Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1069 Unless he personally shot (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Boss, I can't perceive her... this little girl is a bit powerful.I may not be able to beat it.'

Long Xie's heart tightened.

Zhang Lexuan's martial spirit is a weapon spirit, and the seventieth level is a watershed.

Her body is extremely powerful, and this moon martial soul doesn't seem to possess attributes in itself.But it can be remote and close combat.

The moonlight emitted can also conceal one's own breath.

From a fighter's point of view, Zhang Lexuan is a keen attack in a strong attack and has no shortcomings.

In fact, Wang Feng felt a little weird.

The moon, from his point of view, is essentially a planet...

Zhang Lexuan's martial soul should only be in the form of a full moon, not a real moon martial soul.

Otherwise, owning a planet as a martial soul?That's it?

Speaking of this, Wang Feng suddenly woke up, could it really be a planet with a human spirit?

If it is really a planet, how abnormal?

Could the Douluo Continent be someone else’s martial spirit on a planet... The God Realm is another small world, twin martial spirits?

Thinking of this, Wang Feng's eyes flashed, expelling these thoughts, and the sound transmission said:

"At seven o'clock!"

Long Xie couldn't sense it.But he felt it naturally.

Due to the strength of the dragon's body, although the soul is strong, the body can only bear part of it.In other words, Long Xie's mental power can only play a small part.Only when his body gradually becomes stronger can he use more and more.

Otherwise, excessive use of mental power will cause indelible damage to his body.

But Wang Feng's body is very strong.It is copied from the body.

The mental power is unlimited.

With Wang Feng's reminder, Long Xie subconsciously turned his side and exposed his hard back in the direction of seven o'clock.

At the same time, the short tail flicked in the direction of seven o'clock!

In an instant.


The short tail is extremely delicate, thrown into the air like thunder.

A figure suddenly appeared!

It is Zhang Lexuan!

It seemed a little surprised that this thousand-year-old Rock Rock Dragon could still sense her own attack, but she also reacted quickly. When the tail was thrown, a light suddenly condensed in her hand, grabbing Dragon Xie's tail.

Long Xie only felt a huge suction from his tail, and immediately after that, he felt his whole body as if he was about to be caught.

Super power!

"Don't worry, she wants to throw you out. At the moment you throw it out, you use the Flying Rock Spiral, just like I threw you out last time, and then use her power to attack in a whirlwind."

Wang Feng immediately spread the voice.

"No problem!" Long Xie quickly replied.

As the boss of the bystander, it can be said that he has a very clear view of the situation, although most of the previous battles were conducted by Longxie alone.

But once Wang Feng opened his mouth to help, Long Xie's strength would be more than 100%.

Sure enough.

The Moonlight in Zhang Lexuan's hand possessed extremely strong suction, and grabbed Long Xie's tail in his hand.

Tap the ground with your toes, and a spin will throw Long Xie out!

The speed is extremely fast, if you change to another soul beast, you can only be thrown and dizzy.

But in an instant, Long Xie's huge body spun in mid-air.

"Flying Rock Spiral!"

The huge spinning top caused a gust of wind to blow up, and the power of the dragon evil, who was already strong enough, was naturally stronger.

The top rotated half a circle in mid-air, and suddenly flew back with the force that Zhang Lexuan threw out.

A strange light flashed in Zhang Lexuan's eyes.

My own thoughts were seen through.89 Literature Network

"Fourth Soul Ability: Moon Dance!"

The black fourth call on Zhang Lexuan's body lit up, and the full moon in the sky suddenly fell, spinning frantically.

Dao Dao vigor rages on the fighting spirit stage.

Every energies falling on the soul fighting platform can draw a clear dent.

The power can be imagined.

I saw that the full moon danced in mid-air, spinning, and at the same time colliding away like a dragon evil like a spinning top!


In an instant, it was like two high-speed rotating gears collided with each other and stuck in an instant.

Long Xie's body appeared, and was knocked into flight by this huge force, and the hard rock armor on his body was instantly split.

His body is even more skinny.


Long Xie let out a somewhat painful roar.

The full moon on the other side did not change at all, still emitting a scorching light.

"Your Dragon Lord is angry!"

The fierce light in Long Xie's eyes was full, and regardless of the injuries on his body, he opened his mouth and burst out a khaki light wave.

At this time, Longxie's third soul skill: Rock Dragon Soul Eater.

In addition to being able to swallow the enemy's energy attack, it can also actively emit a khaki light to attack the enemy.

"Fifth Soul Ability, Xiaoyue Hanguang!"

Zhang Lexuan spoke lightly.

The fifth spirit ring lights up.

In an instant, the full moon suddenly emitted a violent light.

The entire fighting spirit area was shining out of sight, and in the fierce light, a terrifying silver beam sprayed out toward the full moon.

The earthy yellow light blasted out of Long Xie's mouth!

The energy is offsetting in the confrontation.

But only a few seconds later, the silver beam of light broke through Longxie's spirit ability.

Blast directly on Long Xie's body.

The huge power gap caused Long Xie to be beaten again.

'Boss, I can't beat it.I think the soul domain space.'Long Xie said.

'Are you too scared?Hold on, your injury is nothing at all, and it has not developed your potential.'Wang Feng reminded.

But this Le Xuan is really strong.

For the Dragon Evil who has only a thousand years of age, it is normal to fail to fight.

'Then boss, you can also do it...'

Long Xie fell on the Soul Fighting Platform from mid-air, staggering two steps as if drunk.

Zhang Lexuan watched quietly.

A thousand-year-old rock rock dragon of ordinary blood, able to withstand her two powerful moves, has not fallen.

It's really rare.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart slowed down inexplicably.

This master sister in the inner courtyard, if he couldn't solve even a rock dragon, it would be too shameful.

"I was careless just now!"

Zhou Yi sighed and said, "This Rock Rock Dragon should not be able to beat me, but his wisdom is really unique. Now that Le Xuan is being pressed and beaten, it can be seen. Le Xuan directly uses his hard power. Crush, it doesn't make sense. If I didn't hit that trick just now, I would have defeated this soul beast..."

"Also, it is obvious that Wang Feng himself can help the Yanyanlong. When Le Xuan first took action, he saw through and attacked. The Yanyanlong was able to dodge in time. So Le Xuan understood later and just shot it. Can't give any chance. Even head-to-head, this rock dragon loses."

"Because as long as you go head-to-head, you think the other party has no chance to dodge. It's useless to see through.


"Unless what?" another teacher asked.

"Unless, he also takes the shot himself." Zhou Yi looked at Wang Feng.

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