Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1198 You can also marry your master (four thousand words chapter)

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"My dear, you..." Hei Ying looked a little frightened, but vaguely thought of a terrible possibility.

Could it be that the other party is not Diye Demon God?

But if it wasn't, then besides the Devil God, who else could do all these mysterious methods?

A strong man in the gods?

But if it is a powerhouse in the God Realm, as soon as they see their soul demon, they will directly do it. Where do they need to pretend to be a soul demon?

Impossible, this is impossible!

Puff puff~!

Wang Feng then gently crushed a few soul black beads.

Bang Bang Bang~!

The soul demon behind Heiying dissipated in midair one by one.

This kind of soul black bead contains part of their souls, once destroyed, there is no possibility of surviving.

Especially the Nine Ring Soul Demon.

If it were a high-ranking soul demon, even if the soul black bead that was given was broken, it could still live for a while.But they can't.

The muffled sound, like a death knell, rang in Black Ying's ears.

The boundless chill eroded the whole body.

The most frightening thing is that he doesn't know why the other party would do this... he can't understand it!

What exactly is this for?

"Why?" Hei Ying looked behind him, and there was no soul demon anymore.

I was still talking about it just now, but it disappeared like a cloud of smoke in an instant.

"You are so ugly, you are upset." Wang Feng said.


This Diye Demon God didn't seem to want to reveal half a sentence.

Or is it true?

Hei Ying fainted, only to feel a huge force in his body tearing apart.

He knew that the black pearl he felt was also broken.

As the dark demon leader, he died slower.


Pain and unwillingness made him roar extremely angry.

Death is actually okay. Living in the Dark Demon Realm, every soul demon would expect that he would die.

Not afraid of death.

But the point is, what a peculiar thing, it's so stupid to die!

Is this the devil?

Mood, seeing life as dust, high above, playing around in the world?

Even at the last moment, Hei Ying, who still couldn't figure it out, stared at the Diye Demon God, and didn't even infer any useful news from the other's lazy expression.


A halo was scattered in the air.

After the death of these spirit demons, the powerful energy contained in their bodies will overflow between the heaven and the earth.

But these energies are all the energy formed by cultivating Dark Devil Qi, which is more terrifying than Dark Devil Qi.

"Bing Lin!"

Wang Feng felt for a while and confirmed that no soul demon had survived, and immediately summoned Lord Bingmullin.

"You and I absorb these energy together!"

As the spirit ring lights up, Lord Bingmulin's huge body appeared in front of many spirit beasts.

The exchanges between Wang Feng and Hei Ying were all carried through spirit, and they didn't know what happened.

All that can be seen is that these evil spirit beasts that invaded the far north dissipated between the heavens and the earth in an instant, still a little confused.

Qingqing, they are all a little confused?

That feeling, like lying down, as if you have already won?

The appearance of Lord Bingmulin made them even more shocked!

"It's Lord Bingmulin!"

This is, Ice Emperor flew up from below.When the shield was wide open just now, she was the only one who guarded Xuedi's side and did not appear.


"Bingdi, don't you plan to come up?"

Qingqing looked at her curiously.

"I... I sensed a special breath, so I came up, but I didn't expect it to be Lord Bingmulin. I remember, didn't he become Wang Feng's spirit ring? Said Wang Feng... Are you sure it is him?" Hesitated.

Look at the stalwart man with 14 pairs of light wings on his back.

He seems to be clearly different from human beings.

"It must be." Qingqing nodded. "There are three master martial arts spirits, and one of them is angel martial arts spirit. You may not know it, but we know it. The most important thing is that sentence. I’ve heard my master communicate with me in that language...and he told me and Xingxingya Yaya some stories."

"Oh? What story?" Bingdi asked subconsciously.

"The soul breaks the sky... a thousand and one nights, cover the ground and so on..."

"Why have I never heard you say?" Bingdi asked curiously.

"The master told us three times, how can I say it casually? If you want to listen, you can ask the master to tell you." Qingqing said.

"I'm not rare." Bingdi shook his tail.

"So, you just concluded that Wang Feng is back? You just opened the shield?" Bingdi said again, "Qingdi, your heart is too big. If someone pretends to be Wang Feng, then it will be a big mistake. !"

