Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1003 Stole the Heart (5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Really embarrass me.Wang Feng said in his heart.

Why doesn't this girl worry about each one?

Listening to Ning Rongrong's love story, Wang Feng smiled and said, "Okay, I will marry the head office."

Ning Rongrong nodded in satisfaction.

Wang Feng gave Zhu Zhuqing a look.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly with a smile on his face.

"right here."

Ning Rongrong pointed to the statue of the water god in front of him with a smile and said, "Wait later, when you become a god, you will have another grand wedding for me! I want the super grand one!"

"Good." Wang Feng said with his arms around Ning Rongrong's slender waist.

The two simply held a wedding in front of the water god statue.

Zhu Zhuqing said in his heart that I should be married to Wang Feng first, but let Rongrong think so if I don't say anything.

"Wang Feng, I will never leave love..."

Ning Rongrong held his hands in his arms, standing side by side with Wang Feng in front of the statue of the water god with a look of longing, before finishing talking...

Wang Feng knocked Ning Rongrong a chestnut.

"Why are you hitting me?" Ning Rongrong said aggrievedly, holding his head.

"Idiot, become a god, how can birth, aging, sickness and death?" Wang Feng said irritably, "you inherited as a water god, let alone die. Do you know? Still birth, aging, sickness and death, that is the way of mortals."

Ning Rongrong was taken aback, his face flushed, and his head lowered, "Yes, why did I forget?"

"Then Wang Feng, do you like me?" Ning Rongrong blushed and said in a low voice, "No matter how long you are in the seal, I will wait for you."

"Of course I like..." Wang Feng raised Ning Rongrong's chin, "Why, are you shy now?"

"No!" Ning Rongrong knocked out Wang Feng's hand, hummed twice, hugged Wang Feng's neck, worried about his feet, and kissed him.

Zhu Zhuqing on the side turned his head slightly.

What an annoying picture.

Come here for a while.

Zhu Zhuqing listened to the breathing of the two, becoming rush, and could not help but secretly said that Rongrong was too shameless... kissed for so long.

Little did she know... She kissed her for longer each time.

"Look, Zhuqing is jealous." Ning Rongrong parted reluctantly. The breath on Wang Feng's body really made her feel so comfortable.

Zhu Zhuqing blushed and said, "I don't have one."

After speaking, Zhu Zhuqing turned his head.

Wang Feng smiled and said in his heart, as expected, these two are the best to deal with.

At this moment, as if he felt something, Wang Feng turned around and saw Hu Liena standing in the distance looking at herself.

The eyes are faint.

That seductive face is still attractive.The enchanting posture lightly leaned against the door, with a little smile on his face.

"Lena, are you back?" Ning Rongrong didn't seem to want to leave Wang Feng's arms, as if he was declaring sovereignty.

Hu Liena nodded slightly.

Her assessment was almost completed, and she became a Title Douluo, and her strength was not worse than that of Ning Rongrong.

It's just that her is seven tests.

Rather than nine exams.

Wang Feng looked at Hu Liena and thought a little bit. In fact, he didn't need to think about Hu Liena's affairs.

Because Bibi Dong will consider it.

As the person Bibidong knew best, Wang Feng knew that in Bibidong's heart, Hu Liena's status was to some extent higher than Qian Renxue.Destiny book

This is her only disciple, the one raised since childhood.

Keep it by your side.

After many years of relationship, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is Bibi Dong's relatives.

Bibi Dong has now become a Raksha god, so naturally he will not ignore Hu Liena.

"Zhuqing, I will take you to a good place."

At this time, Ning Rongrong suddenly said, "This place is a rare hot spring in our Absolute Ice Domain. It happens to be inside the temple. It is not disturbed by the cold outside. It is also mixed with divine power. It is a treasure given to this place by the water god. Yeah. I'll take you to Bubbles."

With that, Ning Rongrong took Zhu Zhuqing and walked out.

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a while, but followed.

Wang Feng said in his heart, Rong Rong, this girl, is so caring and sensible.

It was angry and funny.

This girl is very clingy, likes to be jealous, and can't stop her.But being sensible is also really sensible.

As soon as the two left, Wang Feng and Hu Liena were left in the hall of Nuo Da.

"My Pope..." Hu Liena blushed inexplicably.

She pulled the short hair around her cheeks and pulled it to her ears, her eyes a little shy, but at the moment she looked straight at Wang Feng.

Hu Liena was a bit older than Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, and looked more mature.

"Just call me Wang Wu." Wang Feng smiled, "After you pass these seven tests, the consciousness of the stars should stabilize. Then you can go to your teacher Bibi Dong, and she will help you find a suitable one for you The position of God. Your qualifications are not much worse than Rongrong."

Hu Liena was taken aback and whispered, "Teacher, she hasn't appeared for a long time... Have you seen her?"

She took a few steps and walked to a place a few meters away from Wang Feng.

Hu Liena didn't know what happened in the Star Dou Great Forest.

"I have seen it." Wang Feng thought for a while and said, "I have resolved the contradiction with her. Now the spirit alliance has become a reality, I will discuss it with your teacher in a few days. She should give up her ambitions. ."

This is also to take care of Hu Liena not knowing much.

In fact, after Bibi Dong has become a god, how can he have any ambitions?

"Really?" Hu Liena looked surprised.

If the teacher does not want to kill Wang Wu, that would be great.

Afterwards, Wang Feng briefly said about what he was about to be sealed.

The matter of Guang and God Realm and God King was too complicated to say, Hu Liena had never seen it.

The explanation was too troublesome, so Wang Feng said that he wanted to practice deeply and would seal himself for many years.

"No wonder you came here..." Hu Liena lowered her head in a quiet tone, "Is it to say goodbye to Rongrong?"

She was sad and pursed her lips.

Wang Feng nodded slightly, "Leena, work hard to become a god as soon as possible, and don't let your teacher down. She will definitely find you a god position too."

Hu Liena was silent.

After a while, she whispered: "I will..."

Wang Feng smiled and walked outside the door.

When I reached the door, I heard Hu Liena murmur:

"I will try to become a god...waiting for you."

Wang Feng paused.

It was this meal, a warm body, and he hugged himself.

An idiotic voice came from behind.

"Wang Wu...I like you. Do you know? Every time I see Rongrong exercises exhausted here, I admire her for being able to say loudly,'I can't let Wang Feng down, I want to work hard.' When I'm exhausted, I can only say that in my heart..."

Hu Liena cried out, "After the road to hell, I can't forget you. When you wanted to join the Hall of Souls, you didn't know how happy I was. When the teacher wanted to match us, it was me. The happiest time in my life. Later you refused, and I don’t blame you. Although you were pretending to be...but you really stole my heart."

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