from Kuna was raging in me.

"How about a little more, calm down. We're gonna be friends for a long time."

I have recovered from a night's sleep, holding back Kuna's spoiled magic.

Even so, it's obnoxious magic. This magic stretches its roots on the body and clings to it. I would use a lot of magic just to spit out the magic I sucked.

Still, I could spit it out, little by little.

... but that requires too much complicated surgical magic, which is impossible for Kuna.

Regularly, absorb it from Kuna's body, and if I drain it later, the medical condition can improve, but such a thing is nothing more than a snuff on the spot.

That's why I don't spit out perverted magic and I'm analyzing it in my own body.

Instead of spitting out perverted magic, use magic for trial and error of how to operate perverted magic.

And if you find the right answer, improve, simplify and let Coona control it. Otherwise it makes no sense.

"I finally see it. This is regression. Inscribed on the soul of Kuna, to be something, perverted magic...... no, it's magic if you give me this far. So we've worked out, we've worked out densities, we've been touring, we've been together."

Since yesterday, I've been analyzing this magic all along. While sleeping, he continued to analyze it in part of his consciousness.

That's why I had some eye-catching.

"What the hell is Kuna trying to be?

I snap.

When I turned my mind around, I had one idea.

I once asked if Coona had ever been unwell treated with Fire Mana because she handled Fire Magic better than Game Age Coona.

Reminds me of the conversation then.

"When I was little, I fell down with high fever and lost consciousness for about three days. When I woke up, I couldn't handle the fire mana properly anymore. At that time, it was really hard. Even though it's a golden fire fox, I felt like I wasn't me anymore because I sucked at fire magic. But it took me three years to get back on track."

"High fever?"

'That's right. But my brother says terrible things when I'm depressed. I don't remember Kuna, but she said it was hard because Kuna, with nine tails, went wild. You lied so much that I almost killed my father! At that time, I said I hated my insensitive brother very much. I was totally depressed, but I feel good.'

What if Kuna's brother's story is true?

"Is Kuna an ancestor?

Very few species sometimes take the power of their species to the limit.

For example, an elf is a superior species and there is a presence called a high elf.

Cyril, Elsier's head, was born as a regular elf, while degenerating into a high elf.

Isn't that the same thing?

And there are two types of perversion.

One is a pattern that once degenerate, like Cyril, never returns.

And with a temporary change, like my [crest exterior], a pattern that returns if it expires.

As far as Kuna's past story goes, it would be the latter.

Temporarily, there is an appearance change, such as an increase in tail to nine, which obtains the power to overwhelm the silyl.

"You're interested in the power to overwhelm the Cyril of Rank 6."

I laugh.

Treating Kuna is a re-priority, but at the same time I wanted to get this power. … and there is a response that it is possible.

That's my pure curiosity.

Seeing magic like this and not responding is disqualification of a magician.

As I endured the pain, I continued to thoroughly analyze it.

If we succeed, Kuna and I will gain overwhelming power.

The school's morning curriculum ends. My plans for this day are to sit in school in the morning and practice in the afternoon.

Kuna and Anne came to me for a break.

"Sauge, are you ill, too? I wasn't able to concentrate on class at all."

"Maybe it's because you did your best for me yesterday?

They both have a worrying expression.

I make a bitter smile.

"No, I'm not. I was analyzing Kuna's perverted magic. It's because I was taking classes with that one hassle."

I am capable of some parallel thinking.

Normally, classes are used mainly, buffers are used to develop plans for exploring underground labyrinths and witchcraft, but due to the imminent situation, the analysis of abnormal magic was mainly carried out, and classes were conducted in buffers.

"…… Then I have no choice."

"Aren't you angry?"

"If it's for Kuna. I can't blame you. I'd rather you hang in there."

Anne's cheering helps.

"Of course, I'll do my best."

"Sauji, I'm sorry"

"What are you apologizing for? I'm glad I can work hard for Kuna. Besides, Kuna's spoiled magic. This is a new possibility. With this power, I feel like I can go one step further. Honestly, I didn't think there would be any more technological improvements in terms of magic, but this is a whole new concept. Your blood as a magician will make a scene."

The response I felt is turning into certainty when I can become stronger by using this perverted magic. Save Kuna and I'll be strong again.

Some hypotheses. A draft of the operational law has been prepared.

I can't do it with a normal human body, but Coona, of course, is my superb Homunculus body, and with improvements, I should be able to use it.

"What's the matter, Kuna, look like Pokan."

"No, not just thinking about my treatment, but thinking that Sauji seems to be exactly where I'm going to use it"

"Naturally. If you want to be the strongest, it's a necessary mindset. I'll use whatever's available."

Greedy absorbs all things.

That's the most important thing to get stronger.

I will not waste one thing.

"You two better get ready for your afternoon moves than my worries."

I want both of you to prioritize your studies over my concerns now. What you get here is decent.

"Okay. But, Sauge, if there's anything I can do, say it."

"Yes, because I will do anything I can too!

It's comforting for you two to say so.

But I'm not impressed with how easy it is for a pretty girl to say anything. The defenselessness between the two makes me happy and slightly anxious.

I was smiling and remembering my afternoon class curriculum.

With that said, it's a monthly rank measurement today.

If we were all rank two, our classmates would be surprised.

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