Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1044 The Power of Contract (3)

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Wang Feng was startled.

As the founder of the Life Soul Deed, Wang Feng feels that he seems to have gained a special power?

Wang Feng was slightly surprised.

This change was unexpected to Wang Feng.

This power is similar to the power of faith, but there are differences.

Compared with the illusory power of faith, this contract power is more solid.

"Damn! The intelligence of this silver silkworm has been elevated to at least the level of eleven or twelve years old!"

At this time, Tianmeng Bingcan said in shock, "This is too abnormal! This is already in the stage of spiritual wisdom! The ordinary ten thousand year soul beast is nothing but this."

Such a change really shocked Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Today's spirit beasts, although because of the five energy tides, many spirit beasts have developed their spiritual wisdom.

But this kind of little soul beast for more than 20 years is impossible to possess such a high level of intelligence!

Spiritual wisdom already means a lot of abilities to spirit beasts.

The simplest is that it is not the kind of unconsciously absorbing heaven and earth vitality cultivation.But you can take the initiative and even accelerate the cultivation of your own heaven and earth vitality.

The earlier the spiritual wisdom is opened, the more effective it will be.

Obviously, this is a powerful effect attached to the life soul deed!

After Huo Yuhao's soul power was integrated into the silver silkworm body, it merged with the silver silk silkworm's consciousness, enabling it to be enlightened.

Before Wang Feng and Long Xie's soul contract, the changes to Long Xie were limited to the body of Na Yan Yanlong.

So you can't see how big the effect is.

But now Huo Yuhao and this silver silkworm's soul deed can really see the changes between the two.

Similarly, Huo Yuhao, who was the beneficiary, accepted the silver silkworm's spirit ring and part of the life force.

His body was wrapped in a faint white light.

The soft energy in the spirit ring entered Huo Yuhao's body, slightly changing his body condition.

Because it was not actively absorbed, the power of the spirit ring was perfectly absorbed, and some silver silkworm's own life power was attached.

As a soul beast, the silver silkworm has a long lifespan.Unlike ordinary silkworms, their life span is extremely short.

In fact, the life span of soul beasts is much longer than that of human beings, and their life abilities are very strong!

After the soul contract is concluded, the silver silkworm's soul ring will carry part of his life force and give it to Huo Yuhao.

With the help of this vitality, Huo Yuhao's body also changed slightly.

Because of the mutation of the spiritual eye, the meridians in the body are narrow and messy, and he is extremely low-qualified.Under this force of life, it has changed a bit!

Wang Feng's eyes flickered.

This is the result of signing the soul deed under the same circumstances.

Human beings give the power of essence, blood and soul, unlock spiritual wisdom to soul beasts, and endow them with powerful cultivation ability!

The soul beast will give human soul ring and life force, upgrade the soul power level, and change the qualification of the soul master!

And it was signed by the high-level life spirit master expected by Wang Feng.

For example, in the class of 100,000-year soul beasts, in addition to the above abilities, the life soul deed is very likely to break through the bottleneck under the power of human essence and soul and directly promote!

Of course, the premise is equality.Like a hundred thousand year spirit beast, signing with a Title Douluo can have this effect.

Even in Wang Feng's prediction, the soul deed of life represents the law of life!

Under the power of this law, the soul beasts who sign the soul deed and get promoted will not attract the catastrophe!

There was a gleam in Wang Feng's eyes, and after watching Huo Yuhao's first life soul contract, he seemed to see the future.

These, Wang Feng will experiment in the future.

Go and sign contracts with the soul beasts of ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, and one million years, to see if they are consistent with Wang Feng's own thoughts.

"This kid's aptitude has also changed, the life force of the soul beast..." 5599 novel

Tian Meng Ice Silkworm said with some excitement, "Boss, this life soul deed you created is really powerful! Not to mention those high-level soul beasts. Even the lowest-level soul beasts can live longer than humans. But because of the growth period. Slow, it’s extremely difficult to turn on spiritual wisdom. Humans have a short lifespan, but their spiritual wisdom is turned on very early...Soul beasts donate the power of life, and humans donate the power of soul. They are exchanged through spirit rings and blood..."

"It's wonderful!"

"Boss, you are simply a peerless genius! I now want to find a powerful human, sign a soul deed, and see what changes this million-year-old soul beast will have..."

Although Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is excited.

But in fact, think about it, the more powerful the human, the more complex it is.

People's hearts are unpredictable.

It is not that simple to sign a soul deed with it.

Huo Yuhao is young, only eleven years old.

Wang Feng smiled slightly and said, "You will have a chance."

"Smuggler," Long Xie said.

At this time.

Two figures in the distance suddenly flew over from a distance.

"Big Brother Wang? Huo Yuhao?"

Tang Ya's surprised voice came, "Why are you all here?"

The two followed Huo Yuhao's footprints, and wanted to find Huo Yuhao, but when halfway there, they suddenly felt a strong mental fluctuation.

Frozen for a long time, when the mental fluctuation disappeared, he hurried over.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious expert who had left not long ago was also with Brother Wang.

Could it be that he was attracted to it?

"What happened to Brother Huo?"

Beibei frowned and looked at Huo Yuhao, who was surrounded by a ball of white light, and seemed to understand something, "Is he absorbing the spirit ring?"

But this way of absorbing spirit rings seemed a bit special.

So soft.

You know, the energy in the spirit ring of the spirit beast killed by humans is strong and irritable.

It takes a lot of effort to absorb, and there are certain risks.

"Don't worry, he's fine."

Wang Feng glanced at the two of them.

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm saw that a human was coming, and went straight into Huo Yuhao's pocket to hide, and didn't want other humans to see him.

The silver silkworm was still in Huo Yuhao's hands.

After a while.

The white light disappeared, Huo Yuhao opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed through the golden pupil.

He knelt towards Wang Feng, his tone trembling, "Teacher!"

The trembling is because of the excitement at this time, but also because of excitement and gratitude.

"From now on, you will be my only teacher!" Huo Yuhao's voice tremblingly surprised Tang Ya and Bei Bei.

Wang Feng thought for a while and said, "Get up first."

Huo Yuhao was able to comprehend the soul deed of life, he still had a certain understanding.

It's okay to accept an apprentice.It's not bad to be able to observe the soul deed of life.

Although it is impossible to teach him all the time.

Huo Yuhao hurriedly stood up, and then noticed that Tang Ya and Bei Bei were also coming, he couldn't help but was taken aback, "Sister Tang Ya, Big Brother Bei Bei, why are you here?"

Tang Ya and Bei Bei looked at each other.

"I just noticed that there is a change come and take a look." Beibei said, "and I just want to find you, Brother Huo..."

"Look for me?" Huo Yuhao was stunned again.

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