Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1098 Amethyst Rhinoceros, and Caitou (3)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Purple rabbit." Wang Feng introduced, "The speed-type soul beast is not suitable for you. It has a very poor affinity with you. I said, even if you choose these cute ones, you can't be the first one. When you become stronger, you You can raise it yourself."

Wang Feng frowned slightly.

Most of these spirit beasts have the aura of evil spirit beast infection, but they are not completely infected, only part of it.

"But it's so cute."

The Xiao Xiao girl was heartbroken and couldn't help but want to go.

"Be careful!"

Wang Feng gave a cold shout and flicked his palm. Under the control of Wang Feng's mental power, the surrounding leaves formed a long tree chain, tied to Xiao Xiao's waist, and pulled Xiao Xiao back.

At the next moment, the purple rabbit who was originally looking at the cute suddenly opened his mouth, revealing his tooth-like teeth, and rushed towards Xiao Xiao like frizzy hair.

But it was empty.

"Xiao Xiao!"

Wang Dong and the others hurriedly walked over and surrounded Xiao Xiao.

Looking around warily.

Xiao Xiao's face was also a little blue, and the purple rabbit who had looked at such a lovely purple rabbit originally looked at him, but he didn't expect to attack so hideously.

And the speed is extremely fast, like a purple light, which is fleeting.

"Teacher, why is Ziguang Rabbit so irritable."

Ma Xiaotao was stunned for a moment, and was about to release the Phoenix martial arts. When they suppressed these soul beasts, Wang Feng stopped them.

"Don't open the martial soul, these soul beasts are infected with the special dark energy of the evil soul beast. It is more troublesome, this purple maple forest is a bit weird."

Wang Feng frowned slightly.

"Evil Soul Beast!"

Ma Xiaotao yelled softly, "The Purple Maple Forest is recognized as the safest soul beast forest outside Shrek. Many teachers and students will come here to experience. The evil soul beasts inside were sent out by the Academy a long time ago. The author cleaned it up. How could this happen?"

"Occasionally, a team of teachers will be sent to check it out. I have been here last time. At that time, I rarely felt the breath of evil spirit beasts."

The measures taken by Shrek Academy are still in place.

This kind of soul beast forest so close to the city will be cleaned up, and the evil soul beasts in it will be cleared quickly.

But the rest of the spirit beasts did not pay attention to them, and only handed them over to the students.

So Yan Shaozhe felt that it was safer for Wang Feng to choose the Zifeng Forest.No protection is needed.

"I remember the purple rabbit is a very docile rabbit..." Wang Dong interrupted.

Wang Feng took the first two steps, looked at the spirit beasts around him, and chose for a long time.

Finally, his eyes fixed on one of them.

One of them is more than one meter high and two meters long. Some are like a rhinoceros. His body is glowing with amethyst light, and his skin is shimmering. Although he is not in size, it is hidden in the body of two meters long. With a tremendous ability.

"Amethyst rhino."

Wang Feng said, "He Caitou, this soul beast is very suitable for you."

He Caitou looked at the amethyst rhino, looked at the strong muscles and strong body of the other party, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"For about five hundred years, this kind of amethyst rhino is still rare." Wang Feng looked at it a few times. "The defense is extremely outstanding. If it reaches ten thousand years, his body is like a barrier. The main thing is that his speed is not Slow. The amethyst attached to his body is a very light but strong special metal. This makes speed not his weakness. In addition, the skin is thick and dry, and the defense is amazing."

"It's just more difficult to cultivate. This amethyst rhino should need to eat special amethyst rock to ensure its development."

A brief introduction.Colorful Chinese

He Caitou's eyes became brighter.

"how do you feel?"

Wang Feng stood in front, breathing out, these soul beasts only dared to whine, some wanted to attack, but some were fearful.

However, the soul beast of a century is not very intelligent.

"Very good! Teacher, I am very satisfied!" He Caitou's eyes glowed, staring at the amethyst rhino.

Seeing this, Wang Feng nodded slightly. From the current point of view, this amethyst rhino is the most suitable soul beast for He Caitou.

Now that he had agreed to Fan Yu and Zhou Yi, he would naturally help He Caitou find a suitable amethyst soul beast.

With this one, in the future, He Caitou wanted to find Qi Soul Beast by himself, and he also had a reference standard.


Wang Feng slightly waved his hand towards the amethyst rhino.

The seven purple origin lines on his body light up slightly, and the pure breath of the whole body instantly attracted this amethyst rhino.


The amethyst rhino came towards Wang Feng, its amethyst-colored back, which looked like a layer of armor, was quite beautiful.

But it burned black cracks.

A trace of pain flashed in its eyes from time to time.

Wang Feng placed his palm on the black cracks, and a purple origin pattern on his left hand lit up slightly, absorbing all the special dark energy in it.


Suddenly, this amethyst rhino gave a long and comfortable roar.

It's like a person who has been pierced with a few thorns. Pulling out this thorn is both sore and painful.

Wang Feng handed Hecaitou a few rocks and said, "These rocks are special. Although they are not amethyst, they are also rare rocks. You feed this kind of rocks to it first to get its friendliness."

He Caitou hurriedly took a few rocks.

The others also looked at them curiously.

He Caitou walked up to the amethyst rhino with some anxiety, put the rock in his palm, and fed it to the amethyst rhino like a puppy.

"Hundred-year soul beasts are not very intelligent."

Wang Feng glanced at a few people, "This is why I ask you to start with a hundred-year-old soul beast. Xiaotao can choose a thousand-year-old, because she is strong and easy to get the approval of the soul beast. But you can't, choose well. After the soul beast, you still need to understand the specific preferences of these soul beasts. It's like keeping a pet, but you must also pay attention to the habits of these soul beasts."

"Basically, as long as you get the initial approval of the soul beast and the soul beast is not malicious to you, then you will succeed. Then you only need to cultivate emotions, and then you can sign the life soul contract. This time will not be very long, a hundred years Soul beast, one or two days at most."

Wang Feng pointed to He Caitou on the side.

After taking the rocks that Wang Feng used to feed Longxie's Wise Mountain, the amethyst rhino's eyes lit up and it made a happy moo.

Even if the language of the soul beast is not clear, everyone can hear the moo and hear the joy in it.

He Caitou was stunned. He didn't expect that feeding a few rocks from Wang Feng would make this amethyst rhino so happy.

He Caitou touched the head of this amethyst rhino. The amethyst-like skin felt good to the touch.

He was a little excited.

He had been obsessed with studying various cold soul guidance devices, and felt this kind of different rhythm of life at this moment, and suddenly realized that this world has a different beauty.

"Teacher... When can I sign a life soul contract with him?" He Caitou said excitedly.

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