Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1026 Weird Evil Soul Beast (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The powerful light and dark angel martial soul possessed his body, making Wang Feng's current momentum reached a limit.

However, because the first spirit ring was too weak, the spirit power level was too low, and none of the seven purple origin lines were filled.Can't use it temporarily.

Can only use Wuhun.

But Wang Feng knew that with the rapid increase in Longxie's strength, his first spirit ring would soon become a hundred, thousand, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years...

The upgradeability of this spirit ring is also a major feature of the life soul deed.

At that time, the age of the spirit ring will no longer be the method of judgment for the soul master.On the contrary, how to cultivate the strength of the soul beast that has concluded a life soul contract, and to improve its own strength, is the most important thing.

Because the spirit ring is directly linked to the strength cultivation of the spirit beast.

Listening to Wang Feng's words, Long Xie also quickly thought about this body.

As a one-million-year soul beast, Longxie is naturally extremely smart.

In the light of the calcium carbide fire, Long Xie had already realized a lot in his heart.

At the same time, the first spirit ring on Wang Feng's body lit up.

A wave of spirit power radiated from Long Xie's body.

At the same time, the three-eyed evil snake screamed and flicked its tail again.

At this moment, Longxie's whole beast was in mid-air, and its palms suddenly joined together, like a top, spinning rapidly in mid-air.

"Soul Skill: Flying Rock Spiral!"

During the rotation, the light of Longxie's body became more and more vigorous, and at the moment when the tail, like a hammer, hits Longxie.

The dragon evil that turned into a spinning top in mid-air, but flashed by extremely sensitively.Rotating in mid-air, quickly landed on the ground.

The moment it fell to the ground, Longxie disappeared, and immediately after the ground where the three-eyed evil snake was, it began to tremble.

With the trembling, the ground quickly moved away from cracks.It was like a bog, becoming extremely soft.

The three-eyed evil snake couldn't reach it and plunged directly into it, embedded in the crack, and its body fell into a short period of stiffness!

"Boss, kill him!"


The dragon evil who turned into a spinning top flew out of the ground again, and was able to exclaim, "Don't say, I have a good vision. The body of this rock dragon is quite strong. The flying rock spiral just now has an attack power. Very weak, but this kind of soul beast that is dozens of times larger than himself can be temporarily controlled. However, my current strength is not enough to destroy... the boss!"

In the distance, Wang Feng quickly flew over.

Looking at the three-eyed evil snake embedded in a crack in the ground, like a three-eyed evil snake in a quagmire.

Obviously, it was the soul-calling skill of Longxie just now that caused the ground to leave and at the same time changed part of the terrain, turning it into extremely soft soil.

Let this three-eyed evil snake be caught in it.

At this time, he was still struggling wildly in the cracked ground.

Wang Feng smiled slightly.

With 14 pairs of wings behind, Wang Feng at this time exudes a mighty power of heaven and earth.

Seven purple lines faintly appeared on his body, setting them off like a god. If it weren't for the fluctuating spirit power, those who didn't know would think it was a god.

With the assistance of the soul beast, the battle will be much easier.Of course, at this time, the special characteristics of Long Xie and Wang Feng made it possible for Long Xie to temporarily control the three-eyed evil snake with his only ten years of cultivation base.

The white spirit ring on his body lit up, and Wang Feng suddenly held his palm.

At this moment, in the state of the light and dark angel martial soul possessed, even if the seven purple origin abilities cannot be used.It can also give Wang Feng a great increase.

This kind of martial spirit has more than just cool-looking special effects!Love Wenxue

He quickly came to the three-eyed evil snake, the white spirit ring was slightly yellowish.

The three-eyed evil snake roared violently at Wang Feng, and a sharp black light was emitted from the pair of vertical pupils, and a fishy smell was touched in its mouth.

The black light is a rare mental attack.

The stench is a corrosive physical attack.The final struggle as an evil spirit beast.

The breath of the human being in front of them made it fear from the heart.

As the light and dark angel martial soul, carrying the power of the source of the robbery god.

This level of martial arts can no longer be judged at the item level.In this world, no martial soul can compare with the mutated light and dark angels.Even if it was placed ten thousand years ago, it didn't.

It was impossible for a three-eyed evil snake to launch a mental attack on Wang Feng.

The moment that black light poured into Wang Feng's eyes, it fell into the sea like a rock, unable to make any waves.

"Soul Skill: Rock Dragon Strike."

Because it was only a ten-year spirit ring, the spirit ability itself was not strong, and it was only a passive spirit ability, but after Wang Fengxin was possessed by the light and dark angel martial soul, the powerful power increased.But it played a terrifying attack.

Wang Feng passed through the stench of the three-eyed evil snake, with an earth-yellow light in his hands, and hit the three-eyed evil snake directly with a punch.

In an instant, countless rock walls covered the three-eyed evil snake, but in just a few seconds, the seven-eight-meter-long three-eyed snake became petrified!

The unremarkable punch, the effect of the Rock Dragon Strike, was only a petrification effect.

There is no increase.

This is just the power of Wang Feng's body after being sealed by the god king and the light and dark angel Wuhun possessed.

"Still a bit too strong."

Wang Feng thought for a while, and he was so powerful that he had no reservations.

If the dragon evil becomes stronger, this soul-recruiting skill will also be greatly enhanced, and then a powerful amplification effect will appear.

At that time, the spirit ability will become stronger.

With Wang Feng's current spirit power, with a single blow, the spirit power poured out, and the huge power son wreaked havoc in the petrochemical three-eyed tool god.


In an instant, this three-eyed evil snake shattered directly!

A strong black light burst from the three-eyed evil snake and hovered.

But what is strange is that this evil spirit beast has no spirit ring to appear!

The evil spirit beast is the product of the collision of two continents, and it seems to have changed after absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

Not only does it possess powerful strength, the most notable one is that these evil spirit beasts have no spirit rings after they die!Only a special dark energy will burst out!

Dark energy, like a mist, overflows between heaven and earth.

"Boss, look, these evil spirit beasts are really weird. These dark energies are not the energy of this world. They don't have spirit rings either."

Long Xie walked to Wang Feng's side, "This shows that their own cultivation form has been changed by this dark energy..."

Wang Feng frowned slightly, he sucked in his palm, exuding a powerful breath, and sucked this dark energy into his hand.

It is different from the soul beast of dark attribute.

This dark energy, full of violence, bloodthirsty, and various negative auras, can erode the consciousness of the soul beast.

Evil soul beasts are human soul masters, the last thing they want to face.Because these evil spirit beasts are powerful, but they have no value after death.

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