Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1032 Meeting the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit Again (8)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Tang San and Xiao Wu didn't leave blood in the mortal world.

However, the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit should be very common on the mainland.

Wang Feng is quite interested.

Wang Feng gave Long Xie a look and let him figure it out.

Seeing this, Long Xie gave a cold snort, did not use his soul power, and relied on his powerful power to make a groan.

In an instant, he broke away all the blue silver grass on his body.

At the same time, two silhouettes walked out of the forest.

One man and one woman.

The male is handsome and gentle, and the female is delicate and aura.

The boy looked at the two of them, suddenly startled.

"What a great rock dragon! His... so fragrant..."

The beautiful and spiritual woman looked at Long Xie in surprise, and her eyes fell on the grilled fish on the grill involuntarily.

"Teacher Xiaoya, this is not the focus now, right?" The gentle man next to him said helplessly.

He looks fifteen or sixteen years old, but his temperament is calm and elegant, with a gentle breath.

" seems to be."

The woman hurriedly rubbed her head, looked at the boy, and said, "Little brother, after you came to us, this rock dragon with a cultivation base just over a hundred years old is not easy."

The boy was taken aback, and said quickly: "No, it's a misunderstanding..."

However, it is not finished yet.

Long Xie looked at the two of them, snorted coldly, and rushed towards them!

His seemingly huge body, but the speed is so fast!

The gentle man and the charming girl were shocked.

The Rock Dragon is an extremely heavy and ordinary soul beast, even if it is a hundred years old, it will never be so fast!

The only thing that Rock Rock Dragon is outstanding is that it has strong defense resistance.

Moreover, it is now called the rock beast, and the word'dragon' has been removed, because this kind of soul beast is really very common, and it is somewhat inappropriate to use dragon to call it.

However, they did not know.

Longxie grows extremely fast, and under Wang Feng's care, it can be described as all-round growth.

In addition, Long Xie itself, the soul of a million-year-old soul beast, has long surpassed the strength of the normal rock dragon.

It seemed that he was only less than one meter tall, but Long Xie rushed up, not only extremely fast.

And the impact is very strong, the bottom is super stable.

The blue silver grass martial arts spirit in the girl's palm bloomed, and the two thousand-year-old spirit rings on her body bloomed, entwining Longxie crazily.

However, Long Xie could only make a quick charge, and he paused, but he couldn't completely stop it.

"Be careful! Xiaoya, get out!"

The gentle man rushed out suddenly, with three spirit rings on his body suddenly blooming!

Two purple, one black configuration!

It is the best configuration of the spirit ring announced by the Wuhun Federation today.

However, the black spirit ring was a little pale, obviously just breaking ten thousand years.

The young people were dumbfounded. With this level of spirit ring configuration, plus their age, it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were geniuses.

Although the limit of the first spirit ring is now three thousand five hundred years.But most spirit masters' spirit rings are six to seven hundred years old.

It’s only eight or nine hundred years old, and those over a thousand years are rare for teenagers.

"Thunder Dragon Claw!"

The gentleman was not in Wenya at the moment, a blue thunder dragon suddenly jumped out of him, after the spirit possessed.

His body suddenly changed, and blue electric wires flashed on his body.Makes him look like he has a powerful thunder tyrant!

The first purple spirit ring lit up, and the man's hand was shining with fierce thunder light, and he swung a claw toward Long Xie who was charging.

"Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon Martial Spirit?"

Wang Feng's eyes lit up again.

After tens of thousands of years, it was such a coincidence that I met two such familiar spirits...

Speaking of it, the original Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was not destroyed. Now that the bloodline continues, it is estimated that it should be carried forward.


Long Xie coldly snorted as he watched this claw full of thunder and lightning strike.

A powerful momentum bloomed from him.

Under the huge dragon power, the blue electric tyrannical dragon martial spirit on the gentle man's body was agitated.

With powerful pressure, Wuhun was suppressed.Starting Point Novel Network

The power and momentum of the gentle man's trick suddenly weakened a lot!


Immediately afterwards, Long Xie grasped his hand, filled with a cloud of earth-yellow light, and blasted directly at the man's thunder claws.

"Iwayan Crazy Demon Fist!"

In an instant, Long Xie's hands were like machine guns, and countless shadows of fists appeared, bombarding the man's claw.

When the first punch fell on his palm, the gentle man still felt that it was all right.

But then when the fist covered with a thick rock layer fell on the hand like rain, the huge power made the thunder power on the claw completely useless.

The intense pain and dense fists made it difficult for the man to fight back.

He was taken aback.

This mere hundred-year-old Rock Rock Dragon has such a powerful spirit ability?

Moreover, the opponent's defensive power is far above the other rock dragons.Your own lightning power can only slow down the opponent's attack, and can't make the opponent paralyzed by the power of lightning!


At the critical moment, the woman behind quickly used blue silver grass to form vines, trapping the man's shoulders and waist, and drew the man out of Longxie's offensive.

Flying in the air.

"Thunder Fury!"


The gentleman was drawn out by Lan Yincao, and took this opportunity to quickly release the third and second spirit ability.

Two great spirit abilities are blooming, and the thunderous wrath of the third spirit ability is a powerful boosting spirit ability, which can increase the attack effect of spirit power and greatly increase the lightning attribute.

He didn't want to use it just now, because he was afraid that after using this trick, the million-dollar rock dragon would be slapped to death by him.

This rock beast is useless to him, and he is not yet able to do so.

However, the strength of this rock beast was far beyond his expectations, and he had to use these two spirit skills.

The whole body was full of thunder light, and thunder patterns appeared on the man's body.

The next moment, his palm condensed, and a cloud of lightning flashed out suddenly, like lightning and thunder, splitting in the air.

It was this split, and in an instant, a thunder net directly wrapped Long Xie from midair!

"little tricks!"

Long Xie vomited and said lightly.

The man and girl shocked again, looking at Long Xie with an incredible expression.

Long Xie suddenly folded his hands together, and his body quickly spun.

It's like telling a spinning top.

When the thunder net fell into contact with this spinning top, countless electric lights burst out.

The tough Lei Xiang was quickly split by countless rock blades under this rotation, but in a short while, it shattered into an earthworm-like thunder.

Seeing this, the two stayed for a while.

This was not over yet, the top suddenly burrowed into the ground, like a burrowing mouse.

Boom boom boom!

Before they could react, the ground under their feet quickly became cracked and soft.


The girl who reacted quickly, just stretched out the blue silver grass, stuck on the trunk on one side, trying to pull herself up.

But it was too late.

Because this was the figure of Longxie, he suddenly emerged, and he cut the tough blue silver grass directly in the whirl.

In an instant, half of their bodies were embedded on the ground.

The current Dragon Evil is not the one who just signed the life soul contract.If it is the current dragon evil, let him deal with the original three-eyed evil snake.

Able to win!

The three of them were all stunned.

Unexpectedly, the wisdom and strength of this century-old rock dragon would be so high!

"Yes, it allows me to use 99% of my strength. You are barely worthy of being my dragon evil food!!"

Long Xie screamed at the three of them, "rua! Today I will eat meat and eat people..."

The three of them turned pale...

At this moment, a somewhat silent voice sounded:

"Okay, come back, it's almost enough to have fun... let them go."


Ps: Eight changes today, ten changes tomorrow.

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