Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1035: Tang Sect Grand Elder? (3)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!This makes Lord Bingmulin's soul merge, which will be very troublesome.

Long Xie didn't have so many requirements.

Since there are soul beast eggs, Wang Feng decided to stay outside the Star Dou Great Forest for a few more days...


"Babe, what kind of person is this big brother Wang?"

Tang Ya said curiously, "Qi Soul Master, Qi Soul Beast...It's really amazing."

Beibei thought for a while and said:

"It may be a way of cultivation that we have never seen before. But the contradiction between the soul beast and humans, I really don't know how he did it? Can the soul beast listen to him?"

Recalling the powerful, cunning and intelligent 100-year-old Rock Beast, he now has a cold sweat on his back.

During the battle, this rock dragon exuded a special aura, making his Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex martial soul feel terrified...

Strength is reduced by 20% out of thin air.

Otherwise, it would not be defeated so thoroughly.

"However, the most amazing thing is...He is so handsome." Tang Ya smiled.

Beibei glanced at Tang Ya, feeling a little sour, and couldn't help asking, "Teacher Xiaoya, he is so handsome. Didn't you see you staring at him all the time?"

Tang Ya shrugged and said with a smile, "I'm afraid I will keep staring at him, and I can't help but like him. Someone will be jealous!"

Hearing this, Beibei was taken aback, looking at Tang Ya suddenly moved.

"Then you, why didn't you look at him? Are you inferior?" Tang Ya poked Beibei on the shoulder.

Beibei thought for a while and said, "I'm just like you, I'm afraid I will look at it a few more times... and I won't like someone anymore."

Tang Ya: "???"

Tang Ya gave Bei Bei a stunned look, and suddenly angrily hammered Bei Bei with a small fist, "Dare you!"

But I thought to myself, this big brother Wang's face is really terrifying, and he can change a man's sexual orientation...Ma Yeah.

"By the way, do you think we should invite this big brother Wang to join our Tang Sect?" Tang Ya asked suddenly, "However, he is carrying a soul beast. It should be a bit difficult."

"It should be impossible." Beibei hesitated. "This senior is mysterious and powerful. Who knows if he will have other powerful soul beasts? How can he join Tang Sect. Tang Sect is not as brilliant as it was a thousand years ago. Although the Federation, the academy, and several ancient sects still support us...but there are fewer and fewer people learning hidden weapons, and you, Xiaoya, the master of the sect is is impossible to persuade this mysterious expert to join the Tang sect. ."

"What? You want to say that I am weak, right?" Tang Ya suddenly froze, but her eyes were a little sad.

"I didn't mean that." Beibei quickly took Tang Ya's hand and said softly, "Although this big brother Wang is approachable, he must be proud of him. We want to bring such an expert to join Tang Sect, maybe Inject fresh blood into Tang Sect, but the difficulty is too high. 0

"I mean, you can consider the young man named Huo Yuhao. Although he has poor aptitude, but he is only eleven years old, he never stage fright. He is neither humble nor overbearing, and he speaks appropriately."

Beibei analyzed, "As long as you have a little training, you may not be able to become a great weapon! The most important thing is that he is very weak. If he invites him to join our Tang Sect, he should not refuse."

Tang Ya nodded, feeling that Beibei made sense.

"It's a pity this expert..." Tang Ya said suddenly, "By the way, I always feel that he gives me a sense of familiarity..."

"Let me think about..." Wushen e-book

Tang Ya clapped her hands suddenly, "It's him! Beibei, do you remember what I told you, ten thousand years ago, when our Tang Sect was founded, the brother of Tang San's ancestor was also the first generation of our Tang Sect. Grand Elder?"

Bei Bei was stunned, "I heard you said. This Tang Sect first-generation elder is a legend in the legend, even more mysterious and powerful than the ancestor Tang Sandu. But does it matter?"

"Of course it does matter!" Tang Ya was suddenly a little excited, "Do you know what this great elder is called? His name is Wang Feng! And he is also shockingly handsome! If it weren't for the war a thousand years ago, we Tang Sect had many Historical relics and statues have been destroyed. His statue should still be left."

"Also there is Shrek Academy. Let's go and get to the Academy. I remember that there is also a statue of the Great Elder of our Tang Sect in the Academy..."

The more she said, the more excited Tang Ya became.

"Did you have a fever?" Beibei looked at Tang Ya in disbelief, "Can you think that this great elder lives for ten thousand years? It's just the same name, I have met several people with the same name."

"Of course not!" Tang Ya frowned, "Am I that stupid? I mean, he might be the offspring of our Tang Sect elder! He used his ancestor's name to commemorate his ancestors, walking in the world According to the history of the Federation, what a great elder of our Tang Sect was in the past? How come there is no news? He will definitely leave his descendants..."

"If he looks similar to our Tang Sect Great Elder, then there is a 90% probability that he will be a descendant of the Great Elder."

Beibei nodded.

It feels reasonable.

"That's OK, let's ask that Huo Yuhao first, let's return to the college quickly..."


"Soul beast egg, my soul beast egg... come find me."

Wang Feng hummed softly.

After searching in the Star Dou Great Forest for a while, the soul beast egg still did not appear.

On the contrary, Long Xie's strength has increased by one level because of fighting Tang Ya and Bei Bei.

In fact, it is completely impossible for the century-old Yanyanlong to defeat Beibei and Tangya.But in the body of this rock dragon, there lived a soul that had lived for so many years, pretending to be a dragon.

Coupled with the special cultivation speed of the Life Soul Deed, Long Xie has a strength far beyond his cultivation.

The initial exercise is very critical and requires a solid foundation.

For this reason, Wang Feng specially put Long Xie on a very thick rock layer and moved forward with heavy load.

This kind of rock formation is Wang Feng's first soul skill, Rock Dragon Strike.Rock formation.

This is not an active attack, but a passive attack special effect that can seal the enemy when the enemy is supplied.

After becoming a Hundred Years Spirit Ring, Rock Dragon Strike has another boost effect: its attack and defense are increased by 50%.

The same is just a passive effect.After opening, any attack will have this increase effect.It fits his current fighting style.

At the same time, Wang Feng predicted that when he was at level 20, the first purple source would be filled with spirit power.

After the first purple original soul power is filled, no accident, the seal of the five god kings of the external incarnation will weaken by one.

When the first seal disappeared completely, he could use one-fifth of the power of his body.

It can be said quickly.

Wang Feng's spirit power level is about thirteenth level, two months at most, twenty level is not a problem.

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