Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1067 Soul Master, Dragon Evil (10)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Outside, Zhou Yi heard Wang Feng's words with question marks all over her face.

If you don't make a move, what are you doing?

Everyone was also curious.

Jiang Nannan, who had just walked down, immediately set his sights on the stage.

This mysterious young man pretending to be the ancestor of September 1st, seems even more mysterious.

At this time.

"You may not hear clearly, what I just introduced."

Wang Feng said slowly, "I am Qi Soul Master, not Soul Master. Come out, Long Xie!"

The voice fell.

The purple spirit ring on his body shone again.

An earth-yellow light shot out from the spirit ring.This light fell on the ground and immediately turned into a soul beast!

A real thousand-year soul beast!

Rock Rock Dragon!

As a thousand-year-old soul beast, Long Xie's body at this time was a bit taller than Wang Feng!

Extremely strong!

The body has a skin like a rock layer, which looks like it is covered with a layer of rock armor.

The chubby belly below, after a long time of training and evolution, has become full of oppression at this moment.

The iron-backed head on that head is brighter, and the tiger teeth at the corners of the mouth have also turned into a pair of half-meter long fangs, exuding cold light.

The height of nearly two meters and the two small meat buns protruding from the back gave Long Xie a unique charm.

The powerful momentum coming from the surface spreads from Longxie towards the surroundings!

In an instant, the entire fighting spirit area was stunned!

Therefore, at this moment, the heads of the onlookers gathered for a short time.

Only Tang Ya and Bei Bei looked at them with complicated expressions.

Senior Wang still has to take this step after all!

And the rock beast in front of me has really become a thousand-year soul beast!

It is hard to imagine that ten days ago, this rock rock dragon was just a century-old rock rock beast.

How long has it been?

Soul Master Qi, is there such a pervert?

This almost completely violates the cultivation balance of the soul beast, right?

Is it a violation?

Strictly speaking, it is really a violation.

It is impossible for an ordinary soul beast to progress so fast.

The silver silkworm like Huo Yuhao has gained a trace of the original power of the Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm, and it has only survived a century.

Unfortunately, there is still no Longxie metamorphosis.That drop of Gein's blood was too effective.

Tang Ya and Bei Bei shocked Tang Ya and Bei Bei the most at this speed of cultivation beyond common sense.

But at this moment, everyone is even more shocked that...

Soul beast?

what's the situation?

How could the soul beast suddenly appear on the soul fighting platform?

The teachers were also completely stunned.

The woman below who walked out of the Sea God Pavilion and was ordered to observe was also stunned.

"I am Qi Soul Master."

Wang Feng looked around the people for a week, "The main focus is on cultivating soul beasts and self-cultivation. His name is Longxie, and he is my first soul beast. It has been a rock dragon for thousands of years."

At this moment, these three words Qi Soul Master.

Really imprinted in everyone's mind

"The soul beast... how can the soul beast fight with humans..."

A teacher murmured.


It is the only thought in their minds at the moment.

Don't know what to do?

It's like a kind of cultivation concept, which has received a huge impact.It is to make these strong soul emperors unable to return to God for a while.

"Why not?"

Wang Feng said calmly, “According to the history of the mainland, my heir, Wang Feng, didn’t he have eight partners in the far north? That’s because I let him truly accept my soul master’s mantle, otherwise, Now, the profession of Qi Soul Master should be known to everyone in the entire continent."

When the teachers heard this, they were stunned on the spot.

Think about it too!

"Soul Master Qi..."

Zhou Yi muttered a few words and barely returned to God. She looked at the rock dragon on the ring in the distance.

Unlike the ordinary rock dragon, this thousand-year-old rock dragon not only has bright eyes and gleams with the light of high wisdom, but its seemingly not huge body is full of explosive power.It must not be known by the thousand-year soul beast.

"Humans, stop the ink. If you want to fight, hit it quickly! You have to go back to rest after you finish the fight!"

At this moment, the Yanyanlong uttered a voice and made an impatient voice.

