Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1112 Zhang Lexuan's Intrusion (6)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Jiang Nannan was a little admired, but also a little helpless.

Admire the tenacious will of this golden-headed cat and eagle.

However, Jiang Nannan also noticed that Long Xie would not harm the other party's life, and even if he was dying from teaching the other party, he would heal the other party with Ambergris.

In the past few days, her relationship with this golden-headed cat and eagle is a little better.

"Big Brother Long Xie, it's been a few days, why hasn't Teacher Feng come out?"

Slightly familiar with each other, Jiang Nannan is not like Long Xie at first.

"It should be soon," Long Xie said lazily, "The special dark energy inside has weakened a lot... It seems that the master should find a way to solve this place inside."

With that, Long Xie began to teach the golden-headed cat eagle.

"Little Eagle Eagle, how do you want to play today?" Long Xie let out a devilish laugh.

The golden-headed cat-eagle glanced at Long Xie coldly. Although it did not sign a life soul contract, its spiritual wisdom has improved a lot during the ravages and devastation of Long Xie these days.

Jiang Nannan let out a forehead and looked helplessly.

At this moment, several people in the distance suddenly came over.

"Are you Jiang Nannan?"

A cold voice came from a distance.

Jiang Nannan was taken aback for a moment, but happened to see a figure floating like an immortal, driving a meniscus wheel, flying over from a distance.

A few other figures followed behind him.

There is also a woman who is like a flame.It is Ma Xiaotao and his party!

Without the lead of the golden-headed cat and eagle, it took several days for them to find this place.

The headed woman, Jiang Nannan also knew that it was Zhang Lexuan, the number one in the inner courtyard!

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Nannan is not very familiar with Huo Yuhao, but Ma Xiaotao and Zhang Lexuan still know.

But I just know, I don't know.

"I am on the order of the academy to bring you back. The academy has already ordered, without the academy's consent, no student will be allowed to enter any soul beast forest at will in the future."

Zhang Lexuan walked out, took a look at Long Xie, and seemed to understand something, "Where is the teacher Wang Feng?"

She came from the academy and entered the Purple Maple Soul Beast Forest. She found Ma Xiaotao and his party for the first time, but did not find that Wang Feng.

According to Ma Xiaotao's explanation, Wang Feng went one step ahead to find the students of the academy attacked by the evil spirit beast.

In desperation, Zhang Lexuan had to take a few people temporarily and quickly searched the soul beast forest.

A few days later, I finally found this place and saw Jiang Nannan who was attacked by the evil spirit beast and went missing.

Now this Qi soul beast is also there, indicating that Wang Feng should be nearby.

What about the people?

Zhang Lexuan looked at the dark area ahead.

The black mist lingered in it, and there was nothing inside.

Jiang Nannan quickly talked to Zhang Lexuan about what had happened before.

She didn't know much about Mo Yin, so she could only say that Wang Feng had defeated this evil ten thousand year evil spirit beast, and then came to this place in order to strangle the opponent's soul.

Merged into it.

"How many days have it been?" Zhang Lexuan asked.

"Three days." Jiang Nannan replied, "Teacher Feng asked Big Brother He Longxie to wait here. Can't go in."

"Three days?" Zhang Lexuan frowned slightly.

"I'll go in and look for seniors." Ma Xiaotao stood up and was about to walk inside, "Just stay with you. Senior Sister Zhang, you are here to protect them."

But Zhang Lexuan stopped her.Dream Literature Network

"Xiao Tao, I am stronger than you, and I also have the responsibility and obligation to bring you all back safely. If something happens to you, how can I go back and explain it? The same goes for him." Zhang Lexuan said solemnly, "I just need to find it. Now, you should protect them."

Ma Xiaotao was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly looked at Long Xie on the side, "Long Xie, Senior is your boss, are you so relieved? Why don't you go in?"

"Little girl's house, you know what a fart." Long Xie glanced at Long Xie and Zhang Lexuan, "It's right to listen to the boss. He told us not to go in, even if we go in, it won't help much. I advise you too. Waiting here. The dark energy in it can't be absorbed by your soul master at all. It's easy to get into it."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you."

After Long Xie finished speaking, he continued to bully the golden-headed cat eagle.

Ma Xiaotao frowned.

"But what if something happens to the teacher?" Huo Yuhao whispered.

"Yes, yes." Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Aren't you timid?" Wang Dong said without mercy.

Long Xie only let out a breath, still lying on the ground, "You guys are really stupid. You are all about to become soul masters, I don't understand. The boss is really in danger, I will not feel it? Boss If something happens, I will be the first to perceive it!"

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao was taken aback for a moment, and bowed their heads a little embarrassed.

"That's true." He Caitou touched the amethyst rhinoceros on the side, "If the Qi Soul Beast is in danger, as long as it is not far away, as a partner, I will definitely feel it."

"Then you can't just wait like that." Zhang Lexuan said lightly, "Little Tao, listen to me, I'll go in and take a look."

She wasn't a Qi soul master, so she would naturally believe in Long Xie's words.

"Then... OK." Ma Xiaotao thought for a while.

Jiang Nannan opened her mouth, still trying to persuade, but Zhang Lexuan turned her palm, stepped on a round of crescent moon, and flew in like a fairy Ling Chen.

Long Xie looked at Zhang Lexuan's back, he laughed twice, but he muttered in his heart, "The little girl is responsible, but I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick... Just leave it to the boss... Hehehehe...'


After Zhang Lexuan entered this dark zone, her heart sank immediately.

The spirit power formed a shield to isolate the black mist around it.

But Zhang Lexuan clearly felt that these dark energies were extremely corrosive and aggressive.

Not as gentle and sober as the normal heaven and earth vitality.

If this is inhaled into the body, it will probably cause great harm to the soul master's body!

Calm down, Zhang Lexuan moved forward.

Soon, Zhang Lexuan discovered that the soul power in his body was consumed extremely quickly!

She couldn't support her staying in this place for a long time.

'If this continues, I am afraid I will be in serious trouble without finding Wang Feng.'

Zhang Lexuan pondered for a few seconds, and immediately walked back decisively. In order to save her soul power, she did not fly.

However, even if I walked back, I found that the surrounding road was under the thick mist, and it was hard to tell. I walked back for a long time without going out.

Seeing this, Zhang Lexuan's heart sank even more.

be lost?

The vegetation in this place is pure black, and it doesn't look much different.

For a time, Zhang Lexuan was caught in a dilemma.

In desperation, Zhang Lexuan had to continue walking forward, and at the same time threw the Moon Martial Spirit in his hand under the control of his soul power to explore the way.

I don't know how long she has been walking, knowing when she feels that the soul power in her body is almost exhausted.

Finally, the line of sight before him changed.

But his consciousness was slightly dizzy.

A figure appeared in front of her, Zhang Lexuan's eyes suddenly widened...


Ps: Six more, four more in the evening, please count the votes.Seeing everyone's choices, most of them are 1 and 3, so I understand.

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