"How can there be so many ifs?" The Qing Emperor wondered, "You see, not only has it not caused a big mistake, but those soul demons have been easily solved by the master? You see, Xiyue has also returned, and Kun Kun. "

Speaking of Kun Kun.

When all the soul demons died and dissipated, the whale shark on the soul beast flew past for the first time.

Flew in front of Zun Kun, and couldn't help but let out crying:

"Kun, what's the matter with you? What about cub?"

Counseling Kun did not recover, naturally unable to answer her.

"That, he hasn't recovered yet." Xiyue jumped up from Gui Kun's back, flew in midair, and said with a faint smile, "However, he has a way to recover. As for that little Kun Shark..."

Speaking of this, Xi Yue was silent.

"...As long as Kun is still there," the whale shark whispered, "It's better than not having both of them. By the way, Xi Douluo, why are you...huh? Wait, you..."

The whale shark suddenly looked at Wang Feng in midair, then looked at Xi Yue, and fell silent.

"Brother Kun should be fine."

At this time, the others also came up one after another, speaking to Shen Bing, his body at this time, among these few, was only inferior to the whale shark and the tongue.

It is nearly 100 meters high and stays in place at ordinary times. That is the small iceberg!

The cultivation base is also extremely high, with more than 600,000 years of cultivation base.

As these spirit beasts came over, Xi Yue frowned slightly, and then eased down again.

"I haven't seen you for thousands of years, the boss still looks like..."

The crocodile fluttered its wings, and its frontally looked round body, but it was actually huge.

But the voice is still that silly.

The crocodile flew in front of Tong Kun, patted it with his fore palm, and sighed, "Brother Kun, you are so lucky. You rushed out by yourself, and his son was not saved, so he almost died. You How will the whales live in the future? In these years, there is no one that can compare with you." I love e-book

As soon as he finished speaking, the house crocodile snapped, and was beaten by another Xuanshui crocodile flying by his side.

"What are you talking about?" Xuanshui Crocodile glared at the crocodile.

She is about the same size as an otaku, but actually a bit bigger... which means that her cultivation base is higher.

But both cultivation bases are only more than 500,000 years old.

"Brother Kun is still conscious, but his soul is not sober enough. It should have absorbed too much of the dark demon energy. But fortunately, those spirit demons are dead, and the mark in Brother Kun's soul has disappeared. After a while, he should be able to recover. "

At this time, Tiehu's voice slowly sounded, the first one to completely figure out the specific situation of counseling Kun.

"Ten thousand years have passed, the boss is still handsome."

The blood scorpion also flew rumblingly, although his tone did not smile, but it was also much more relaxed.

His body shape, regardless of form, the size of the light wheel is somewhat similar to Shen Bing, and it is a full 100 meters long, which shows that the Blood Flood Dragon has worked very hard to cultivate these years.

As a result, it is still single.

Even Qingqing often feels annoyed by the single situation of Blood Jiao.

After all, it is a rare race, and reproduction is the top priority.

The Far North can develop to this point.

It's useless to rely on cultivation to be strong.

It is also necessary to multiply these excellent and powerful spirit beasts to produce offspring.

Like the others, they are basically in pairs.

Don't worry about it.

This is the only one who has a relatively straightforward and honest character, and has never been able to find it.

"Damn, Blood Jiao, you fellow, you don't even say a few good things about Sister Qing. When the boss comes back, you will be flattered?"

The crocodile flew from a distance, somewhat speechless.

"Brother Crocodile, do you mean that the boss is not handsome anymore?" Xue Jiao wondered.

The house crocodile was taken aback, and said quickly: "Of course not, of course the boss is handsome."

"Then I'm telling the truth? What does it have to do with flattering?" Xue Jiao asked, "In human culture, flattering is to please others, to say unrealistic flattery... Is there a problem?"

"..." The crocodile.

The crocodile thought for a long time, as if he felt that what the blood scorpion said was okay.

The crocodile was a little depressed.

The fellow Blood Jiao looked straightforward, but in fact, he was clever.

It can't be said that the thieves are clever, just the kind of...unspeakable feeling.

Xiyue looked at a few soul beasts and quarreled, and smiled.

These spirit beasts can have this kind of relationship, sometimes she feels very surprised.

Because these eight overlords are the most powerful in the Far North.

Obviously there is a competitive relationship, but in fact they are close friends.

And the relationship is excellent.

