Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1127 Redefining the entire continent (5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The amethyst rhino stood in place, but was shaken back by a few tens of centimeters.

A huge explosion cloud sounded.

Three in a row.

Using the soul beast to bind the fixed installation soul guide is really extraordinary.

"Little Zi, go!"

He Caitou jumped on the back of Amethyst Rhinoceros and shouted, "Let them see and see the Soul Guidance Device, which can also be moved!"


The Amethyst Rhinoceros loaded He Caitou and moved quickly.

While moving, He Caitou mounted and fired cannonballs on the fixed soul guide tied to the amethyst rhino!

Two more high-explosive bombs were fired again before it slowly stopped.

Yunyan gradually disappeared.

In the distance, Fei Long was covered with scars and looked embarrassed.

Amethyst rhinoceros also stopped tiredly, and lay on the ground.

He Caitou retracted the Soul Guidance Device from the Amethyst Rhino and watched this scene with a smile on his face.

Fanyu on the high platform had already stood up, looking at He Caitou with shock and surprise.No one knows better than him what this means.

The fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Device is the most powerful of the Soul Guidance weapons, and it does not need to consume a lot of soul power.

But the shortcomings are undoubtedly revealed, unable to move, poor portability, difficult to locate and unable to lock.

Can only be used for special attacks, or position defense.

But now, with the cooperation of He Caitou and Soul Beast, they can easily move attacks!

This is an epoch-making breakthrough, and it is extremely meaningful!

"Really...really possible!" Fan Yu was a little excited, "Dean Qian, you see, I said that a soul master and a soul master can be combined. The combined effect is far stronger than a single soul master. The soul guide can also be installed with the soul guide! What does this mean? This means that the shortcomings of our soul guide, many of the shortcomings of the soul guide, will be improved, even in the war. Soul masters who have the soul guide , It is equivalent to carrying a fort like a barrier with you, still movable!"

"Qi soul master is not only in our soul master world, even in the war, it can also display a huge ability!"

Qian Duoduo looked at him in shock.

For him, no matter how exciting the battle is against a soul-sovereign level battle, it will not shock people of his level to this degree.

A few words of praise at most.

However, the scene before me is different.

As the deputy dean of the Soul Guidance Department, and his wife is the dean of the Soul Guidance Department, he naturally understands what this means!

"Unbelievable. This soul master makes infinite possibilities!" How strong Qian suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He really knew the flaws of the soul master.

The shortcomings of the Soul Guidance Device, the money is too clear.

But not to mention the future, just look at it now, at least in He Caitou, this kind of defect has been solved!

When the soul beast is combined with the soul-guided weapon, and the soul master is used as a command aid, the combat power it exerts is simply terrifying.

"Old saying, this soul master may redefine the entire continent in the future."

With more money, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this soul master is truly an epoch-making creation.

Yan Shaozhe is silent for you.

"It's too early to say this now."

Yan Shaozhe whispered, "Can you guarantee that the soul beast will not be accidental?"

"I can't guarantee." Qian Duoduo shook his head, "but don't you know? Can you guarantee that our soul masters will practice without accidents? As long as it is cultivation, whether it is a soul master or a soul master, there are risks. The soul master is also at risk, you are still too traditional, and you don't want to believe that the soul master and the soul beast can fight as partners."

Yan Shaozhe nodded softly after a while and said, "You are right, maybe when he comes back, he will give us a real lesson about Qi Soul Master, so that we can fully understand Qi Soul Master." Xian Novels

On the battlefield.

As the battle came to an end, many students in the stands were dumbfounded.

Perhaps it was never expected that this soul teacher could still cooperate with the soul beast.

Many students of the Soul Guidance Department looked at the amethyst rhino next to He Caitou with envy.

The alternative beauty of soul beasts with soul guides is simply a deadly poison for their soul masters.

It's so cool.

Then Xiao Xiao appeared.

There was silence on Beihe College.

"Brother Caitou, that's amazing! I didn't expect that in just a few days, you would go in and install the Soul Guidance Device on your Amethyst Rhino."

Huo Yuhao looked at He Caitou with admiration.

"Little Junior Brother, your talent is no worse than mine. Just because of your mental detection and soul skills, you are destined to be an excellent soul teacher. Don't admire me, you will be stronger than me in the future." He Caitou Said with a shy smile.

"Forget it, just the little mouse with this small body can't carry the metal plates and bricks of your body at all." Wang Dong laughed.

"You are wrong! Huo Yuhao was very angry and said confidently, "I sleep in the same room with me every day, don't you know if I have muscles?I just looked at my small body, but my body was full of muscles."

Speaking of this, Huo Yuhao said with a little disdain on his face, "Do you think I look like you, and my skin is as soft as a girl?"

"What are you talking about?" Wang Dong blushed, "Isn't it a beggar? Who is like a girl... You are ashamed to say that you are in the dormitory every day, and you don't wear clothes, as if you have exhibitionism."

"Wow, Wang Dong, are you a man? Isn't it normal for our men to be shirtless in our room? Squeamish!"


"Squeamish ghost!"


He Caitou watched the two arguing again, and couldn't help holding his forehead for a while.

After a while, the two of them blushed.

"The teacher should be back soon, right?"

Wang Dong said out of breath, "I don't know, will he be very happy and proud to see our current performance?"

"I will be on the court soon, I really hope the teacher can come back early..." Huo Yuhao couldn't help saying.

It's probably the kind of mentality that you want to show yourself in front of the teacher.

Speaking of which, even if they are mature and sensible, apart from He Caitou, they are only a twelve-year-old child.

"It doesn't seem right."

At this time, He Caitou whispered, "Xiao Xiao may have encountered an opponent..."

Hearing this, the two of them were shocked and looked at the court...

at the same time.

Fighting spirit area, on a certain stage.

Wang Feng wore a black robe and sat in the stands, watching in secret.

He has actually arrived, but after learning about it, he didn't come forward for the first time.

Not to mention, after watching these two games, Wang Feng felt that he was really good at teaching...

Of course, the true power of this soul master was really revealed.

"However, Xiao Xiao, this little girl, seems to have met an opponent.


Ps: There are two more.Please count the votes.

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