Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1030 You are a soul beast! (6)

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Looking at this scene, Long Xie smacked his lips.

Although the three-eyed golden dog is an ancient auspicious beast, it is extremely rare.It can also speed up the cultivation speed of the soul beasts around him, which has many benefits.

But its own cultivation speed is not so fast.

In Longxie's conjecture, if there were no waves of energy spilling from the boss, the cultivation base of this three-eyed golden yao would not exceed 20,000 years.

But now it has ninety thousand years.

It is conceivable that these five energy tides have brought such huge changes to the soul beast.

Even if the little boy Ditian had only 800,000 years of cultivation tens of thousands of years ago, the more difficult it was to cultivate as he progressed.It is also very likely that it has surpassed the tribulation that has gone through 900,000 years.Become a soul beast for nine hundred thousand years.

These three-eyed Jin Ye must have sensed the breath of life in the boss's body, so that they would have such an intimate performance.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to be so close to a human being with the wisdom of this three-eyed golden .


Wang Feng looked at the three-eyed Jinya who was licking his palm and couldn't help but smile.

He actually had feelings for the soul beast that had been guarding the Star Dou Shenshan Mountain.

Since the five-color mountain was erected, soul beasts have been staying in the five-color mountain one after another.Especially since the first energy tide, more and more soul beasts gathered in the five-color mountains.

Although most of it is because they want to absorb the residue of life energy.

But it does guard Wuse Mountain.There are often soul beasts taking care of the dense branches and leaves on the five-color mountain.

To make it look now, it is still awe-inspiring, without obvious panic.

Most of the soul beasts, he is in the Wuse Mountain.But soul beasts are indeed the most sensitive to breath.

"Let's go back."

Wang Feng glanced at Jin Lu three times, "It's okay, don't get out of the realm of the sacred mountain. When I change the way of cultivation in this world, you will usher in a new era."

Perhaps he understood what Wang Feng said.Three-eyed golden wailing a few times.

Wang Feng turned around, looked at Long Xie, and was about to leave.

At this time, a faint spirit transmission suddenly sounded:

"Are you leaving?"

Wang Feng was taken aback.

This sound transmission, he is not too strange.

Most of the spirit beasts in the five-color mountain, even the one-hundred-thousand-year-old spirit beast, rarely notice him in the five-color mountain.

But these years, there is a unique soul beast.

It seems to be able to detect him.

Probably, when he woke up for the fifth time and started to control the contraction of life energy in the body.

There was such a spiritual transmission that sounded in his mind.

For the first time, Wang Feng knew that this soul beast was very unique.

Can the spirit pass through the laws of the five gods and perceive his existence?

Of course, at that time, the rules of the Five Great God Kings were also much weaker than the original ones.

But Wang Feng was really surprised to discover who he was at that time.Because this is relying on mental power to perceive oneself.

Over the years, every time I woke up, I flowed with this mysterious soul.

This soul beast has been sleeping deep in the depths of the Star Dou Forest, and it seems that it has been seriously injured.Later, after the collision of the two continents, coupled with the shift of the continental plates, and the energy tide, they moved to the bottom of the five-color mountain.Absorb the residue of powerful life energy to recover from the injury.

Often fell asleep.

After waking up for the fifth time, Wang Feng began to practice the one-qi-transformation three-cleansing method. In the end, he succeeded in the practice, and he had his current external incarnation.

Later, Wang Feng vaguely guessed the origin of this soul beast by thinking of the history of the gods.

"Yes." Wang Feng also used his spirit to reach the ground.

"Why are you leaving?"

"Of course it is going out to play." Wang Feng replied.

"What's fun in the human world?"

"Hahaha, I am a human being, of course it is fun."

"No, you are a soul beast. You are a soul beast sealed here by those gods. Without you, the soul beast here would not be so prosperous."

"..." 123 Literature Network

Wang Feng shook his head.

This soul beast is a bit stubborn, always thinking that he is a soul beast, not a human.

Is sealed here by those gods.

Wang Feng didn't want to explain to her.

"I once made a big wish to one of my confidantes. I want to change the relationship between humans and soul beasts." Wang Feng continued, "Now, I don't know if she is awake. But I hope that after she wakes up, The relationship between humans and spirit beasts will completely change."

"Hongyan? Aspiration? Relationship?" The soul beast said suddenly, "So that's it... Then, your beauty must be a soul beast? You still said you are not a soul beast?"

"You are the soul beast!"

Wang Feng: "..."

Wang Feng didn't entangle this soul beast too much, "I'm leaving now, you take care."

After speaking, Wang Feng took Long Xie and walked outside.

The silhouettes are long, and the sun shines through the dense leaves and falls on a person and a beast, pulling up a mottled and shadow, gradually drifting away.

Until the two figures disappeared completely.

At this moment, a dark figure suddenly appeared from Sanyan Jinya.

"Finally gone..."

This figure let out a long breath...


"Really, these soul beasts, why don't they fight at all. I used 99% of my strength, and they don't want to fight me."

The cursing voice came from Long Xie's mouth.

Along the way, chicken and dog jumped.

In order to quickly improve his strength, Long Xie caught a soul beast and began to demand a challenge.

Not to mention, this pretend to be a dragon, and it was rebuilt. I still like this feeling.

His own soul is strong, he doesn't know how many years he has lived, and he has rich combat experience.

Even if the soul power cultivation base has just reached a hundred years, the average thousand years can't beat him.

Even if Longwei is not opened, it is useless.

And after reaching a hundred years, Long Xie himself comprehended another soul skill: Yanyan Crazy Demon Fist.

Of course, at this time, Wang Feng asked him to conduct combat training.

In his words, this kind of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, pretending to be better than ruining these weak soul beasts...this is his greatest pleasure.

Along the way, Longxie's strength soared.

Coupled with Wang Feng's training, his strength has improved extremely rapidly.

this day.

The journey of the two was not fast, and Wang Feng paid more attention to comprehending the soul deed of life.

Soul power or something, just automatically upgrade, Wang Feng didn't really care.

On the contrary, Wang Feng focused more on cultivating spiritual power and condensed the second soul nucleus.

Because of the spirit ring, this body incarnation was in the five-color mountain, and it was only cultivated to the tenth level and capped.

But mental power, this clone has been cultivating too.

His current start must be many times higher than he did not know at the beginning.

The mental power of this external incarnation has reached the level of his own fifty-sixth level, close to misty.

Very huge.

"Boss, I'm hungry."

Long Xie said, "I want to eat meat. Make something to eat."

Wang Feng: "..."

This dog hit all morning, exhausted and didn't want to return to the soul realm space.

Wang Feng found the cultivation of soul beasts quite interesting.

In ten to one hundred years, and at this stage of the millennium, if you want to grow well, you must eat well.

Fighting will consume a lot of physical strength, and soul power supplementation is insufficient.

Wang Feng gave him an angry look.

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