Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1206 Luxury lineup! (Four thousand words)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Woo, Master, you are leaving again... We have seen each other several times in the past few months."

Knowing that Wang Feng was planning to leave the Far North, Qingqing naturally reluctant to leave.

"It will be long in Japan."

Wang Feng laughed, "The short separation is for a better reunion..."

In nine months, Qingqing and the others did not disturb Wang Feng's practice, but they also came to see it several times.

According to Wang Feng's plan, after going to the competition and entering the Martial Soul Palace, the next step should be to solve the remaining few dark magic masters who appeared in the Douluo world.

Because he wasn't sure what was going on between the God Realm and the Dark Demon Realm, Wang Feng wasn't sure that there would be someone who surpassed the Dark Demon Master, that is, the Ten Ring God-level Fighting Demon.

In fact, in the current Douluo World, after five energy tides, the world has changed greatly for thousands of years, and it is able to withstand the emergence of powerhouses of this level.

Similar to a god-level powerhouse beyond a hundred.

After solving these dark demon masters, Wang Feng estimated that his soul power level was almost at the 80th level.

At that time, you can go to God Realm to see them.

After reading this time, almost the rules are almost understood.

The Qi Soul Master should also be on the right path, and what the world will become in the future is the future.

But that was what Wang Feng expected ten years later, and it was still early.

"In the future, if you can't overcome the catastrophe, you can also try to sign a soul deed with humans."

Wang Feng looked at a few soul beasts and said with emotion, "If you have a companion, you can come to me if you can't cross the catastrophe. I still have a certain way to do it. Ten thousand years ago, Lord Bingmulin's sky robs me. Can’t resist, but it’s hard to say now."

Now that Wang Feng controls the power of judgment, he is not afraid of Heavenly Tribulation.

The power of the Yuan Jie Divine King’s trial has increased. At that time, the trial and thunder punishment of the God Realm was just because Wang Feng’s spirit power level was not high now and could not be used.

There was still a strong resistance to Douluo World's catastrophe.

"Hehe, then I want to be the first Qi soul beast to become the master."

Qingqing said happily, "Should we sign the soul deed now, master?"

"You are now relatively strong, and signing a soul deed will have little effect on you. When I get to Title Douluo and sign a soul deed with you, you will get more benefits." Wang Feng touched Qingqing's head.

Obviously ten thousand years have passed, and he has been the boss of the Far North for so many years.It still looks like the little blue bird back then.

I don't know whether it was intentional or intentional, but Wang Feng didn't care about it.

Qingqing is willing to behave like this in front of herself, it is naturally good.

Hearing Wang Feng's refusal, Qing Qing pouted her delicate beak, fluttered her wings a few times, and expressed her unhappiness in her heart.

"Moreover, such a big family in this far north."

Wang Feng glanced around, "You have to settle down, too."

"Yeah. I will."

Qingqing replied, "By the way, I forgot to tell you. In the past nine months, Xi Douluo has sent someone to ask about your situation. Let me give you this thing."

Qingqing took out an ancient scroll made of special animal skins and a token.

Wang Feng turned to this picture scroll and found that there was a special Soul Guiding array on it.

The Soul Guidance Array, which is similar to the circuit board of the previous life, is engraved with special patterns and delicate components, which can transmit the soul power and make the internal links to form the Soul Guidance Device.

"This is... the invitation letter for the pinnacle group of the All-Continent Elite Soul Master Competition from Wuhun Palace."

Qingqing explained, "Master, you may not know. The entire continent now is the real entire continent... Xi Douluo is a peerless figure."

Speaking of this, Qingqing's tone is still somewhat admired.

"After this person became famous, he explored many places of the inheritance of the gods, combined vertically and horizontally, and not only made these areas public. He also visited the powerhouses in these places. Now the Martial Soul Federation can still suppress the sun. The Moon Empire is because Xi Douluo is unique."

"So, since she ascended to the highest of the federation and took over the federation, every peak group, the federation will spontaneously invite many strong people from all over the world!"

"For example, the peak powerhouse of Seagod Island, the peak powerhouse of the Magic Moon Spiritual Realm, the peak powerhouse of the Yanshen Mountain, the peak powerhouse of Fengyin Cliff, the powerhouse of Angel our Ice Forbidden Land Bingya Sect is also waiting."

Hearing this, Wang Feng was startled.

"These mysterious sacred places have always been absent, but this year, the rewards are extremely rich, and people are sent to participate!!"

Qingqing said to Wang Feng.

Wang Feng had heard of these and several places Qingqing said.

