Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1220 Contest, something went wrong.

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The registration procedure for the Peak Group is not complicated.

But it is not simple.

Holding the invitation letter and token given by Xi Yue, Wang Feng saved a lot of trouble.

For example, in the registration procedure, the most basic item is the soul power test.

If the normal spirit power level does not reach 70, it will naturally not be passed.

Not even qualified to sign up.

But the federation has been developing for so long, and it is not known how many times the competition has been held.

Naturally, there is a way to deal with those who have a low spirit power level, but are able to challenge more than ten levels of spirit power.

As for why the threshold of the peak group competition is set at 70.

The reason is simple, the seventieth level is the watershed of the soul master, four words: Wuhun true body.

The strength of a spirit master with a real body of martial spirit will far exceed that of other spirit masters.

Many spirit masters, such as level 30, can leapfrog a level 40 or even level 50 spirit masters because of various factors such as spirits, spirit rings, and soul bones.In these ten thousand years, it is not very rare.

But if you want to single out a soul master of more than 70 levels at the sixtieth level, that would be rare.

The threshold is high, but there are also many soul masters who have not reached the threshold and also have strength beyond the seventieth level.

This situation still occurred when the peak team was first held.

In order to deal with this situation, the Federation will also give these special powerhouses a second test.

Basic strength test.

The test method is also very simple. The three Title Douluo sent by the Federal Inspection Department personally took action to conduct a simple strength test.

Of the three, any two of them can pass.

It can be said that a spirit master below level 70 wants to participate in the pinnacle group, it has always been thankless.

After all, it is the pinnacle contest.

The word peak is not for nothing.

Generally, after these two tests, there is no more.

It seems to be extremely loose.

Wang Feng has a special token and invitation letter. Like Feng Qin Fengming, he belongs to a special person.

Naturally there is no need to pass these two tests.

After signing up, you only need to wait for the opening of the competition.

The opening of the peak group competition and the finals of the youth group opened at the same time.

The youth group has a more complicated competition system and is divided into competition areas. It usually starts a few months in advance, until the three administrative areas and more than a dozen small competition areas are all played, and there are close to 20 teams before entering the central city of Wuhun City. Hongyu fights the soul arena for the finals.

Hongyu Fighting Soul Arena is the venue of this competition.

It is said to be an arena, but it is more like a super large square.

The floor space alone is more than 200,000 square meters, enough to accommodate more than 100,000 people.

In the central city, it is a huge building.

It is also the largest battlefield in Wuhun City.

Wang Feng sounds interesting. In the past ten thousand years, things have changed, but this battlefield has never disappeared.

This represented the ultimate battlefield of the soul master, as if it would never disappear.

In fact, this field seems to be very large, but in fact, for high-level spirit masters, the battle area is still not enough.

Especially the battle of Title Douluo level.

Because of this level of battle, any arena is unbearable.

When the pinnacle group was first held, this was a problem for the boss.

Moreover, when Title Douluo fought, not only was the momentum too great, but also the destructive power was too strong.

It was difficult to solve this problem, which caused a headache for many people when the peak group competition was held.

In one event, in order to solve this problem, Heavenly King Douluo in Wuhun Palace proposed to hold it directly on the sea.

No matter how damaged the sea surface is, it will hardly cause any harm on land.

After communicating with Poseidon Island, they really held several sessions on an isolated island on the sea.

At that time, the peak group competition had just been born, but as time went by, many spirit masters later discovered that it was held on the sea, which was not good for many spirit masters, and their inherent strength was reduced by several levels, which was too unfair.

After many twists and turns, he returned to land.

The venue of the game has also changed again and again.

Some are among the cliffs, some are in the valley, some are on the Nulong River, in the middle of the sky and so on.

But no matter where it is, there will be various problems.

Until the soul guide technology came from the Sun-Moon Empire.

After Xi Douluo was born sturdily, he became the first ninth-level soul instructor in the Federation, able to create a ninth-level soul guidance device!

And this Hongyu Soul Fighting Platform is a super-large nine-level soul guidance device, built by Xi Douluo himself.

Can fully withstand the fighting storm of Title Douluo level.

Unless the strength surpassed Xi Douluo himself, it would be difficult to cause damage to the Hongyu Soul Fighting Platform.

When Wang Feng saw the Hongyu Soul Fighting Platform, he couldn't help laughing.

The appearance of this martial arts platform was very similar to Xi Douluo's own martial spirit of Yin and Yang origin.

It is a prototype, half black and white, each holding a bit of yin and yang fish eyes.

It is eight meters high and has a total area of ​​millions of square meters. The diameter alone is more than one thousand meters. It is hollowed out, and there are tens of thousands of stands around.

Different from the subtlety of the Ten Thousand Years Competition, there were few spectators in the finals, and the ten thousand years of change made the soul master realize that strength and reputation are linked.The more people see, for the soul master, there are different degrees of help and improvement.

Especially after the establishment of the Federation, this kind of competition has never been taboo.

No matter it is any game, it will be presented to many spectators.

This is also one of the reasons leading to more and more federal spirit masters.

After all, no one sees the most awesome character, what's the use?

With no reputation and unlimited strength, what exactly is a powerful soul master?How to show the power of the Federation to the Sun-Moon Empire?

