Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1015 His name is Wang Feng, and it is your Uncle Feng...(5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In this war, the soul master on the human side is naturally the one with the greatest benefit.

Because hundreds of years ago after the first energy tide, countless powerful soul beasts of ten thousand years were born in the Star Dou Great Forest, and even one hundred thousand years of soul beasts.

In this battle, many soul beasts died, and a large number of powerful soul masters emerged in the human soul master world.

Known as: Wuhun Federation has been the golden age of the spirit master world for three thousand years.

In this era, because of the soul beast war, it has only been decades, claiming: as long as you step into the Star Dou Great Forest, you can pick up the desired soul ring.

But not long afterwards, the second sacred mountain of Wose Mountain began to overflow with little energy residue.

This time, less than three hundred years later, the energy tide emerging from this five-color mountain covered the entire Star Dou Forest!

This time, there was no soul beast war in the Star Dou Great Forest. Under this energy tide, the soul beasts of the Star Dou Great Forest began to gradually become stronger.

As a result, the number of soul beasts in the entire Star Dou Great Forest began to surge again during these hundred years.The cultivation base of soul beasts all began to grow rapidly.

This growth posed a huge threat to the Wuhun Federation at that time.

An increasingly powerful soul beast, once a riot occurs, an extremely terrifying war will erupt when the Star Dou Great Forest borders the three major administrative regions of the Federation!


"Wise Mountain's second energy tide."

The Star Dou Great Forest at that time was also called: "the restricted area of ​​human life."

Wuse Mountain is even more known as "a place of taboo".

Even in the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, even Title Douluo did not dare to easily step into it.

Within a hundred years after the second energy tide, it was called by the Wuhun Federation: a gray age that walked on thin ice.

Because at that time the entire human race was facing the threat of riots in the Star Dou Great Forest.

In this way, more than three hundred years passed.

After these three thousand years, in just one thousand years, the Wuhun Federation can be said to have fallen from a height to the bottom of the valley, and passed through two eras that were completely divergent.

The turning point occurred in the fourth millennium of the Wuhun Federation.

That year, the third sacred mountain began to spill energy residue.

This spill will be called by the Wuhun Federation in later generations: "The third energy tide of Wuse Mountain."

Also known as: "The tide of human life."

It is also the beginning of the real beginning to change the mainland.

Because after this energy tide, the rich energy began to spill from the Star Dou Forest to the human area.

This special and rich energy has brought great changes to human soul masters!

At the same time, the second soul beast war broke out.

This war was a war between the soul beasts of the Star Dou Great Forest and all the soul beasts bordering the Star Dou Great Forest.

Just to compete for the core territory of the five-color mountain.

Later, the eight soul beast overlords in the far north quelled the war.After mankind experienced the age of walking on thin ice, after this third energy tide, after the second soul beast war, finally began to benefit.

From the gloomy age of walking on thin ice, human beings have entered the heyday of the soul master world.

Five hundred years later, the fourth white mountain of the five-color sacred mountain once again overflowed with energy.

This made this magical energy begin to spread to the entire continent.Covering the extreme north, southeast, northwest and so on.

Five hundred years later, this heyday will reach its peak!

The so-called titled Douluo is not as good as a dog, and Super Douluo walks all over the place, perhaps not an exaggeration.

It was also because the practice was too fast, which made the spirit master world's demand for spirit beasts increase day by day.

Human beings are too accommodating, and under this kind of cultivation boom, the speed is countless times faster than that of soul beasts.

In this era, even if the number of soul beasts has increased dramatically at that time, it cannot meet the needs of human soul masters.Guangxi Biquge

In this context, the Soul Beast Protection Law, which had lasted for four thousand years in the Wuhun Federation, was torn apart, and humans and soul beasts began more intense wars and fights.

Also broke out at that time the third soul beast battle where both humans and soul beasts had to reach the peak.

But this time the soul beast battle is no longer the soul beast and the soul beast.It's soul beasts and humans.

However, the war only lasted less than a year, and the eight soul beast overlords in the far north made another move, temporarily quelling the war!

Reduced a lot of casualties.

Subsequently, the [Soul Beast Protection Law] was re-established by the Wuhun Federation again. It was signed by the supreme leader of the Central Wuhun Palace, the Twelve Douluo Heavenly Kings, and the soul master was not violating it.

After this war, the Wusei Federation changed the Five Color Mountain into the Star Dou Shen Mountain!

At the same time, because the cultivation speed is too fast, the foundation of many spirit masters is unstable, and in the later stage, the Title Douluo is also in danger of breaking up, or even exploding.

This danger has caused many soul masters in the soul master world to start studying new cultivation methods.

A hundred years later, the first titled Douluo successfully condensed a soul core, symbolizing the start of the revolution in the soul master world.

The emergence of soul cores caused countless soul masters to condense their soul cores, strengthen themselves, stabilize their soul power, and improve their quality due to their cultivation speed under this energy boom.

After the emergence of the soul core concept, the number of human titled Douluo Douluo has dropped sharply, but the overall combat effectiveness and safety have soared.

The price is the increased difficulty of becoming a Title Douluo.

In this heyday of cultivation practice, the emergence of soul cores makes the center of the soul master world focus on cultivation.

In this way, it lasted more than five thousand years after the Wuhun Federation was established.

The fifth mountain of Star Dou Shenshan began to overflow with energy tides.

This is also known as: "The last energy tide of Star Dou Shenshan."

This energy tide caused the energy of the entire world to begin to spread towards the boundless sea beyond the mainland!

This is also another turning point of Douluo Continent.

From the first energy tide of Wuse Mountain to the fifth energy tide of Star Dou Shenshan.

The time dimension spanning over two thousand years at that time.

Great changes have taken place from affecting the Star Dou Great Forest to the entire continent!

The number of soul masters has increased and become stronger, and soul beasts have also increased sharply.

The Wuhun Federation can be said to have reached its true peak in the fifth millennium.

Otherwise, the Five Colored Mountain will not be changed to the Star Dou Sacred Mountain.

Countless human soul masters and soul beasts will regard this time as the sacred land of the mainland.

However, it is this fifth energy tide that makes this rich energy extend overseas.

In this situation, for the remaining thousand years, the Wuhun Federation did not know that a huge threat, from the other end of the sea, was slowly approaching...

The sixth millennium of Wuhun Federation.

One day, Star Dou Great Forest, Star Dou Shen Mountain.

Two lights flashed.

One man and one woman, two figures stood apart.

However, the two of them also held a little girl who seemed to be less than two years old.

"Hehe...Tongtong, you happen to be one year old in the God Realm this year. Mom and Dad brought you here today, so they want to introduce you to a good friend of Mom and Dad."

One of the women, pointing at the still towering Star Dou Sacred Mountain, said with a smile covering her mouth.

"His name is Wang Feng, and it's your Uncle Feng..."


Ps: There are still a few chapters in the evening. The plot officially begins... The pig's feet are broken, and the second spirit ring is attached to the second spirit...

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