Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode IV: Kuna's Home

After that, I ate so much meat that I didn't like it, then had Kuna wipe my body and rewind my bandages before falling asleep.

It seems that Kuna and Anne enjoyed the hot springs.

Elsier has a large bath, which is free to use.

I would love to use this burn and burn when it is completely healed. I'm sure it'll feel good.

Hopefully, I want to mix up with them.

With that in mind, I fell asleep.

The next day, it was slightly noisy outside and woke me up.

I thought something was wrong, and I looked out the window and Cyril was there. At his feet are mountains and demonic materials.

The fangs of a giant dragon, the claws of a warcraft, and the heart of an amber held by some of the high-altitude golems.

They're all super high rank demon material.

The elves and fire foxes carry the material that Cyril brought.

"That, what the hell are we going to do?"

"Processing in the village. Weapons and protective equipment made of high-ranking demonic materials are valuable exports of Elsier."

I crushed every one of them, but I replied, so I turned around a little bit, and the girl with the silver fox ears...... Yukina was there.


I couldn't feel a sign.

I'm not always on the lookout. Yukina is totally sneaking up on signs.

Awesome technology.

"I'm here to wake you up because we have breakfast. Sauge, good for you. Your grandfather came home soon. This will cure Sauge's injuries."

"I'm glad. Come on, I want to be open to this inconvenience."

I make a bitter smile.

It's time to stop. Patience is the limit.

"Your grandfather would do well. Even your grandfather heals the injuries, but he has strength to heal them. So having a good breakfast. I won't forgive you if I leave you."

"Really, I'll eat. There's no way I'm leaving Yukina with a good meal."

In fact, yesterday's food was very tasty.

Thanks to the abundance of nature around here, both the sea lions and boars rode well with fat, and the flavour of the meat was strong.

Such meat would be hard to eat elsewhere.

Besides, it's a lot of dishes, but it has a rich flavour with the seasonings it uses.

Is it Elsier's own seasoning? I wanted to eat again close to Miso.

To Elsier, it's really everything. Let's ask him if he can get some seasoning after breakfast.

At the end of the breakfast, the landlords, Kuna's brother, Rhina and Yukina, went out to their respective offices.

Me, Kuna, and Anne are in good hands.

An elf woman appeared that she was helping Cyril's house, and Cyril contacted me that she could come to Cyril's mansion whenever she wanted because she was finishing preparing for treatment at home.

My body scratches. Soon, it will open from this wound.

"Sauji, shall we?

"I'll be ready, too."

Both Kuna and Anne are in the mood.

He seems more familiar than usual.

"Kuna, how can you be so comfortable going home?"

"Ugh, 'cause he's got a father."

Cyril forgave me about Kuna.

With that said, Kuna swelled her cheeks.

"Sauji, are you forgetting me and fuzzy? Really, I have to report that I was tied to Sauji!

"…… Indeed."

Even though Kuna and I said we were engaged, there was a strong aspect that we had no choice in the situation.

We need to get in touch with each other exactly how we felt about each other.

"Well, I'm fine. 'Cause I'm telling you I'll get a proper coona, and I'm getting permission."


Kuna opens her eyes and screams.

For the first time, the day I met Cyril, I'm dueling and winning to get her to acknowledge my friendship with Kuna.

Now, there's no reason not to approve of us.

"It's a fine mansion, though."

"Hehe, are you surprised! I'm still a princess!

"Don't even say it yourself."

Her house, guided by Kuna, was more splendid than the guest mansion guided on the first day.

It's a brick-made western house.

Decoration is minimal, but the design is good. And it smells good.

This is the house where Kuna grew up.

"Okay, Sauji, I'll show you to my house."

To put it that way, Kuna opens the door and goes inside......

"I'm home now!

I said so in a slightly shaky voice.

Maybe he really wanted to come home.

Then, just, I can hear you rushing over here.

What emerged was a semi-long blonde, a beautiful woman who looked like a firefox in her late teens. Somewhere similar to Kuna.

"Finally, you're back. Kuna. Don't worry."

The beauty hugs Kuna.


Kuna also loosened her cheeks and hugged her back.

After all, is it Kuna's mother?

The beauty of Kuna seems to be given way by her mother. And its lovely and mundane tails. I've seen quite a few fire foxes since I came to Elsier, but I haven't seen anyone with a better tail than Kuna and her mother.

"Really, I was worried. I don't know if you've been fooled by strange people."

"My mother is already worried too much. I am a fine adult."

"…… Kuna, look at yourself a little more objectively"

The beauty of the Firefox, yes, when I say it, unlocks her embrace with Kuna.

And then he smiled and filled us with laughter.

"Kuna, I'm glad you're safe first. It might be better behind it..."

"Yes, my people, Sauji and Anne."

Kuna proudly introduces us somewhere.

"Yes, when you guys...... Thanks for getting along with Kuna. My name is Ku and I am the mother of this child. This child may be a little out of time, in good shape, sweet, and annoying. But the roots are good, so don't abandon them."

Saying so, Pecori and the beautiful woman lowers their heads.

Kuna blushes.

"Hey, Mother, please don't, I'm embarrassed"

"No, the people you're looking after need to say hello."

"Ya-me, Mother, really, ya-me"

Kuna gets desperate and tries to stop the beauty.

Yeah, I know how you feel. This is embarrassing.

"Keep your head up, mother-in-law. Instead of annoying us, Kuna is working very hard for us. It's irreplaceable."

"Yes, Kuna is working hard, too. She was a boxed girl and spoiled her for a long time, so I was worried that it would go well outside."

"It's okay. As much as you think, Kuna is not a child."

"Yes! Tell him, Sauji!

I make a bitter smile.

Get back on track.

That's what I'm saying, so Kuna won't be trusted.

But in a way, these places also seem to be Kuna.

That's how the noise was, and a man came.

"Ku, leave him alone."

What emerged were elf-specific long ears, and Cyril, a man with the iconic emerald eyes of High Elf.

There's an elf beauty in the back. Sleepy with long hair, a beauty in her late twenties. What a terrible man to marry even such a beautiful elf while having the best woman named Ku.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Cyril."

"Sauge, Kuna, and Anne. You did well."

"No, thank you for your inconvenience."

On purpose, Cyril was diving into the underground labyrinth to cure me, and she's taking time to treat me from now on.

I can't thank you enough.

"It's a wound I sustained for Kuna. All I can say is thank you. And thank you. Looks like you stopped Kuna in that state. I couldn't do that either. Again, I was ready to be done when it was over. Sauge owes Kuna his life."

Cyril looks at me with sincere eyes.

"It's not about being thankful to you. I helped because I like Kuna. That's all."

"Still, thanks. … Is there anything more I can do to overlap words? Behavior is expressed with gratitude. Let's just treat Sauge's body. It's not just treatment. I promise to make it more than it was originally."

"That helps"

Perhaps what Cyril is saying is the optimal magic circuit.

You can't just mess with your own magic circuit. For that reason, I left out the improvement of the magic circuit, but Cyril would be able to manage.

If the magic circuit becomes strong, it may withstand the recoil of [Silver Firefox].

I was expecting just a little bit of that.

And then Cyril took me away.

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