Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1132 Huo Yuhao's Victory (3)

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Huo Yuhao snorted, and at this time, many flying rocks wrapped in magma quickly attacked him.

The next moment, dong dong dong~!

The sound of impact after another resounded.

Huo Yuhao stared closely.

The jade shell crystal monster is a spirit beast of the spirit system, which can be said to be very rare.

It is already very difficult to find one in the Zifeng Soul Beast Forest.

Huo Yuhao also checked these two days, this kind of monster didn't exist ten thousand years ago, and it has disappeared.But after the energy tide, the heavens and the earth mutated again after changes, not only the jade shell crystal monsters, but also many soul beasts.

The soul beasts that had been extinct due to many factors such as the environment have reappeared and were born on the mainland.

The spirit beast of this kind of spirit system is strong because its body has super defensive power, which is amazing.

The hot flying rocks carrying magma fell on the jade-like shield, slightly recessed. At the same time, accompanied by a ray of light scattered across the shield, these magma flying rocks were immediately rebounded and exploded.

"Hold it up!"

Huo Yuhao said solemnly, "This kind of spirit ability, the other party may not have the opportunity to cast it a second time, even if it does, it will take a lot of time to recover."


Gradually, as the magma flying rocks fell, the surface of the shield formed by the crystal monsters was slightly red and swollen. Obviously, they would also be attacked when they rebounded.

It took a few minutes before the booming sound stopped slowly.

At this time, due to the dense group attack, a lot of dense fog has spread across the square, obstructing the sight of many people.

I don't know the situation of Huo Yuhao.

I don't know how long, at this moment, a figure rushed out of the thick fog!

It is Huo Yuhao!

After the attack weakened, Huo Yuhao rushed out for the first time. At this time, there were still some magma flying rocks smashing towards Huo Yuhao, but it was far less dense than before, and the power was not enough, and it was enough to dodge by virtue of mental power detection.

He quickly rushed towards Mo Yang in front.

This kind of group attack is too strong, even the Jingjing Monster cannot withstand the second time, otherwise it will inevitably regret being hit hard.

But fortunately, he still has spirit power at this time!

Stepping on the ghost shadows, Huo Yuhao rushed towards Mo Yang.

"This is Qi Soul Beast?"

Mo Yang stared at the crystal monster that Huo Yuhao held tightly in his hand as a shield.

This Qi soul beast uses special soul skills, and then evades its three soul skills perfectly through the opponent's dodge.

It's amazing.

A seventeenth-level spirit system spirit master can still walk out of his offensive intact even when his mental power is suppressed. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a miracle.

"It's a pity... it's only level seventeen after all."

Mo Yang stood behind the volcano and pushed forward abruptly. In an instant, the volcano seemed to be under the movement of spirit power, and it collapsed and fell directly in the direction of Huo Yuhao.

It was directly used as a tool by Mo Yang.


The volcano collapsed and fell, and the huge mountain-like body instantly submerged everything.

Countless dust was raised on the court.

The hearts of many viewers were caught, and this last trick may not have been thought of by many people.

The collapse of the seven-eight-meter-high small volcano is simply a giant to humans.

The strength of the smash was not something a spirit master of more than ten levels could resist.

If you get closer, you will be seriously injured, not to mention that there is still a lot of magma on the volcano. Once it splashes out, it will be like a celestial flower. If you don't pay attention, you can't prevent it.

But this is the moment.

A light like a flywheel flew out from the other side submerged by the volcano!Century Novel Network

It's not Huo Yuhao.

It's a crystal monster!

The hexagonal crystal monster, like a boomerang, attacked towards Mo Yang.

Mo Yang was startled, he didn't expect the kid to be so quick.He could also use his own Qi Soul Beast to issue such an attack.

Moreover, this is obviously not a spirit ability.


A seldom confident smile appeared on Mo Yang's face.

As a soul master, his physical fitness is very strong.He was confident that he would be able to catch the Jingjing monster that was coming.

But it is this time.

Among the spinning crystal monsters, as they approached Mo Yang's side, they suddenly spun, throwing out a silver-white thing.

Throw to the other layer of Mo Yang.

It was a silver silkworm less than 20 centimeters.


At the moment when the crystal monster was thrown out, I saw countless silver threads spit out from the mouth of the silver silkworm!

Mo Yang was taken aback for a moment, and there was no time to react. The silver threads seemed to be small and thin, but they instantly covered Mo Yang.

For the first time, Mo Yang felt his mental power, as if he was restrained.

"Soul skills, mental entanglement!"

This is the silver silkworm's second spirit ability a hundred years later.It was also the spirit ability that Huo Yuhao had prepared for a long time.

His offense, or the offense of the Crystal Monster, is a cover.

The real attack method was Mo Yang, the most defenseless.

It just so happened that Mo Yang was the most slack time, because in his eyes, he lost, and it won't last long.

The mind will relax subconsciously.

As the silver silkworm's century-old soul ability, this silver color not only has a powerful binding effect on the soul master, but also has a great hindering and winding effect on the spirit of the soul master.

Once the spiritual power of the soul master is entangled by this silver, then he can hardly drive even the soul power.

As a spirit beast, Jingjing Monster, the first spirit ability: Spirit Amplification, can not only increase Huo Yuhao's own spiritual soul ability, but also increase the spiritual soul ability of the silver silkworm who is also a Qi soul beast.

But in the blink of an eye, Mo Yang was trapped into a mummy.

Huo Yuhao slowly climbed up from the bottom of the volcano. He was not as expected, and obviously he had not dodged Mo Yang's final blow.

I also suffered some injuries.

But after all, relying on his extraordinary mental power, he avoided a lot when the volcano fell down.

"you lose!"

Huo Yuhao gasped.

This only chance of victory was seized.

If you want to defeat these thirty-odd souls alone, you don't rely on Brother Tianmeng's help, just rely on two hundred-year-old soul beasts, plus your own strength.

Huo Yuhao was full of confidence at the moment.

If he was alone, it would be impossible to defeat this thirty-odd-level Soul Venerable, there was no possibility at all.

Even so, he couldn't beat any mistakes in any of them.

"Teacher, I didn't shame you." Huo Yuhao showed a smile on his face.

At this moment, the black-clothed referee seemed to watch for a long time, until the audience burst into cheers, and then he recovered and solemnly announced:

"Shrek Academy, Qi Soul Master Huo Yuhaosheng!"

Huo Yuhao suddenly laughed.

How difficult is it to defeat such a powerful opponent?

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