Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1184 Soul Skills of Lord Bingmulin (1)

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Lord Bingmulin was suspended in the air, and a black soul ring appeared on his body, slowly falling onto Wang Feng below.

Level 30 was not a stage of improvement for Wang Feng.

It can only be regarded as a small improvement.

But it is also very important.

If he had the 30th level and the power of Lord Bingmullin, Wang Feng would be able to win the victory over three spirit demons alone.

However, within three or four days, Wang Feng, who was only close to the 30th level, stepped into this level again.

I have to say that although the difficulty of re-cultivation is much more difficult than it was ten thousand years ago, the speed has actually accelerated.

If the 30th level were placed before, Wang Feng would have spent several years.

It has now been reached in just a few months.

Moreover, although his level has improved, his speed has not yet dropped.

The power of the spirit ring poured into his body, but Wang Feng did not feel any violent impact.Only the slightly cold energy brings refreshment.

Lord Bingmulin's cultivation speed was not much slower than Wang Feng.

When I was just born, it was only about 6,000 years old, but after the far north, the speed began to increase dramatically.

Continuous breakthroughs, reaching ten thousand years of cultivation.

After absorbing the spirit ring of Lord Bingmullin, Wang Feng also obtained the third spirit ring skill.

Wang Feng used the spirit ring skills of Light and Dark Angel relatively seldom.

When fighting against a soul demon, the power of awakening is generally used.

Because the power is too great, and has a miraculous effect on the soul demon.

On the contrary, his own spirit ring spirit abilities use much less.

The main reason is that there are relatively few people fighting against the strong human soul masters.

Speaking of it, it is rather regrettable. Wang Feng can feel that the strength of the spirit masters above the eighty level is extraordinary.

Moreover, many sects have exercises, which greatly develops the effect of Wuhun.

Those who are strong, Wang Feng hasn't done much.

'Speaking of which, the pinnacle group of the elite competition has a bit of meaning.Title Douluo level competition, this kind of high-intensity battle, would not be regarded as an official competition ten thousand years ago.'

Wang Feng thought in his heart while feeling the effect of the spirit ring.

There was only one group in the competition ten thousand years ago, and that was the soul master under the age of twenty-five.

But with the development of time, geniuses will emerge in large numbers. If only soul masters under the age of twenty-five are required to participate, then there will be a huge cross-layer strength in the mainland soul master competition.

For a soul master under twenty-five years old, the soul emperor is no longer impossible. Zhang Lexuan has become a soul sage when he is less than twenty-four now.

If she goes to participate in the competition, most of the spirit masters of the 20th and 30th levels will be crushed.

This huge gap in soul power, and regulations, will naturally change slowly over time.

That's why there are two major groups, the peak group and the youth group.

'The youth group is not interesting, the peak group is still interesting.'

Wang Feng thought to himself, it's just that the pinnacle group requires a level 70 or higher.

But in fact, most of the participants are 80 or above.

Because from the aspect of leapfrogging challenge, only a Soul Douluo above level 80 is qualified to challenge Titled Douluo.Jiujiu Book Pavilion

There are still some chances of victory.

And the soul saints above the 70th level are basically going to meet the world, walk through the scene, and see who have the peak powers this year.

Therefore, in fact, the powerhouses with Title Douluo strength competed in the pinnacle group.

Some are for rewards, some are for the title of the continent's number one powerhouse, and some are for the reputation of being the best in the mainland.

Because for any high-level soul master, if you want the whole continent to know your name, then the peak group competition is one of the best choices.

Even if you don't win the championship, many people will know.

The battle of high-level spirit masters is essentially different from that of the youth group.

But it is too early to say this.

Now the affairs of the Far North have not been resolved, and Wang Feng has not investigated the situation of the soul demon clearly.

'Actually, if you can win in the pinnacle group, coupled with the theory about the soul master that I published in Shrek, then the soul master will be famous throughout the continent, and then the central soul palace will retreat and train the soul master. The system will definitely change for it.When I left, my students reminded me.'

After level 30, Wang Feng's thoughts suddenly became clear.

"Boss, how do you feel?"

At this time, Lord Bingmullin landed on the ground and asked, "My ten thousand years spirit ability is similar to my previous spirit ability, called Ice Wing Divine Blade. It is an attack initiated by my wings."

Wang Feng naturally knew the spirit skills of Lord Bingmulin.

Lord Bingmullin with two attributes has two different spirit abilities.

One is the soul ability formed by the ultimate dark attribute that is affected by the dark devil qi.

One is the soul ability formed by Lord Bingmulin himself possessing the power of absolute ice.

But the trouble is that the former soul ability, Bingmulin wants to use it, it will inevitably cause dark demon energy fluctuations.

Because this soul ability with the ultimate darkness attribute is very similar to the soul ability displayed by those soul demons...all with the aura of dark demonic energy.

Therefore, Lord Bingmullin had never used it before in the human world, especially the people from the other two academies he fought with when he was in Shrek Academy.

Once displayed, it will inevitably cause great trouble.

Even now, Lord Bingmullin didn't really want to use dark attribute spirit abilities.

There are many troubles to use.

On the contrary, it is the power of Absolute Ice, for Lord Bingmulin, it is very easy to use and familiar.

Ten years of soul skills: absolute ice breath.

The aura of absolute ice surging inside the body forms a strong air pressure. For any soul beast with an ice attribute, absolute suppression is used to weaken the opponent's full power by at least 15%.For spirit beasts other than ice attributes, weaken at least 30% of their full abilities.

The ten-year spirit ability represents the spirit ability obtained by Lord Bingmulin's ten-year cultivation base, and the power increases with the cultivation base.

The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the ice-free aura it radiates.

The power here is reflected in the different spirit beasts.

For example, Lord Bingmullin, who has been cultivated for thousands of years, casts an ice-free breath on a thousand-year-old ice spirit beast. Not only does it weaken the opponent's full power by 15%, but directly allows the opponent to fight. The desire is gone.

Therefore, the effect of this spirit ability corresponds to maintaining this strength against the strong at the same level.

But for human soul masters, the effect is roughly the same.

Hundred years of soul skills: the world of absolute ice.

Casting the power of the ice in the body changes the surrounding environment and becomes an ice-free environment, and the range gradually increases with the cultivation base.

In the absolute ice environment, the movement speed of soul beasts other than the ice system is reduced by 50%.At the same time, it comes with the'extreme cold' effect, the speed of the soul power in the body, the speed of the soul ability, the power of the soul ability, etc., will be weakened to varying degrees, ranging from 20 to 30%.

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