Check in from Douluo

1187 Martial Soul Imbalance (4)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!It is not uncommon for something to happen in practice.

On the contrary, the stronger the Wuhun, the easier it is to go wrong.

Because it is difficult to control power.

The simplest example: Pan Gu axe.

When Wang Feng first used Pan Gu axe, it was thrilling, dancing on the tip of the knife.

For the kind of martial soul that is far more powerful than oneself, cultivation is very risky.

The current Xiyue seems to be the same.

After observing for a while, Wang Feng probably understood where Xiyue's practice went wrong.

It's simple, it's out of balance.

"This martial soul is very peculiar, it is a combination of two martial souls, but they are separated separately, yin and yang coexist, and the mystery is endless."

Wang Feng groaned.

Universe Wuhun.

Although Xiyue's universe looks very empty, but there is indeed such a thing.

There is a starry sky, there are stars, there are planets, there are sun stars, but there are still space holes.

It's like a painting.Looking at it exquisitely, but can't feel any life power, just a martial soul.

The other side represents the dark side of the mysterious'singularity', which is more pure and monotonous.

Even if this kind of martial spirit was spoken out, few people could understand it.

Because I don't understand.

The imbalance, the imbalance, because Xiyue had a soul link with the soul demon, she must have swallowed the soul of the soul demon, causing her dark side singularity martial soul to produce violent fluctuations.

"Although this kind of martial spirit is powerful, it is also more prone to problems. Once this yin and yang twin martial spirit is out of balance, it may cause unimaginable damage to the person."

Wang Feng suddenly became curious about how Xiyue cultivated to Title Douluo.

This is certainly not simple.

Maybe the other party's story is no worse than your own.

"Help her?"

Lord Bingmulin asked.

He also knew that Xiyue was also a great help to them.

"Try it."

Wang Feng thought for a few seconds.

If it doesn't work, forget it.This is also risky.

The stalwart aura exuded by the two spirits made Wang Feng a little bit stressed.

From the perspective of Wuhun, this was the first time.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng couldn't help feeling that his Chaos Qinglian and Pangu Axe were all given by the system.

I don't know if this Xiyue was produced by himself or if it has other origins.

If she carried it by herself, then Xiyue's own origins might be worth thinking about.

The spirit of martial arts is basically related to the inheritance of family blood. Without the interference of external factors, it is impossible for the spirit of such a big mutation to appear.Such cosmic martial souls and singularity martial souls have nothing to do with this world, and they are far from the perspective of technology.

How could a martial soul of this level be born?

Modern Wuhun research has found that the mutation of Wuhun is generally inseparable from the development environment of contemporary human society.

With the development of soul guidance technology, humans can gradually understand martial spirits like stars, moons and suns.

But the universe, the martial spirit of Singularity, obviously surpassed the technological line of this world.

Even if the Douluo World really entered the interstellar age in the future, Wang Feng felt it was unlikely that such a martial spirit would appear.Heyuan Book Bar

'Is it possible that Xiyue is a person from another world, left in Douluo Continent?'

Wang Feng couldn't help thinking of such a possibility.

Will it be the descendants of a certain universe supreme, come to the world of Douluo to seal memory and experience life?

As a traverser, Wang Feng couldn't help but open his mind.

Otherwise, a certain cosmic supreme has fallen behind, and the strong is reborn in Douluo Continent?That's why it comes with such a beeping spirit?

In all fairness, since there is a system and so many amazing things are given to oneself, it is normal to have strong people in other worlds.

But no matter how much you think about it, it's useless.

Wang Feng directly used the light and dark spirit to possess his body, intending to absorb the remaining dark demon energy in Xiyue, or to reinject the white side of the universe spirit energy with energy comparable to that of the dark demon so as to balance it.

After Wuhun possessed his body, Wang Feng's form changed again and he walked directly in front of Xiyue.

As he approached, this Wuhun gave Wang Feng a feeling of vastness and grandeur.

After all, the universe, even if it looks only in the form of a martial soul, is naturally vast and magnificent.

Compared with the singularity at the other end, it is more obscure and mysterious, and it seems to contain some terrifying energy.

Wang Feng placed his palm on top of Xi Yue's head, and the seven purple origin lines on his body shone slightly.

A majestic suction force drew towards the singularity martial soul on the dark side of yin and yang.

In an instant, Xiyue's figure seemed to have a double shadow, and the Tai Chi pattern formed by the yin and yang twin martial souls suddenly rotated.

A huge force of involvement, coming from this picture, is the original force in Wang Feng's body, and it has also received great attraction.


Wang Feng squinted his eyes.

It seemed that the dark demon energy inside couldn't be sucked out, it had been fused.

Forcibly sucking will also cause backlash.

Then only inject energy on the other side.

Wang Feng thought for a moment, slowly condensing his soul power, and gathered it into the white side of the universe martial arts soul.

It doesn't need too much, just balance with the other side.

As the soul power in Wang Feng's body was injected, and a little bit of his energy to judge the source was added, it only took a moment for the spinning Tai Chi diagram to stop.

Xiyue's changing expression also slowly disappeared.

The yin and yang and Tai Chi patterns formed by these two martial spirits also calmed down.

After a while.

Wang Feng stepped back a few steps, looking at Xi Yue with a rather solemn expression.

He didn't consume much himself.

It's just that when I was in contact with the soul power, I came into contact with this martial soul, and I felt that it was a bit compatible with my own light and dark angel martial soul.

'Speaking of speaking, the light and dark angel martial soul was mutated from the dark angel martial soul, but in fact, it was in the angelic fantasy world that absorbed the power representing the god of seraphs. In essence, it is also The fusion of the two martial souls, and the formation of the light and dark angel martial soul, also symbolizes the power of the source of the God King of Origin Tribulation.'

Who is Yuanjie God King?

In the words of the God Realm, that was the innate primordial spirit born of the creation god at the beginning of the birth of Chaos.

It is the ultimate champion of the first echelon in the Douluo God Realm, the first person in the world to cultivate and become a god king.

Cultivation has cultivated the power of the seven origins, surpassing all living beings, and achieving the highest achievement. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Douluo universe is the oldest existence besides the God of Creation.

Because of his relationship with the five great god kings, Wang Feng also knew something about Douluo God Realm.

The origin of Douluo God Realm is a world formed by the power split by the Creation God back then.

As the only soul born of the Creation God, Yuan Jie God King itself is very special, and the other five god kings are also more or less related to the Creation God at first.All were created indirectly by the God of Creation.

The strength has reached the ceiling of the god realm, the kind of existence that is about to be detached.

There was a slight connection with these two martial souls of Xi Yue.

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