Thousand-year soul beast that speaks words?Literary City

This is really hell!

Countless people stared in amazement.

"This is the Soul Master Qi?"

Below Wang Dong grabbed Huo Yuhao's shoulder, only shock, curiosity, and excitement in his eyes!

Huo Yuhao patted Wang Dong's hand without answering.

Wang Dong is not a special case.

Shocked, curious and excited, everyone has it on their faces.

Some students who are relatively weak are still a little afraid.

"Thousand-year soul could it be able to speak...this is incredible."

Zhou Yi was stunned and took a deep breath. The feeling of cultivation as if being destroyed and collapsed was really not very good.

But this is not enough.

"That's what you said, don't you make a move?"

Zhou Yi looked at Wang Feng.

"Yes. Please rest assured." Wang Feng patted Long Xie on the back.

The corner of Long Xie's mouth twitched.

He is now in a period of rapid growth, coupled with his special physique, he really needs to be beaten.

The bigger, the more he improves and the stronger his strength.

"In this case, then I'm not welcome."

Zhou Yi took a deep breath, "I don't care what the soul master is... but a thousand-year-old soul beast, if I don't believe it, can it break the sky?"

After saying this, Zhou Yi rushed towards Long Xie.

The sky must not be turned over temporarily.

For the soul emperor, the thousand-year spirit beast is basically a lamb to be slaughtered.

Not to mention a thousand years, ordinary soul beasts of ten thousand years, strong soul emperors can kill them.

Zhou Yi rushed forward, and several spirit rings on her body directly lit up.

Although she does not have a beast spirit, her body speed is extremely fast, and she has obviously been strengthening herself through various methods of cultivation.

"Fifth Soul Ability: Xuan Tie Leng Yue Zhan!"

In the light of the calcium carbide fire, before he got close to Longxie, he jumped high, and the mysterious iron ruler in his hand became several times the size.

Immediately afterwards, his body bends like a full moon, and the soul power of the profound iron ruler in his hand completes a U-shape, and then slams a bright silver blade toward Longxie!

With the breath of tearing everything apart, when he was about to fall into Long Xie's mouth, he saw Long Xie suddenly open his mouth.

Directly swallowed this bright silver blade light.

Zhou Yi was stunned, so all right?

Just in this daze, Long Xie hesitated and spit out a sticky earthy yellow light group suddenly.

The slime solidified when it encountered something, Zhou Yi couldn't touch it, and several layers of slime on his body were directly petrified!

The speed drops drastically!

Fortunately, Zhou Yi completely avoided the khaki light cluster.

"Eat me with a trick to the Raptors' tail!"

Long Xie yelled, moving towards Zhou Yi, whose speed was reduced.

When Zhou Yi heard the words, he focused on Longxie's tail, and was a little wondering that the rock dragon's tail was not long, how to throw it out?

However, the next moment, the huge fist, like raindrops, fell on Zhou Yi's body.


Are you not the Raptors wagging their tail?

Why are you punching again?

Are you cheating?

Zhou Yi was in a cold sweat. The wisdom of this rock dragon was too high, right?It's totally illogical!

"Iwayan Crazy Demon Fist!"

One punch after another fist fell on Zhou Yi like rain.

Bang bang bang!

The opponent's speed was too fast, Zhou Yi was not good at defense, accidentally, and punched twice.

Suddenly was blown off.

His face was pale for a while.

Such a powerful force, all aspects of this rock beast completely surpassed many soul beasts of this cultivation base!


"Eat me, Xuan Tie Leng Yue cut!"

Just here, Long Xie opened his mouth and touched it again, and also sprayed two silver moon blades towards Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi's face changed drastically. Just now, this soul beast didn't resolve her move, but stored it!

On the occasion of the fire of calcium carbide.

An icy moonlight attacked from a distance, smashing the two profound iron Leng Yuezhang.

Accompanied by a cold voice sounded:

"Teacher Zhou, you can't beat him, let me try. Let me see what this soul master is?"


Ps: Keke, it’s a bit late, sorry...

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