In contrast, even the twelve Douluo Heavenly Kings in the Central Wuhun Palace of the Federation, although they seem to have a good relationship, actually competed for their lives.In each battle of the Douluo Heavenly Kings, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

Xiyue sighed slightly in her heart, the ecological model of the extreme north.She originally thought it was formed with the Qing Emperor as the leader.

But in fact, it should be because of who?

"Xi Douluo, can you tell us what the situation is?"

Qingqing and Bingdi flew over.

Xiyue nodded slightly.

As the head of the 12 Douluo Heavenly Kings in the Central Wuhun Palace, the strongest of the Federation.The Qingqing Nine Phoenix Heavenly King was granted by her.

At the same time, she naturally kept in touch with the Far North.

After all, the Territory of the North is a federal friendly area from a territorial perspective.

This is not even the Sun-Moon Empire.

Xiyue thought about it for a moment, and then briefly explained what happened.

She felt that Wang Feng hadn't revealed his identity until the end, so she didn't reveal much about Wang Feng's pretense.

It just means that Wang Feng disguised as a soul demon, used various means to gain trust, and then obtained the souls of these soul demon, quietly killing these soul demon without any effort!

Although it was easy to say, Xiyue knew how difficult it was.

However, looking back now, Wang Feng had already calculated it!

"Something's wrong!"

The Ice Emperor whispered, "Why is his strength so low? Although these spirit demons are powerful, it should be easy to destroy them based on his strength? And isn't he being sealed for cultivation? Ten thousand years have passed, can it be said that the more you practice, the more backward it is? Weakened? Still need to pretend to be a soul demon?"

Qingqing pondered for a moment, but did not answer directly, but instead smiled and asked:

"Bingdi, that's the case. What are you going to do?"

Hearing this, the Bingdi was taken aback and snorted, "Since I am weak, I am not qualified to protect my sister. After my sister wakes up, I will protect my sister!"

Qingdi smiled helplessly, "Bingdi, why do you always have thoughts about your sister that you shouldn't have?"

Bingdi is red.

"What are the thoughts that shouldn't be there?" Bingdi said angrily, "I don't know how many years have passed since the relationship between my sister and me! Is this normal? It is Wang Feng! It is Wang Feng who snatched my sister from me. ! Whenever I think that if I don’t have a sister in the future, I don’t know what to do?"

"It's easy..." Qingdi thought for a while, "you can also marry your master. In this way, you can be with your sister. What do you think of this proposal?"


The Ice Emperor was completely red.

"Hu... nonsense! Hu... nonsense! Incomprehensible!, you! You can say such things!" The ice emperor's scorpion swayed violently, and the ice crystal-colored body was that light. The yellow gems all glowed with real red light, as if they were braving a burst of heat.

"Isn't it?" Qingdi looked at her in surprise, "You can just be with your sister now!"

"Qingdi, we have known each other for so many years. We have also fought side by side countless times, so you want to push me into the fire pit?" Bingdi looked at her angrily.

"..." Wang Feng.

Wang Feng is still absorbing the dark demon energy that the soul demon dissipated, but fortunately he didn't hear this...

"Huo Pit... Uh... Master is obviously a treasure..." Qingdi wondered, "Are you not satisfied with pushing you into the treasure chest? Besides, just marry the master in name. You don't need to be actual with the master. What happened, so that in the future your sister will leave with the master, and you will be able to follow it confidently."

"Isn't it perfect?"

Bingdi was stunned.

Just marrying in name, it seems that what Qing Emperor said makes sense...

No, there seems to be a problem.

Bingdi glanced at Qingdi suspiciously.

She must be pitting me!

"By the way, take the liberty to ask. Jiuhuang, the boss and master in your mouth...should refer to him?"

At this moment, Xi Yue asked suddenly.

Qingqing and Bingdi immediately reacted.

"Sorry, forgot to introduce to you..."

Qingdi glanced at Wang Feng in midair, and there was only one expression in his eyes.

Look of worship!

"This is my master, and the boss of these few... and also... the statue of the Pope in white in your Central Wuhun Palace."

"His name is Wang Feng... and he has had many other weird titles..."


Ps: There is no division in this chapter. Four thousand words...may be a bit more expensive.There are 10,000 characters in total, which is equivalent to five changes before.Updates will come up slowly.

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