Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1151 Soul Beast Evolution (3)

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In the follow-up thinking of the soul master, Wang Feng wanted to cultivate into a god, not relying on the gods to pass on the throne.

Because every soul Qi master cultivates to the ninetieth level, he is very powerful, naturally he does not need to rely on the god position, but can reach the hundredth level of godhood through the strength of himself and the soul beast.

Of course, these Wang Feng did not intend to speak out now, it was too broad.

Four to five spirit beasts, in fact, for today's Douluo world, there would be no shortage of them.

Because the number of soul beasts now is more than that of humans.

Although because of the evil spirit beast, there is not much more.

"In this way, it can solve the current problem of difficulty in obtaining spirit rings."

Mu En meditated, "The Dark Demon Realm is watching. We humans only need to take this ten years. Then it is not impossible to resist the Dark Demon Realm."

Mu En still thought too simple, in other words, too underestimated the Dark Demon Realm.

At least Wang Feng thinks so.

Once a spirit beast grows to one hundred thousand years, it can at least endow a spirit master with three spirit rings, but one hundred thousand year spirit rings are not so easy to cultivate.

According to Wang Feng's estimation, it would take up to several decades to be possible.

Note that it is possible.

Therefore, most of them are based on ten thousand year spirit beasts, and ten thousand year spirit beasts can provide spirit masters with two spirit rings, which is indeed a solution to the reason why it is difficult to obtain spirit rings during the outbreak of evil spirit beasts in the next few years.

"No wonder he said that I only saw the first level." Mu En suddenly smiled. "He was right. He really only saw the first level. I never thought that this soul master had such a core. Rules and advantages. The soul master should be eliminated."

"We old guys may be the last soul masters of this era."

There was a smile on Mu En's face, some vicissitudes, some sighs, and some relief.

At the same time, all the audience present were immersed in Wang Feng's words.

"At the same time, the third core of the soul deed of life."

However, at this time, Wang Feng's speech was still not finished, and everyone was shocked.

and also?

"Did no one think of it?"

Wang Feng looked at everyone and couldn't help but smiled, "I ask you, will a soul beast cultivate from a thousand years to ten thousand years, will there be no changes?"

Of course there will be!

Everyone answered in their hearts.

Normal soul beasts, let alone a thousand years to ten thousand years, even in this interval within a thousand years, their body shape, appearance, shape, and abilities will change greatly.

Seems to hear the answer in everyone's hearts.Wang Feng nodded slightly:

"Yes, the soul beast will undergo various changes with the changes in cultivation. And after becoming the Qi soul beast, because it has the intelligence, blood, and spirit of our human beings. Time changes and deeper feelings. I ask you, do you understand the power of emotions?"

Wang Feng's words are actually a bit mysterious.

From the perspective of the soul master, the power of emotions, involving various factors in the body, will enable the soul master to exert a certain superpower.

"We must understand that soul beasts are life." Wang Feng said slowly, "Nature has given life to soul beasts. It is a life that can evolve and grow, just like us humans. We humans will change because of emotions. , There is no heartless person in the world. Because of emotion, we are human beings and can dominate the world."

"Soul beasts are also a kind of life. When they are enlightened, they also have emotions in advance. The power of emotions will prompt them to change."

"This change is: Soul Beast Evolution! It is also the third core of the Soul Deed of Life!"

Wang Feng glanced at everyone, "Thousands of years ago, the core point of the theory of evolution of soul beasts studied by the Darren scholar was that soul beasts will change over time, due to various factors such as environmental ecology and subtle changes. . Just like the mandala snake ten thousand years ago, there will be this great difference from the mandala snake ten thousand years later. At the same time, many branches will be produced, such as the black mandala snake, the patterned snake and so on." Love Novel Network

"And the evolution of the soul beast in the life soul contract is a change that stems from the emotion between the soul beast and the soul master, combined with the rapid increase in strength. The evolution of the soul beast means that the life level of the soul beast has reached a higher level. Situation."

"All aspects of the soul beast will be improved! The strength, aptitude, and intelligence will be improved. Some soul beasts with special bloodlines will also change due to the potential power in the bloodline. But the evolution of the soul beasts is comparative. It’s rare that, under normal circumstances, the first evolution will only take place after ten thousand years."

"Because it will take at least a few years to cultivate a soul beast to ten thousand years. Only after such a long time will the emotional relationship between the soul master and the soul beast be deep and can affect the soul beast. The second evolution is even more difficult. It's about one hundred thousand years."

Although evolution is difficult, the improvement is enormous.

Longxie is a good example. After ten thousand years, the blood in his body has been activated, and he has also grown wings, possessing the aura of a real dragon.

True dragon blood!

If by 100,000 years, Long Xie evolves for the second time, he will be even stronger by then.

There is one example of this, Lord Bingmullin would not evolve.

Because his current life form is already the top in the world!

It is equivalent to the beast in Pokémon!

Therefore, Lord Bingmulin's strength is far beyond normal cognition.

In fact, the soul beast has a third evolution, a million years.

That is to become a god, and will evolve once.

But that kind of situation is so rare, Wang Feng feels that there is no need to say it.

Just let them explore by themselves.

Not surprisingly, the evolution of the soul beast shocked everyone again.

Wang Feng's explanation was also very clear, and everyone present could understand it.

Wang Feng summoned Long Xie out.

"Long Xie, shout twice." Wang Feng said.

"..." Long Xie.

Forced by this Wang Feng's lustful power, Long Xie had to yell twice.

The majestic dragon chants full of real dragons resounded throughout the square.

Long Xie had undergone the first evolution at this time, and no one thought he was still a rock dragon.

This is evolution.

It is the change of life form, not just the change of pure body shape and appearance.

More changes are due to the aptitude and ability of the soul beast itself.

The evolution of the soul beast is the same as the upgrade of the soul ring, an equally epoch-making change.

Many people are limited by their cognitive horizons, and it is not clear what this means.

In contrast, the improvement of the spirit ring can make them feel the same.

But when there are more and more Qi soul masters, they will naturally understand the benefits brought by the evolution of soul beasts.

"Soul beast evolution..."

Mu En and his party groaned.

They are all standing at the top of the world, and they naturally know what this means.

The soul beast will be greatly changed in the future.

In comparison, the spirit beast would have gained more benefits.

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