Regarding the matter of the Uchiha extinction clan, the palace god Haoyue said it all, which was enough.

He didn’t care about the life or death of the Uchiha clan.

After returning to the Fire King City, the palace god Haoyue went straight to his mansion.

He has been busy dealing with the affairs of the cult during this time, and he has not been intimate with Sunset Hong and Terumi for a long time…

Well, it doesn’t seem like a few days.

In the hall, as soon as Sunset Hong saw the palace god Haoyue, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

Gong Shen Haoyue took her into his arms and asked with a smile: “Hong, have you missed me these days?” ”

“Hmm.” Sunset Hong replied coquettishly and buried her head in his chest:

“Gong Shenjun, I’m so worried about you these days.”

“It’s okay, those rotten garlic can’t hurt your husband and me.”

Xi Rihong chuckled: “I know that you are powerful, but next time you must let me and Sister Hades help you, lest we worry about you all day long.” ”

How could Gong Shen Haoyue be willing to let them take risks, and perfunctorily said:

“Okay, okay, next time I fight with the Evil God Sect, I will definitely bring you both.”

As he spoke, he put his hand into Sunset Red’s clothes and asked, “By the way, what about Meiyu?” ”

Sunset Red gave him a coquettish look: “You scoundrel, you want to bully both of us at the same time.” Sister Meilu went to the altar and will not be able to return until night. ”

Although his careful thinking was pierced, he didn’t care at all, and said with a smile:

“Since Meiyu is not there, then Fujun can only bully and bully you first.”

Subsequently, the two kissed fiercely.

Gongshen Haoyue took off her sunset red coat while carrying her into the bedroom.

After the warmth, Sunset Red lay on the arm of the palace god Haoyue, and her face was full of happiness.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door.

“Sister Hong, are you there?”

Before Xi Rihong could answer, Yue Yue Xiyan pushed open the bedroom door.

In an instant, the air froze!

At this time, although the palace gods Haoyue and Xi Rihong were covered with quilts, even a fool could see what had just happened.

Yue Yuexi’s fair face suddenly appeared a blush.


She exclaimed, quickly turned her head over, and then pedaled away.

Sunset Hong lightly hammered the chest of the palace god Haoyue and said with disgust: “It’s all to blame on you, I have to do that kind of thing with others in the daylight.” ”

A moment later, the two got dressed and walked out of the bedroom.

Xi Rihong said: “Back then, I was afraid that she would not be able to accept the blow, so I never told her the truth, but I didn’t expect that after she learned the truth, it would be the same as your original choice.” ”

Because of the relationship between Yueyue Feihua, the relationship between Sunset Red and Yueyue Xiyan is excellent.

After the sacrifice of the Yueyue family, Xi Rihong took great care of her, almost treating Yue Xiyan as her own sister.

It is precisely because of this that she has not told her the truth that night, for fear that she will not be able to accept the blow.

“This child has not been worry-free since he was a child, how can he not even withstand this blow?”

“By the way, she came in a hurry just now, she should have something to find you, right?”

Xi Rihong smiled slightly: “It is estimated that I comprehended the illusion I taught her yesterday, so I happily came to tell me the good news.” I’ll go see her. ”

As soon as Sunset Red walked on his front foot, Nagato held a video conference.

“Hehe, chief, how long have you called me for a meeting, I thought Xiao had forgotten me.”

Xiao Nan chuckled: “I all know that you are busy looking for trouble with the cult, so I didn’t send you a task.” ”

The scorpion said in his hoarse voice: “Sun Moon Death, I heard that you let the big snake pill slip away?” ”

Loquat Juzo was surprised: “Oh? With this perverted ability, can you still let that smelly snake run? ”

“Yes, he ran away. However, I later learned that he had escaped to Longdi Cave, so I chased him and killed him. ”

“What! The Longdi Cave Massacre should not have been done by you, right? “Loquat Juzo was shocked!

“yes, what’s wrong?”

Everyone looked at each other, what’s wrong?

That’s one of the three secret realms of the Ninja Realm!

Everyone looked at him with a strange look, and their hearts were horrified, this Sun Moon God of Death, every time he strikes, he can sensationalize the entire ninja world!

Release the prisoners of Ghost Lantern City, destroy the grass, attack the sand hide, break through the fog, chase and kill the dawn, and torture the high-level of Konoha!

Now even the Dragon Earth Cave, one of the three secret realms, has been destroyed.

This Sun and Moon Death God is really shocking!

Moreover, the white snake immortal of Longdi Cave is not easy to mess with, he actually destroyed this old monster who has lived for thousands of years, how strong is this guy?!

Palace God Haoyue didn’t think so, didn’t he just kill a nest of snake spirits, as for such a fuss?

After being stunned for a while, Payne came back from his shock and said:

“Palace God Haoyue, how is the matter of the cult investigated?”

“I already know the undead secrets of the cult, they transform living people into undead monsters through some special ritual.”

“As for this ceremony, it requires a lot of the blood of the strong!”

Subsequently, the palace god Haoyue told everyone about Shintoism’s collection of the blood of the strong, but did not say that only part of the blood of these strong people was used as a transformation ceremony.

Payne immediately ordered all members to pay close attention to Shinto movements during their mission.

“You don’t have to perform tasks for the time being, focus on dealing with the cult, we will provide you with clues.”

After saying this, Payne assigned the next work tasks and dispersed.

After exiting the video conference, Gongshen Haoyue got up and went to the Princess Mansion to discuss the next plan with Kaede.

By the time he returned, Terumi had already returned.

At this time, she was in the hall talking to Xi Rihong and Yue Xiyan about the interesting things that happened during the day.

The Past Life Sect is nominally a sect, but it is more like a charitable organization, in addition to promoting doctrine and attracting people into the religion.

All that remains is to raise funds to sponsor civilians who are suffering as a result of the war.

Therefore, the Past Life Sect has been able to develop rapidly in a very short period of time, and there are currently more than 30,000 believers.

Yue Xiyan listened interestingly and said, “Sister Meiyue, I will also go with you tomorrow to donate, okay?” ”

Palace God Haoyue walked in, took out a Tianji jar, and said, “You, let’s practice first.” Here, open this jar. ”

“A broken jar, why do I have to open it?”

Yue Xiyan was very puzzled, but still listened to the words of the palace god Haoyue and picked up the Tianji jar.

The moment the jar opened, her whole person was stunned and muttered, “What is this thing?” ”

Miyakami Haoyue has received a prompt from the system and learned that she has obtained an S-class ninjutsu.

I couldn’t help but ridicule: “How is it?” It’s a good jar. ”

“This, this is simply amazing! Unexpectedly, the use of S-level ninjutsu was directly imprinted in my mind! ”

“And it has evolved thousands of times, allowing me to use this ninjutsu proficiently!”

“Brother Gongshin, where did you get it from?”

Gong Shen Haoyue briefly told her about the Tianji Jar, and Yueyue Xiyan learned that he could obtain ten Tianji Jars a day, and his eyes lit up at that time.

She took the arm of the palace god Haoyue and said flatteringly: “Brother palace god, give a few more.” ”

Palace God Haoyue smiled helplessly, this girl will grind people since she was a child.

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