Needless to say, Poseidon Island, an overseas holy land, the place where Poseidon inherited.

The holy place that countless strong people have longed for, the place where the ancestor of the sea god Tang San became a god.

Wang Feng has also heard of the magic moon region.Ten thousand years ago, he had just sealed the first hundred years.

It was Bibi Dong who was still on the mainland, and set many regulations for the first leader of the Federation.

As a god-level powerhouse, she also visited many places to explore the mysteries of the mainland.

Later, I found a place of inheritance of gods, named: Magic Moon Spiritual Realm.

There are two gods among them, the Moon God and the Illusion God.

They belonged to the second-level gods in the God Realm. Before the Seven Devils left the Douluo Continent, they all gathered at Wuse Mountain and told Wang Feng about this.

Later, Zhu Zhuqing and Hu Liena inherited the positions of these two gods respectively.

Since there are inheritance places of gods, there will naturally be people of inheritance who will guard these gods and inherit a powerful force.

Needless to say, Yanshen Mountain was where the fat man Ma Hongjun inherited the throne of the Vulcan. The people in the clan claimed to be the Yanshen clan, and the strongest in the past was known as the Great Venerable Yanshen.

They are all peerless Douluo in the world!

Correspondingly, there is also the location of the Fengshen deity inherited by Zhu Zhuqing.

However, Tang San did not mention the specific location at the time, because Zhu Zhuqing went to inherit it alone.

As the god of elements, Fengshen is both a first-level god.Now I heard what Qingqing said, that Fengyinya should be the area where Zhu Zhuqing inherited Fengshen.The tribesmen under the banner call themselves Fengyin Clan, and the strongest guarding the wind god is called the Great Sage.

The high priest of the sea god, the great sage of the flame god, and the great sage of Fengyin.

These three strengths are the supreme beings in this world except for the Federation.

What surprised Wang Feng was that these guardians of the gods would never take the step of protecting the holy land.

Just like the Seagod Bo Saixi had never walked out of Seagod Island.

Unexpectedly, this Xi Douluo was so powerful that he could persuade these people to walk out of their holy land, enter the human society, and participate in the peak event of the entire continent.

"As for the powerful sects of the Human Federation, Master, I won’t introduce you to them. You will naturally know that at that time, but I heard that those large sects with strong operations, even if there is no Peerless Douluo, they are at level 97 or higher. There are still a lot of title Douluo."

Qingqing whispered, "But master, have you noticed one thing?"

"whats the matter?"

Wang Feng asked.

After speaking, he glanced around, vaguely feeling as if something was missing...

"Eh, what about that scorpion?" Yiyun Chinese

Wang Feng said in surprise.


Qingqing suddenly laughed, "Master, guess where did Bingbing go? If you guess, Bingbing says there is a reward~!"


Wang Feng pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly said, "Surely, she also went to the All-Continent Senior Elite Soul Master Competition? Since Xiyue has been to the far north, she must have discovered that the Ice Emperor and the humans have signed a life soul contract. . Then, she can also officially invite the Ice Emperor and Qingyu to the competition, right?"

"Because sapphire rebuilds human beings, it is also considered a human being."

Thinking of this, Wang Feng couldn't help but look at Xi Douluo with admiration.

Unexpectedly, she would dare to invite Qingyu and Ice Emperor directly to this competition...

"Ah, master, you are too smart..." Qingqing smiled, "Yes, but it's like this... At first, the Ice Emperor was unwilling to go. Qingyu was unwilling to go to humans who would participate in human competitions... but later Xi Douluo was convinced by a few sentences. How did you convince Xi Douluo?"

Wang Feng sneered, "What can I say, it's nothing more than to participate in the competition, and if you and Qingyu join forces, maybe you can just talk with Wang Feng? At that time..."

Xi Douluo is such a shrewd and peerless character. With her wisdom, after knowing her true identity, she will definitely be able to detect that the Ice Emperor is not dealing with herself.

In addition, before he left, he played with the Ice Emperor.

It is estimated that as long as Xi Douluo mentions his name, the Bingdi will have a look. Taking this as the starting point, the Bingdi will naturally be able to go.

Moreover, with the combined strength of the ice emperor and sapphire, in human society, let alone walking sideways, even if they encounter danger, it is easy to leave.

"What about the reward?" Wang Feng asked.

"Bingbing said, the reward will be'given to you' when you participate in the competition!" Qingqing emphasized the pronunciation in the last two words.

I don't know how ambiguous it is.

In fact, Wang Feng knew it by guessing that it must be this scorpion who wanted to beat himself severely.

Otherwise, he would not agree to participate in this competition.

