Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1211 The mountain collapses and the earth cracks, move the mountain to fill the river!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng was a little surprised, and looked at Zhang Lexuan.

It has been a long time since he lectured at the college.

When Wang Feng walked along, he didn't notice any obvious changes.

Therefore, I didn't feel that these days alone could make the whole continent accept Qi Soul Master.

Feng Ming looked at Zhang Lexuan, and suddenly said, "This is a lot of thanks to this girl. She kept introducing us to the Soul Master Qi..."

When Zhang Lexuan heard the words, her face flashed with blush, and she quickly explained, "Senior Feng, how can I keep introducing it, but you asked about the magical beast next to me, so only a few words..."

"Hahaha, a few words?" Feng Ming chuckled a few times. "Senior, my ears are almost dead on the way. Just tell you how good Qi Soul Master is. If you don't have Shrek Academy tokens, I wonder if you have been brainwashed by some cult..."

Zhang Lexuan's face flushed, but at this moment she smiled and said, "My academy is now popular with soul masters. Many soul masters have already transformed into soul masters. In addition to those high-level soul masters, there are several others. This academy is also effective. I think this competition will inevitably spread the title of Soul Master Qi to the mainland."

Having said that, Zhang Lexuan looked at Wang Feng and seemed to be saying that the college did not live up to your original expectations.

Wang Feng smiled.

Next, the group quickly descended to the upper reaches, supporting the Nulong River being frozen, and the three worked together to temporarily re-establish the dam that was broken, and sent the Federal Engineering Department to the Federal Headquarters Gaoxin to repair it. .

This dam is thousands of meters in length and breadth.

Knowing that the wide area of ​​Nulong River is seven to eight kilometers long, it is not easy to build a dam.

Coupled with the rapids of the river, the momentum is so great that it is difficult to establish.

Otherwise, the Nulong River would not pose such a huge threat to humans.

It's impossible to rely on one or two people alone. It requires a large team and various assistance to be able to perform maintenance.

"This Nulong River is so majestic and truly extraordinary. Back then, I was ashamed of the spirit and beast battle, I couldn't escape from the cliff."

Feng Qin sighed, "Now there are evil spirit beasts raging, and the outside world is invading. If we are the survivors who inherited the will of God, if we are in a corner, we are afraid that the world will be gone, it is difficult to survive in this world?"

"Xi Douluo is right." Feng Ming also whispered, "We are the great sages of Fengyinya, and we are self-appointed as virtuous, but we have no virtuous line.

When Wang Feng listened, he didn't expect Xi Douluo to lobby himself.

However, Xi Yue is really amazing, this Feng Yin Cliff is so mysterious, even if she knows the name, she doesn't necessarily know the place?

"In addition to us, I also feel that the people in the other great gods' inheritance land should all be born. Presumably they should all be invited... Maybe, we can still find a suitable inheritor during this trip, and get the inheritance. Position. It can also be considered a family wish."

Feng Qin looked at the frozen river and slowly said, "The dam here is incomplete and stretches for thousands of meters. Although temporarily frozen, it is not a long-term solution. With the help of the mysterious wind, I can move to the mountain to temporarily block the shortage. It’s just that it’s very troublesome for the latecomer to repair it."

The two are powerful, but they are also somewhat helpless.

Zhang Lexuan pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought of Wang Feng's other soul beast, which seemed to be a rock dragon.

The power that controls the earth's rocks may be able to help.

She couldn't help looking at Wang Feng.

But only Wang Feng's face was calm and his eyes were calm, as if waiting for something.

But for a moment, Zhang Lexuan saw a huge rocky dragon in the distance, with a few large mountains on its back, and humming and flying from a distance.

Wang Feng flew out suddenly, his spirit ring looming, and he whispered:


Long Xie nodded, roared, his body shook, and he threw the mountains away.

Compared to the Nulong River, these hills, which are only a few tens of meters long, are actually nothing.360 Literature Network

The normal depth difference of this Nulong River is at least 50 meters or more, and even higher is hundreds of meters.

A mountain will sink directly.

But the landslide and the earth split are the ten thousand years spirit ability of Longxie.

This is an extremely powerful spirit ability that combines control and attack.

And it's a super wide range, indiscriminate attack.

Used here, the effect is naturally that the broken dam of the Nulong River spreads directly, separating a long river directly from the center.

Even the location that was frozen by the ice quickly cracked.

The Nulong River in this range is as if there is an angry dragon twisting the wind and clouds at the bottom.

At the moment when the crack cracked, the mountains under Longxie's control changed their shapes and directly embedded on the broken dam, and just embedded in the ice-covered location.

"it is good!"

Wang Feng nodded slightly, then turned to look at the three of them, "This method is a trick, and I borrow the mountain to fill it. Although my soul master has the ability to control the mountain and move the soil, this mountain is of average material and can only be temporarily blocked for a period of time. I have to come back later, add new materials, and make detailed repairs."

Feng Qin and Feng Ming were stunned.

"What a soul master!"

Feng Qin laughed and said, "With the power of soul beasts, people can do many things that we humans cannot do. The end is endless. If this soul master is prosperous among humans, the future will change endlessly. It can be expected!"

"Although we heard Ms. Zhang talk about how powerful this soul master is along the way, we never saw it. I was fortunate to see it today. It was truly shocking."

Feng Ming looked down and slowly said, "Ice the Nulong River and move the mountains to replenish the river. These methods are Title Douluo. They also need to be combined with the figures, but I didn't expect to be able to easily gather in one person."

The two looked at Wang Feng, and there was light in their eyes, which was shocking.

"In this competition, there is no high-level soul master to participate... Wang Shi's return, it must be for this competition, right?"

Zhang Lexuan's beautiful eyes flickered, and she smiled, "I really look forward to your performance in the competition..."

She changed her name to Master Wang, obviously because of her respect in her heart, and she naturally guessed something.

"Speaking of which, due to the short development time of the Qi Soul Master, there is no high-level Qi Soul Master... If the King Master can participate in the peak group competition, the name of the Qi Soul Master will inevitably be heard throughout the entire continent."

Zhang Lexuan said softly, her eyes filled with expectation and admiration.

"High-ranking soul master..."

Wang Feng smiled, and suddenly said, "There should be another high-level soul master in this competition. I am looking forward to it... By the way, tell me, what's the situation with those little guys these days? How is it?"

Zhang Lexuan was taken aback for a moment, asking her heart, who would be the other high-level soul master?

Haven't heard of any high-ranking soul masters above level 70?

Even the teachers at the college, there is no...

Suddenly, Zhang Lexuan's heart was beating, the teacher of the academy, she has won a magical monster.

The rest of the teachers did not find a suitable soul beast.

However, he only has one Qi soul beast, and he can barely be regarded as a high-level Qi soul master.

Is he expecting me?

Thinking of this, Zhang Lexuan's heart thumped, but she calmed down quickly and told Wang Feng about the situation of his disciples these days...

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