Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1092 Wit (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ma Xiaotao froze in place.

His head was blank.

He, did he mean that?

Oh my God?

What am I thinking?

Ma Xiaotao, who had lost his mind, understood at this moment.It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

But this misunderstanding is too big!

Ma Xiaotao wanted to get into the ground at the moment.

What a shame!

"Should you be thinking?" At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly looked at Ma Xiaotao and said in surprise, "Could it be..."

Hearing this, Ma Xiaotao's face was hot again, and she quickly raised her head and waved her hand:

"No no, I take off my clothes... just, just..."

After only a long time, Ma Xiaotao was a little bit speechless in anxiousness.

"Did the evil fire break out?" Wang Feng answered, "Or, because of the martial soul, if you take off your coat, the combat power will be higher? It is beneficial to the release of the soul power?

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ma Xiaotao nodded repeatedly, "that's why."

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

It seems that the other party hasn't and didn't see it, which is great.

"Then you go back to rest first, and come to me in the afternoon." Wang Feng said.

At this moment, Ma Xiaotao was afraid to face the man in front of him, and blushed and left.

She ran directly to the lake, leaped and jumped down.

So that the clear and cold lake water can cool down his hot body and the distracting thoughts just now.

"Good risk... What did I just do?'Ma Xiaotao clutching her hot cheek' how slutty... it must not be like this next time!No, when did Ma Xiaotao become such an idiot... Damn it!Ma Xiaotao, you are so stupid!'

With that, she slapped herself twice, as if to wake herself up.

After thinking for a while, Ma Xiaotao couldn't help saying:

"I shouldn't blame me...mainly this man is too handsome. After watching it for a long time, it's easy to lose his mind...well, definitely don't blame me."

"In order not to happen again in the future, I decided to look at him more. After watching this for a long time, I will be immune!"

"I'm so witty!"


"Boss, why are you interested in teasing this little girl?"

Long Xie said in a voice transmission.

Obviously, this pretender is also an old dragon.

"Get a vaccination, in case this happens in the future. If she can't help it, she will definitely remember what happened today."

Wang Feng said, "After all, I am so handsome, and I can't help being a mother."

"..." Long Xie.

"Boss, point your face. Believe me, you are not so handsome yet." Long Xie said with a smile.

"..." Wang Feng glared at Long Xie, "Obviously understand that in the next few days, I will let Ma Xiaotao attack you one by one to stimulate your body's potential. Let the dragon scales on your body grow faster."

Although Wang Feng was a little bit teasing Ma Xiaotao just now, his purpose was to really make Ma Xiaotao stay.

It was indeed for her to attack Longxie.

Because of being attacked by the fixed Soul Guidance Device, Long Xie realized that the dragon body had undergone a certain mutation, and the bloodline had signs of activation.

As long as the attack continues to increase, Long Xie will be promoted to ten thousand years in the next few days!

But Fan Yu obviously couldn't always use the fixed-rotating soul guide to attack.

Ma Xiaotao is a good choice, Wang Feng knows the soul abilities of the Evil Fire Phoenix.

Even if there are some changes, they are still similar. Let the flame attack cover the dragon's body, which can stimulate the growth of the scales on the dragon's body.

"Damn!" Long Xie snorted, "I said the boss, as far as I know, your wives are now gods. You are now repairing this body, if they know about it and hook up a new girl. You Are you not afraid?"

"What are you afraid of... wrong, when did I hook up with a new girl?" Wang Feng thought for a while, "Is it possible to grow handsome, is it me to blame?"

"It's not to blame you, I'm afraid that when they know it, they will work together to draw a few strokes on your face to see how you can attract flowers and butterflies." Long Xie smiled, "They are all gods now. "

"A few of them can't beat my main body together." Wang Feng shook his head, "Besides, now the God Realm has lost contact with Douluo Continent. It is impossible to know what happened in Douluo Continent..."

"Boss, what you said exposed your inner nasty thoughts!" Long Xie laughed loudly, "Is that what you think, that's why you want to provoke these girls? Boss, you are an old cow eating tender grass. , Point your face!"

"..." Wang Feng shrugged and said, "Let's go with the flow, I have said everything that should be said. You single dragon, don't think of those girls so simply. Now the times have changed, and monogamy is admired. Ten thousand years ago, it was still an imperial system. Those emperors and nobles had many women. So Zhuqing and the others could accept Rongrong..."

"Now the federation is unified. After Dong'er integrated the two empires, the imperial system was abolished. At the beginning, he wanted to continue the rare martial arts and accommodate the monogamous system. But later it was abolished."

"Now the Federation is all serious and monogamous. Those girls can hardly accept polygamy."

This is indeed a requirement of the federal society today.

Of course, many sect families, in fact, for the continuation of their children, or the excellent inheritance of martial arts, a pot of tea may still be accompanied by several cups.

But the mainstream concept is monogamy.

Long Xie smiled upon hearing this, "It is obvious that this is aimed at you. I suspect you, the old wife, guessed that you will wake up in the future... This rule was deliberately set. You have no chance to provoke other girls."

Wang Feng was stunned, and said in his heart, this pretense is more reasonable than Long.

He is now extraordinary.

No longer worry that the system will send him out of this world.

"Forget it, in fact, I really didn't want to provoke." Wang Feng sneered, "If I just thought about it, do you think I would have no chance? I think these are enough."

"It seems so. Although the boss has a thick-skinned face, it is true that your charm is big." Long Xie thought for a while, "I think you should seal your face value in the future, even if you don't provoke others. Even if your concept changes, but I don’t know how many girls and children will be attracted to you... Tsk tsk, when the time comes, you will be in debt."

Wang Feng looked up at the sky, but Long Xie was still right.


"Shit." Wang Feng said with disdain, "Why should I seal my own face because I am too handsome? They like me because of their attractive looks, so they have to let me seal my face? I will do it, but forget it now. I don’t have that’s not my love debt."

"It's their love tribulation. If it is true, it is also their fate that should have this tribulation. If they crossed over, they might be able to reach a higher level. I also helped them."

"..." Long Xie.

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