Check in from Douluo

Chapter 998 Unfortunately, I have already merged the six ways (10)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng was silent.

It is true.

"We can help you." The Goddess of Life said, "Only we God King can help you. We are the God Realm Committee, and there are many planes under the God Realm. What we have done against you before, in addition to safeguarding us The safety of the God Realm Committee is to safeguard the safety of many remaining planes. It is not because of selfishness."

"Hope, you'd better think about it. Because for us, if you disagree, you will explode, and the entire Douluo world will be destroyed because of you. Although our God Realm will be affected, it will not be destroyed."

The goddess of life said the truth.

Wang Feng looked at these five god kings.

Everyone exudes a strong breath.

It's not like it is in the immediate present state, it's fake and powerful.

After thinking for a long time, Wang Feng glanced at Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, and recalled Rongrong who was inheriting the throne of God.

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded slowly, "What do you want me to do?"

"Very simple." The goddess of life smiled slightly.

The King of Destruction snorted coldly.

God Shura was silent and seemed to be looking at Wang Feng.

The other two also smiled slightly and looked at Wang Feng somewhat curiously.

"As long as you can inherit the Origin Tribulation God King."

The Goddess of Life explained, "As long as you can comprehend the power of the seven origins of the God King of Origin Tribulation, I must have told you the angel gods? As long as you can merge together, it means that you have truly set foot on the God of Origin Tribulation The road. It has the ability to inherit the Origin Jie Divine King!"

"I wonder how many do you blend?"

Upon hearing this, the four god kings all looked at Wang Feng at the same time.

"Humans, if there is no one, don't deal with it. What you have is time." The white-clothed woman chuckled lightly.

"Is it difficult to integrate?" Wang Feng asked casually without answering.

"Of course it is difficult." The black-clothed man shook his head and said, "The Origin Tribulation God King was the first God King before the God Realm Committee was established, integrating its fourteen source energy. To become the Seven Sources, each one is different. Simple. And he can merge because he is the original spirit born of the creation god. The fourteen source energies are the original power that split from the birth of the five of us..."

"You can imagine how difficult it is to merge."

"Not to mention human beings, even we, as the king of gods, cannot merge."

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded.

It's so mysterious.

"Boy, if you can merge together for thousands of years in the mortal world, even if you are really qualified to become the God King of Origin Tribulation. Your talent is worthy of recognition, and can be compared with us." The God King Destruction said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng said in amazement: "If you blend together for ten thousand years, can you compare with you? Then you are too spicy?"

The Destroyer God King sneered, just about to mock this human being's overweight.

The next moment, Wang Feng suddenly had six purple origin lines on his body.

The purple origin lines clearly appeared on Wang Feng's body, shining brightly!


"Unfortunately, I have already merged the six Dao." Wang Feng sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I have not been able to use it. Oh, there is another one that was fused after being penetrated through your body just now."

In an instant, the five gods were stunned on the spot.

"This is really the original strength of the King of Origin Tribulation!" God Shura looked like a torch.

Burning looking at Wang Feng.

This human being is really terribly talented.

It's not in vain that the old Seagod has always defended this human being.

"Just... how did you merge just now?" The Destruction God King was stunned, and suddenly looked at Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, "Could it be that time..."

After Wang Feng was pierced by a blow by him, only one breath remained.

Basically not far from death.

The two men took over, and then the two newly promoted gods input their power to Wang Feng.Love Bookstore

The Destroyer God King thought at the time he wanted to save the opponent, he certainly wouldn't give a chance.They took away the divine power of the two.

Unexpectedly, at that time, this kid actually merged one?

How did you do it?

"Several, it seems that he does have the potential to become the God King of Origin Tribulation."

The goddess of life recovered and looked at the others, "What do you think?"

The four of them nodded at once, and even the Destruction King nodded slightly.

The goddess of life looked at Wang Feng and continued: "Human, you can get to this point, and you have integrated the power of the six origins. Only one difference. You can condense the origin core, which is also the true origin of the God King of Origin Tribulation. It is only the first step to become the King of Origin Tribulation... But for now, let's suppress the life energy in your body first."

She had already seen that Wang Feng at this moment seemed to be an energy furnace about to explode.

"What are you going to do?" Wang Feng asked.

The goddess of life discussed with the other god kings.

"There is only one way for now."

The goddess of life thought, "With the power of the laws of our five great gods, you will be temporarily sealed, giving you enough time to comprehend the laws of life. You can only rely on your own comprehension, and you need to suppress the life energy in your body for a period of time. Time. Stabilize first."

Wang Feng was taken aback.

This is within his guess.

Meteor Tears couldn't split the two halves again. He didn't have this strength, nor did these five god kings.

It can only be temporarily sealed to prevent self-destruction.

"The exact time depends on when you complete your comprehension." The Goddess of Life slowly said, "And it is best to seal it in the world. Because in the God Realm, you can no longer bear the energy there. The flow of time in the world is also It is much slower than the God Realm."

"You have plenty of time."

"how do you feel?"

Wang Feng pondered for a long time, feeling the energy of the riot in his body, and finally nodded.

He couldn't think of any way to solve this problem.

At that time, there was no fusion, only death.

"In this case, it is not too late, you can choose a place."

The goddess of life shook his head and said, "If you have anyone in this world, and what else you have to explain, hurry up. I can tell you very clearly that the understanding of the law cannot be achieved in a short time. And you The laws contained in the life energy in your body are more advanced than mine. It takes a long time. And you must suppress and stabilize this energy before you can comprehend it. That is, it takes hundreds of years, even More than a thousand years."

"If you have relatives in this world... we can give you time to solve this problem."

"Boy, don't delay our time." Destruction God King said lightly.

Even though a god died in their god realm, they can't say dead, the spirit is still there.

Moreover, compared with Yuan Jie Divine King, not to mention one, even if a few really die, it is worth it.

"I'm a little curious."

At this time, Wang Feng suddenly asked, "If I become the God King of Origin Tribulation, I will not listen to you, but betray your God Realm. Aren't you losing a lot?"

However, the goddess of life smiled slightly, "God also has rules to abide by. At that time, you only need to join the God Realm Committee in advance. Even if you are just named and not in the God Realm, you will be subject to the God Realm Committee. Restriction. However, this restriction will not be very strong. For the God King, it is only necessary to maintain the order and stability of the God Realm."

Wang Feng suddenly.

"That's OK, let me explain a few days."

Wang Feng sighed lightly and looked at Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong.

"No problem." The Goddess of Life nodded slightly.

After that, the five great kings placed a simple seal, which could only last for a few days, and then disappeared.

at the same time.

At this time, in Wang Feng's mind, he finally remembered the long-lost ding-ding voice:

"Congratulations to the host for passing the last check-in..."


Ps: These five are a bit late...

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