"Xiyue wants to play a big game."

Wang Feng sighed.

He didn't expect that he would even involve the peerless powerhouses of these gods.

These are strong people who are not born!

"Master, don't underestimate sapphire."

Qingqing said playfully, "After Qingyu agreed to this, she knew your master's identity, so she didn't dare to be careless. She said that in order not to lose ugly, she also specially found a hundred thousand year soul beast to sign the soul contract... she It has now broken through to Title Douluo, and also used a special method to unlock a spirit ring."


The spirit ring can be lifted.

When Tang San resurrected Xiao Wu, he removed the three spirit rings from him, creating conditions for Xiao Wu's rebirth.

The price is a decline in level, if there is no help from the heavens, the decline is permanent.

"Do you know what kind of soul beast you found?" Qing Qing said in a low voice, "Bingbing originally kept me secret, but I still want to tell the master. Qingyu is looking for a soul beast with the ultimate fire, Qingyan Yuling Bird. This is also the most powerful one of the hundred thousand year soul beasts, not in our far north, but in a forest of flame soul beasts."

"Sapphire itself is an ice and fire dual-system soul beast that swallows a special heavenly material and a treasure to rebuild a human, and has the ultimate ice, plus the two soul beasts of the ultimate fire as the soul beasts, which makes her body abnormal and incredible. The changes. Once the two merge, they will burst out extremely terrifying power..."

Wang Feng laughed loudly when he heard the words.

It's quite interesting.

The soul beast that rebuilt the human being, signed a soul contract with the soul beasts of two extreme attributes, and then entered the human society to participate in the peak competition of the whole continent.

This is probably the first time, right?

"If this is the case, it is naturally good."

Wang Feng smiled slightly, "I'm still afraid that the strong players in the pinnacle group won't be enough for me to fight. Listening to you, I'm quite interested."

Qingqing looked at Wang Feng and was silent.

"When Xi Douluo left, he said that if he tells his master about this, he will definitely feel very interesting and will definitely participate."

Qingqing stopped talking, "Xi Douluo understands the master very well. I have found so many powerful experts, for fear that the master will feel lonely because you have no opponents."

Wang Feng smiled.

Looking at this game, it is not an exaggeration to say that the lineup is unprecedented.

You know, what Qingqing said all belong to the specially invited strong.

There is no restriction on registration for the peak group of the Mainland Elite Soul Master Competition.

The only requirement is above the soul sage.

Even if it is an evil spirit master, the spirit ability can even participate in the spirit master.

Needless to say, the rewards are generous.

Every 20 years, the peak group and the youth group are different every five years.

Wang Feng groaned, "Xi Douluo is holding such an unprecedented lineup, not just because of my appearance. She is not the kind of person who can talk casually."

Speaking, Wang Feng knocked Qingqing's forehead lightly, "If you think about it, is she really just because of me?"

Qingqing tilted her head for a moment, and suddenly said, "Master, you mean...for the Dark Demon Realm, or those soul demon?"

"Yes, this is the right answer." Wang Feng said lightly, "Any competition itself is to bring these strong people together. Her purpose for doing this is most likely to gather these top human powers today. Get up and discuss how to deal with the invasion of the Dark Demon Realm. This is her true purpose hidden under the competition."

Qingqing nodded, thinking that the master was still smart, and he could think of such a far-reaching.

She only thought it was Xi Douluo who knew the identity of the owner, so she deliberately held this peak group competition so luxurious.

Even Qingyu invited.

"After you have said so much, I should also set off."

Wang Feng sighed, "Actually, you have done half of what Xi Douluo did. All the top soul beasts in the extreme north are gathered in the extreme ice. It is a pity that you cannot unite with other soul beast forests. stand up."

Qingqing has done very well.

The extreme north can be reunified and fruitful.

It's a pity that soul beasts are not humans after all.

"I should leave..."

Wang Feng suddenly looked into the distance, as if thinking of something, "Qingqing, can your soul beasts transform into human forms?"

"Well... if it is transfiguration, it is okay." Qingqing was taken aback, wondering how Wang Feng asked this question, "Real people, naturally can't. But some spirit beasts are transfiguration adults, general titled Douluo. I can’t recognize it either, it’s very powerful...otherwise, it’s okay to take certain natural treasures, but they can only be temporary."

Hearing that, Wang Feng slightly Chen Mo...

The location he saw was the Star Dou Forest...


Star Dou Forest, deep in the five-color god mountain.

The air was filled with layers of silver phantom fog, and a delicate and graceful woman could be vaguely seen inside...

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