Check in from Douluo

Chapter 106: Direct Rolling (8)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!However, it was still too dangerous. If Wang Feng didn't feel it that time, the two spirit beasts might have died.

Therefore, I can only use this method to transport the two soul beasts out and put them back in the holy soul village, as the big blue bird's partner.

Unexpectedly, after the big blue bird disappeared, these two guys also disappeared...

"Where did these three guys go? Will they come to this Star Dou Forest?"

Wang Feng secretly said in his heart, "It's a pity, this Star Dou Great Forest is too big, even if it comes, I can't find it. But inside, they should be much safer than the Soul Hunting Forest."

The group of people moved forward gradually.

Halfway through, I also encountered several waves of soul beast groups, but they all avoided.

In addition, they also encountered several hundred-year-old spirit beasts that actively attacked, but they were all resolved quickly.

Wang Feng didn't even make a move.

Even a spirit beast that was more than a thousand years old was able to quickly kill it with the strength of Dai Mubai.

However, it is not what Oscar needs.

"Xiao Wu is listless, I guess the soul beasts have killed a lot, and are worried that her elder brother and second brother will come to her?"

Wang Feng looked at Xiao Wu, thinking in his heart.

Of course he knew what he would face when he came to this Star Dou Great Forest.

Titan Great Ape!

One of the overlords of the Star Dou Great Forest!

"My third form..."

Wang Feng took a deep breath and murmured, "Perhaps, it can make a difference."

Last night, his soul power was completely saturated, and he also urged the third form...It seems that it is exactly what he needs!

At this moment.

Wang Feng suddenly looked in one direction!

He smelled the breath of the soul beast!

If you talk about the sharpness of the soul beast, I am afraid that even Zao Wou-ki might not be better than him.Wang Feng is too familiar with various spirit beasts.

Although this phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake is rare, Wang Feng can be considered to have seen it in an advanced soul hunting forest, but it is not very aggressive, but he remembers its breath clearly.

Almost the next moment, Zao Wuji and Tang San also looked in that direction!

But when the two watched, Wang Feng had already spoken in advance:

"Zhu Zhuqing, go ahead and see if there is a soul beast?"

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Zao Wou-ki and Tang San also looked at Wang Feng in surprise.

"Wang Feng, how did you notice it?" Zao Wou-ki looked at Wang Feng in surprise.

"I'm very sensitive to the spirit beast's breath." Wang Feng said with a smile, "It has nothing to do with strength, it's purely sensitive to breath. I have fought spirit beasts many times..."

Many times, it was an understatement.

But Zao Wou-ki heard something weird. You, a twelve-year-old great spirit master, have fought with spirit beasts many times?

Tang San believed very much in his heart, because he was hunted down by Feng Brother who helped him kill that ghost!

The shot is extremely decisive, it can be called and killed in one blow!

The understanding of soul beasts is deeper than that of myself who only understands theoretical knowledge!

The master said that any theoretical knowledge has no practical experience, which is more correct!Wonderful book bar

Now, Tang San remembers that scene...

Therefore, Tang San had no doubt that Feng Ge must know more about spirit beasts than he knew!

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing heard a cold voice from the branch:

"It's a flying snake, flying about three meters high, with a fleshy crown on its head, which looks larger than its head, and its tail is a chicken crown."

Zhu Zhuqing just finished.

Tang San and Zao Wou-ki almost spoke in unison:

"It's Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake!"

Zao Wou-ki glanced at Tang San, his eyes brightened: "This snake is rare. The flesh crown on his head has a lot of effect. Oscar, you are blessed. But, I don't know how old this Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake is?"

At this time, Tang San asked: "Zhu Zhuqing, how long is this snake and what color is its wings?"

Zhu Zhuqing said: "The wings are light red and the length is about seven meters."

After hearing this, Tang San settled, and said with a smile:

"This must be a thousand-year-old Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake. The light red wings are a sign of evolution. It is about seven meters away. It should be between 1300 and 1700. This snake is suitable for Oscars."

"Moreover, this kind of snake itself is non-venomous, and its attack method is very simple. It likes to wrap its body around the enemy. But the speed is strange. His flesh cap stores various nutrients. In times of crisis, this medicine will provide special acceleration. If you get the snake’s spirit ring, Oscar, your next spirit ability should be related to the speed bonus. For you, it should be the most suitable at this stage."

When everyone heard this, they were slightly taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Tang San said so clearly.

"Little San, your master, must be very powerful!" Oscar said sincerely, "It's an encyclopedia of the spirit world!"

Zao Wou-ki secretly said, this little hedgehog can become a master's disciple, and there are certain reasons.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Tang San was not proud. He suddenly looked at Brother Feng next to him and asked:

"Brother Feng, do you have anything to add?"

Tang San knew that Brother Feng knew very well about spirit beasts, and was afraid he might have missed something.

Wang Feng shook his head and said, "Little San, what you said is correct, but I have a question. Zhu Zhuqing, when you observed the cockscomb snake, did you see that the snake was injured?"

Zhu Zhuqing on the branch was taken aback and shook his head.

Wang Feng said: "You were a little careless in your observations, pay attention next time. Remember, next time you look at the soul beast, you must see if the soul beast is injured. If there is, it means it may have been hunted and killed. Fleeing! There may also be injuries from fighting with other spirit beasts. These can be judged based on the wounds! For us, we must prepare in advance! If there is no injury, it is naturally the best. Ownerless Soul Beast!"

Zhu Zhuqing felt very reasonable and couldn't help nodding.

Everyone was stunned. Didn't expect this to be said?

"You kid, a little cautious!"

Zao Wuji couldn't help but said, "I somewhat believe that you have hunted many soul beasts."

If Tang San said just now, it was pure knowledge.

What Wang Feng said was real experience!It takes a lot of battles to have experience!

Obviously, Wang Feng has encountered this situation.

In the past five years, Wang Feng has encountered many such situations...

In fact, this cockscomb snake was indeed injured.Wang Feng knew it too.

"Wang Feng, how do you think this kind of soul beast should be captured?" Zao Wuji said.

"How to capture?"

Wang Feng smiled and said, "We are too strong, so we don’t have to do anything. Teacher Zhao, you can directly light up the seven spirit rings, wait for him to come over, and use your spirit skills to make combo moves, just like the moves I used at the beginning. In other words, directly crushing it...this is the safest and most effective way."

Zao Wou-ki's dignified 76th-level soul sage, to deal with a snake that has been more than a thousand years old, as long as the snake enters his attack range, a set of soul skills can be used directly to OK, and finally a little bit of strength is reserved, and it is enough not to directly shoot to death.

No method is needed at all!

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