Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1123 The game begins (1)

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Fighting spirit area.

Today's fighting spirit area is particularly lively.

The reason is simple. The two first-class academies from the other two major political regions will have a simple exchange and battle with the first batch of Soul Masters from Shrek Academy today.For most students, it's fresh and curious.

Their impression of the soul master Qi still stayed on the teacher Wang who had a peerless look.

As for the others, sorry, under that peerless look, I forgot.

Only a few people still remember Wang Feng's brilliant battle in the Soul Fighting area a few months ago.

With a lot of suspicion and curiosity, the students from the inner and outer yards of Shrek's two major faculties all came to the spirit fighting area.

Because it was about the battle of soul beasts, for safety's sake, Shrek Academy reformed it slightly under the advice of the two colleges.

From the original Arena of Souls, it was changed to a Arena of Souls that resembled a concave shape.

It presents its original shape, with an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters, surrounded by steel fences, and many circular seats are gathered above the fence.

There are special light curtain soul guides around, used to amplify the battle in the arena.

This kind of fighting arena is a bit like an older arena, far from the original fighting arena.

But because the spirit beast is too dangerous, once any accident happens, so many people gather here. For the sake of safety, Shrek Academy still agreed to this simple transformation.

On the high platform.

The two parties confronted each other.

Huo Yuhao four forgot to glance at the fighting spirit arena below.There were an exceptionally large number of people watching today, more than when Teacher Wang first boarded in the Soul Fighting Zone.Because at this time, Qi Soul Master already had some reputation in Shrek Academy.

As the first batch of soul masters, Huo Yuhao naturally attracted the attention of many students.

Coupled with the reputation of the exchanges between the two universities, Beihe College and Zixing College are both considered top universities in mainland China.

Among them, the Purple Star Academy also had a relationship with that ancestor Jiuyi.

Beihe College is an affiliated college of Dongfeng College officially established by the Federation. It is powerful and equally extraordinary.

There are different degrees of exchanges between universities, not to mention the special meaning behind today's exchange.

"Since you have four players, it is a one-on-one match."

A teacher from Beihe College said lightly, "Whether you win or lose in this exchange, you are only observing whether there will be any problems with the strength and performance of your soul masters."

"Stop it."

"We will send the same four people to appear on the stage one by one. You can discuss who will appear on the stage at will. If you finish a battle without any problems, our Beihe Academy will temporarily recognize your soul masters. If there are no problems, Under the circumstances, we can still defeat the four students sent by our side. Our Beihe Academy temporarily recognizes your soul master."

Very simple and clear format.

One-on-one battles are suitable for observing many battle details.So I can see if there is any problem with this soul master.

"Why is it temporary?" Huo Yuhao frowned and asked, "You are all defeated, can't you admit it?" Express Novel

"Innocent." The arrogant student walked out from behind the teacher, "Soul masters are divided into low, middle and high levels, and those below level 40 are low-level soul masters, and level 41 to level 70 are intermediate-level soul masters. Only those who are at the seventy-one level or above are high-level spirit masters. You are all low-level spirit masters now, and what you can represent is only the spirit masters of this class."

"Who can guarantee that if your soul masters have cultivated to an intermediate or high level, there will be no situation? There will be no changes in the soul beast?"

Huo Yuhao was stunned.But fell silent.


"Besides, as far as your strength is concerned, it is impossible to defeat us." The student said arrogantly, "It is already good to be able to finish a game! You better not defeat us. We take it as the first goal, but whether there will be accidents as the first goal."

"You know, once your soul beasts have any bad things, it can show that your soul masters are evil ways."

This student is a 30-odd soul venerable close to forty.

The remaining three students are basically 30 or above, and the younger ones are even less than 15 years old.He is also an elite figure in Beihe Academy.

The fourteen-year-old Soul Venerable is not inferior to Tang Ya and Bei Bei, and even stronger.

However, the strength of the soul master has long passed the age of depending on the level, and it also depends on the spirit, physical fitness, soul ability, etc.

"What's so arrogant."

Wang Dong sneered, "We are two against one, even if the spirit power level is lower than them, the chance of winning is more than 80%. Why are they so confident?"

"That's it." Xiao Xiao didn't worry, and touched the Diamond Dragon Eagle in his arms. "Even though Xiaoying has only a few hundred years of cultivation base, it is not difficult to defeat a 30-odd soul sovereign. Right? Why are they so confident?"

"Not to mention our soul master...Are these people stupid?"

"They are not stupid. What they mean, in fact, is not about winning or losing, but thinking that we can't control the spirit beast at all." He Caitou on the side said, "I can't control the spirit beast, no matter how strong it is. One mistake will cause us to fail."

"Then stop talking nonsense, let's play." Wang Dong raised his hand, "I am the first!"

With that said, Wang Dong walked off the platform first, quite excited.

The Sunflower Sunflower tied around his waist is not big, about the size of two palms. The branches are squirming around Wang Dong's waist. The hot luster of the central stamen makes him look a little special. Demon beauty.

On the other side, after discussing with the people at the college, Bei also walked out a woman who looked three or four years older than Wang Dong.

On the battlefield.

A man dressed in a black robe with a white moire pattern on the black robe stood quietly in the corner of the arena as a referee.

There is a special badge on his chest, which is engraved with a scale symbol of order.

This is the clothing of the Inspection Department, and the pattern of the scale that day is also the symbol of the Inspection Department.

As a referee, he is not a person from Shrek Academy, nor a person from Two Sides Academy.

It was from the Wuhun Inspection Department.

"You understand the rules, right?"

The black-clothed referee looked at the two people walking down the high platform, and said lightly, "In the exchange game between soul masters, it is normal to have injuries, but not to die. Soul guided weapons with a lethality range of 50 meters can be used. It is forbidden to use it in a range of more than fifty meters, and the power level of the soul guide cannot exceed its own level four."

"As for you." The black-clothed referee looked at Wang Dong, with his eyes on the Sunflower Sunflower on his waist, "Once the soul beast has a tendency to riot or is out of your control, I will kill it. Others We will continue to discuss other regulations regarding Qi Soul Master after the battle."

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