Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1001 Everyone intends (3)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After discussing it, the group landed in Wuhun City and took a rest.

However, the battle just now spread widely, and the order in Wuhun City has just recovered.

The group found a secluded place.

Discussed and talked.

Wang Feng didn't conceal it, so he said aside what he was about to seal.It’s just about the Meteor Tears.

After listening, everyone was in a daze.

"So, Captain, don't you need a long time?" Ma Hongjun scratched his head, "The god kings of the gods shook hands to prevent you from being burst by the life energy in your body and ruining the world. with?"

"Those people from the God Realm want to kill you, the third brother told us on the road. It's because the Captain, your martial soul is the power of a traitor from the One God Realm.

"Wow, how long does this take?"

The group was discussing.

Tang San frowned slightly, the life energy in Brother Feng's body could not even be solved by the god king.

It also contains the power of laws, that is to say, unless Feng Ge understands these laws, it will be difficult to become a god.

And those laws, if the god king can understand, they will definitely not let Feng Ge.

This means that none of the gods can understand these laws.Even if Feng Ge is too talented, I am afraid that this time, I don't know how long it will take?

However, the more difficult it is, it is hard to imagine how powerful Feng Ge, who is a god queen, will be?

Not to mention becoming a god, when Feng Ge really reached the 100th level, the 100th level of complete strength would be comparable to all god kings.

Once the law of comprehension is broken, and the 100-level limit is broken, it is really unimaginable.

"long time."

Wang Feng glanced at Zhu Zhuqing hesitantly, but only saw Zhu Zhu snuggling quietly in his arms, the nephrite jade was warm and fragrant, silent.

But when these two words were spoken, Wang Feng could feel Zhu Zhuqing's body trembled slightly.

Can not help but hug her a little bit tight.

"In the next short time..." Wang Feng thought, "I will stay for a while."

This period may be short.Mainly, Wang Feng wanted to find Zhu Zhuqing a god.

At the same time help several other people to improve their qualifications.

His seal, it takes a long time to suppress the energy of the life source in the body.

Plus still have to comprehend.

It's even harder to say.

Wang Feng doesn't know how long it will take, but he definitely needs to solve Zhu Zhuqing and their god status.

Otherwise, he didn't want to break the seal by himself, Zhu Zhuqing and the others had already died of old age in the mortal world, or other situations occurred.

This is not very difficult for Wang Feng or Tang San now.

On the other side of Xiaoqing, it was good that the soul beast's life was much longer than that of human beings.

In addition, it is the Wuhun Alliance.

Now that Bibi Dong has returned, he can just discuss the future trend of the mainland.

Unity is inevitable.Kiss novels

"I will stay on the mainland for a while..." Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, his face a little soft, "I promised Xiao Wu that I would play with her for a while, and then go to the God Realm together. These days, We will also observe the situation of the Martial Spirit Alliance. Brother Feng, you have worked so hard to promote the unification of the current continent. After you seal it, we naturally can't relax, at least we have to watch it move towards a better side."

"I believe that the Douluo Continent in the future will be very exciting. When your seal is released, you will definitely see a better Douluo world. At that time, everyone and I will be waiting for you in the God Realm."

The others also nodded emphatically.

"In fact, regarding the position of God, we intend to rely on our own strength." At this time, Ma Hongjun solemnly said, "Brother, you are the Seagod. I don't want you to help us. The same is true for the captain. The captain is stronger than those gods. There is not much difference between King Capital. If he makes a move, he will certainly be able to easily help us gain the position of God."

"But we feel that we still have to rely on our own strength and opportunities for the gods."

Ma Hongjun took Bai Chenxiang's hand.

Under the moonlight, the two of them looked at each other with their eyes shining slightly.There is a tacit understanding circulating in the two eyes.

Wang Feng was stunned.

Fatty can work so hard, it seems that under many influences, he has changed a long time ago.

"Fatty said well. Although we are brothers, I don't want you to open the back door for us." With a confident smile on Dai Mubai's face, he held Shui Yue'er's hand, "Wait when we handle our own affairs. Let's find the position of God by ourselves! Yue'er is like me, she doesn't want to lose to her sister."

Shui Yueer chuckled slightly and looked at Wang Feng, "My sister has become an ice god. She and I have been practicing for a period of time in the extreme north. Knowing that this god must rely on our own chances, it will be counterproductive to force her to get the word."

Seeing this, Wang Feng also smiled.

If they can think like this, they really deserve to be the Shrek Seven Devils.

Tang San also smiled, he really wanted to help them find some gods while traveling the mainland.

As the god of the sea, he still knows a little bit about the inheritance of the gods on the mainland today.

It's really not difficult.

However, if they can gain the position of God by virtue of their own strength and opportunity, it is naturally the best.

"I believe in you." Wang Feng nodded slightly.

Among the Shrek Seven Devils, they should be much better than the original.

Even if some gods came to the door in person, it was not impossible.

"Lingqi and I don't need it..." Oscar smiled.

"Little Ao is lucky..." Ma Hongjun glanced at him enviously. "When Xiao Ao broke through to level ninety-one on Seagod Island and became a Title Douluo, he was valued by a god. He praised him as the number one in the mainland. A Title Douluo of the food department was in sight...Even Lingqi was also spotted by a god."

Hearing this, Wang Feng thought for a while, should he be the God of Cookery?

Although Shen Lingqi's spirit power level was lower than that of Oscar, his talent was not bad.

I also got fancy...Could there be two cooks?

And it's a bit strange to only pick Shen Lingqi and not others.

Wang Feng doesn't know anything about God Realm, but it's a good thing to be picked.

"Brother Feng, when are you going to marry Zhuqing?" Xiao Wu suddenly asked with a smile, "You don't need to talk more about the relationship between you? We have decided that we will get married soon. Oh. My brother's plan was to marry me after he became a god. Taihu, Fatty, and Uncle Sausage all plan to get married soon."

"If you are sealed, will you and Zhuqing still get married?"

The word "they", Xiao Wu, has some essence.

Wang Feng was caught off guard for a while.

The crowd was embarrassed, funny, and looked at Wang Feng with some teasing.

Zhu Zhuqing's face flushed with a sigh, and she groaned, "Xiao Wu, what are you talking about. Wang Feng is in such a bad situation now... how can I get married..."

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