Check in from Douluo

Chapter 109 Isn't It Simple? (1)

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Very quiet!

Except that the snake was still trembling, making the sound of rubbing against the branches and leaves on the ground.

There was no sound anymore.

Everyone looked at this scene as if shocked.

After a while, until Wang Feng turned and walked a few steps.

Meng still only seemed to wake up, looking at Wang Feng's back, and touching the faint blood stains on his face.

"Soul Dan! You!"

With that said, Meng still swallowed the light with the snake stick in his hand, and rushed directly towards Wang Feng.

However, he was stopped by the snake woman.

"Still, enough!"

The snake woman blocked Meng still, and said solemnly.

"Mother-in-law, why are you stopping me?" Meng still said angrily, "You didn't look at my face, I can't forgive him!"

As a girl, it doesn't matter if there is a blood cut on the thigh or shoulder.

What if your face is scratched?Can this be tolerated?

Even if it's just a small hairline, it can't stand it!


The snake woman stared at the trembling tree trunk behind Meng still, still stopped Meng still, not letting her go forward, and turned to look at Wang Feng, her eyes gleaming with ice cold, "We still lost, this snake Let it be to you. Thank you little brother for being merciful!"

Hearing this, Meng still froze for a moment, and then furiously said: "Mother-in-law, where did I lose? I just suffered a little injury! It's not a problem! I haven't given up yet!"

But the snake woman pointed to the few leaves behind her that were as sharp as a blade and embedded in the trunk, and whispered:

"Okay, still, think about it, if these few leaves cut your throat just now, would you still be able to speak?"

In an instant!

Meng's face was still stiff, and he paled.

The anger poured into her mind just now, and she didn't even have the mind to think about it, but now when she thinks about it, although the few leaves have hurt herself, it is obviously very delicate and not fatal.

She herself will use similar techniques, but she is far from being able to control it with such precision!

The wound caused to her was just a bloody hole, very shallow, not deep.If it is thrown indiscriminately, it is impossible to cause such an effect!

But since he can control it so delicately, if he wants to tear the blood hole a bit wider, or stab his deadly part, he can hardly stand up and speak now.

So, it was the other party who kept his hand!

"Ahem, Oscar, what are you doing in a daze? Get a sausage out."

Wang Feng, who walked over, looked at the sluggish people, winked at Oscar, and said in a low voice, "Go up, the wound I left is not too deep, you should be able to restore her with a single sausage."

Hearing this, Oscar woke up suddenly, and hurriedly prepared the sausages prepared in advance, walked in front of the snake woman, took a look at Meng, and said: small composition novel

"Senior Snake, my grilled sausage has a healing effect. After eating, your granddaughter's minor injuries should heal soon without leaving scars."

After all, the wound is really shallow.Even if you don’t need to cook the sausages, after applying the medicine, the scars left for the most months will disappear automatically as your body grows.

Fortunately, Oscar didn't chant the spell. The sausage was prepared in advance.

Snake Po and Meng still hadn't heard this Oscar's spell, and directly took the grilled sausage. Meng still ate it in a panic, for fear of any damage to his appearance.She didn't doubt that the grilled sausages were poisonous, because her mother-in-law was an expert at using poison, and her body was also immune to various toxins.

After she had eaten it, the wound on her face quickly recovered. It should be scabs and heal after a while.Meng's expression still improved a lot, but he gave Wang Feng a hard look.

"Brother Zhao, you have a good student! Thank you for his sausage."

The snake woman took a deep look at Wang Feng, then slightly nodded towards Oscar, and said lightly, "The green mountains will not change, the green water will flow long, let's have a period later!"

After speaking, the snake woman took Meng still and turned away.

Oscar didn't mean to see enough, so he stood on tiptoe and glanced at it.

Na Meng was still a little older than him by a year or two, and he was also pretty and in good shape. After eating the sausage just now, he glanced at him, and he was relieved.

When the two left, Zao Wou-ki breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was only the snake woman and her husband did not come. Otherwise, there would be no need for this competition.

The other seven people immediately exploded and directly surrounded Wang Feng.

"Damn, Wang Feng, that trick just now is amazing! I want to learn it too! How did you do it?"

Ma Hongjun's eyes gleamed, thinking that if he learned this trick by himself, wouldn't he be able to cut all those girls' clothes?

"It feels like it's somewhat similar to Tang San's hidden weapon techniques?" Dai Mubai pinched his chin and thought, but he looked at Ma Hongjun with a smile that he knew.

"Yes, Brother Feng, and Brother's hidden weapon are somewhat similar. But it's just leaves! How did it do it?"

Xiao Wu was listless, and she was also a little interested at this time. He picked up a few leaves from the ground, shook it, and threw it out.

However, the leaf was only thrown out for a few seconds, and then it floated weakly in the air...

"Huh, Wang Feng! You can't use this kind of attack against us in the future!" Ning Rongrong snorted, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and smiled, "What I did just now is pretty good! It also made me look at you. I didn't expect you It's so ruthless, cutting the faces of other girls!"

"..." Wang Feng secretly said in his heart, this girl, this is starting to double mark.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Wang Feng, but did not speak, his eyes flickering.

She actually felt that she could avoid the trick just now, but that girl was not a spirit master of the sensitive attack system.

"Hurry up, Wang Feng! I called your brother the head office, right?" Fatty Ma looked at Wang Feng eagerly, "Brother Feng, tell us, how did you do it? I really want to learn!"

The others also looked at Wang Feng.

Wang Feng smiled, gently picked up a leaf with his fingers, and said:

"Want to learn? It's actually quite simple. The leaves are soft. First of all, we need to recognize the lines of the leaves. Among them, the lines of the leaves are divided into parallel lines, mesh lines, cross lines, three-cross lines, etc.. Identify these clearly. After the lines, the soul power can be input along these lines, so that the surface structure of the leaf will not be destroyed. After the soul power is input, it needs to be controlled by micro-manipulation, because the inside of the leaf is roughly divided into epidermis and mesophyll , Leaf veins. Remember, the most important input points for soul power are mesophyll and mesophyll! Because there is something called chloroplast in the mesophyll, which is used for photosynthesis, and they can absorb light energy... Simply put, also It absorbs energy, so soul power can be stored in it, making the leaves extremely hard! This requires a certain degree of fine control of the soul power. A little carelessness will destroy the chloroplast, and the soul power will dissipate, making it difficult to make the leaves change. It's hard."

"The veins of the leaves are the inner direction of the leaves. They are the key for us to control the spirit power, knock the leaves out, and control the direction! After recognizing the veins, we can use our fingers to force the leaves, driven by the spirit power, to shake the leaves. Get out! Do it wherever you point!"

With that, Wang Feng gently input his soul power to Ye Ye, then squeaked it suddenly and threw it out!


The branch ten meters away was pierced and shivered again.

Wang Feng clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Isn't it simple?"

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