What if there is fear of the Federation toward those lives hidden in the dark?

It can be said that the establishment of the peak group competition has many symbolic meanings.

It's not just a game.

"I just looked at the number of people who signed up, but when I counted it down, it didn't seem to be as many as expected. Is it because we were late? Most people have signed up?" Feng Qin said with a smile.

Coming out of the Hongyu Fighting Soul Arena, Situ Han arranged the three at Hongyu Pavilion, the largest hotel in the central city.Find a book

"That's not it."

Situ Han's expression was a bit solemn, "The seniors don't know. Although our federation has many high-level spirit masters, only one in seven of those who really have the courage to participate in the competition may be excluded. Most of the spirit masters above level 70 come to participate in the peak group competition to accumulate experience and gain insights. Because you all know that the titled Douluo will definitely win the first place in the peak group competition."

"So in fact, high-level soul masters are more watchers than contestants. In addition, the peak group competitions are often bloody and relatively reserved youth group competitions, which can be regarded as cruel. Many high-level soul masters come here not to participate, but It’s for watching."

"Bloody?" Feng was stunned, "How do you say that high-level soul masters have cultivated for decades to achieve this kind of achievement. Except for human lives, shouldn't it be bad? Isn't your human federation already strong enough to even high-level soul masters Life, have you ignored it?"

It takes a long time for every high-level spirit master to be cultivated, and it will take at least ten years at the earliest.

If you die in a big game, I don't know if it's thanks.

Feng Ming felt a little bit ignorant.

As people from Fengyinya, to their own people, every death is a great loss to them.

Even if there are occasional tribes fighting in Fengyinya, death will not be allowed.

Wang Feng understood a little bit.

The battle of high-level spirit masters is different from that of middle and low-level spirit masters.

The battle of the middle and low-level spirit masters is to fight again and again, and it is also a team battle, as long as there is no more insidious and difficult-to-defend soul guide similar to the Tang Sect hidden weapon.At most it is a disability.

However, the battles of high-level spirit masters are always shocking and thorough. How can it be possible that there are no lives?

Unless both parties retain most of their strength.

But if you retain most of your strength, why should you join the pinnacle group?Isn’t that the same as the youth group?

In the pinnacle group competition, even if it is 100%, at least 99% of the strength is required.

It is all too normal to be killed by one carelessness.

"It's not disregarding, but unable to take care of it." Situ Han shook his head and said, "Sometimes the two sides have red eyes, there is a life dispute, and it is impossible to stop easily in the light of calcium carbide. Moreover, the pinnacle group is different from the youth group. The group cannot die because the soul masters of the youth group are the hope of the federation in the future, and they mainly focus on the exchange and fighting of soul masters. However, the participants in the peak group have experienced an unknown amount of experience. If they do not have the consciousness of death, then How can we take on the important tasks for more powerful challenges?"

Situ Han paused, "Especially in the current situation."

Feng Ming was speechless.

"Because of this, although there are a lot of people participating in the peak group competition each time, compared to the high-level spirit masters of the entire federation, they are still very few. After all, for many people, life is the most important."

Situ Han sighed lightly, "This session is already the most. It is estimated that there will be at least tens of thousands of high-level spirit masters participating. The rewards are generous, but also cruel."

"Do you know why the finals of the youth group are opened together with the peak group competition?"

"It is for the Federation to let these young people know that in the world of high-level spirit masters, fighting itself is a cruel thing. It also allows these young people to prepare for the future. Let them know that this world is dangerous. In addition to the evil spirit beast, there is also ourselves."

Situ Han's words made Feng Qin Fengming feel a lot in their hearts.

Seeing the two seniors sighed with emotion, Situ Han said with a smile, "In fact, it's okay. The vast majority of soul masters will not really kill. The mortality rate in the competition has also been maintained at about 2%. No. Very high."

Five percent.

That is, 10,000 people participated in the competition, and at least 200 people died.

It's not too much.

It's just that when Wang Feng heard these words and understood, there was a slight change in his heart.

"Moreover, the overall schedule is also very short. There are 10,000 people, and the game will only be completed in one month at most. A set of wins and losses, direct elimination, generally staggered matches, except for the rest time, opponents are randomly assigned, there is no bye."

Situ Han can say that he introduced the aspects of the competition clearly.

"Often a game is very short. Because most of the first few days will be eliminated, and the gap caused by strength will make many spirit masters who want to take advantage of the gaps will be swept away. But the excitement is also wonderful…"

Situ Han had a bit of excitement in his eyes, "When you see thousands of soul masters fighting at the same time, flying in the sky, or sitting on the stage, the scene can be said to be extremely shocking. I was fortunate to have seen the one twenty years ago. One session, Fear is truly wonderful, the sky is full of clouds and radiance, countless soul skills are used, and the shock that can't be described in words."

Wang Feng smiled in his heart, this pinnacle group competition, intentionally or unintentionally, conveyed this kind of spirit master war scene, obviously it was also to remind the majority of spirit masters and expand their knowledge.

In case of war and crisis, the spirit masters of the Federation can be gathered quickly to form an effective organization for battle.

Rather than being ignorant.

Under the seemingly simple competition system, there are many deep meanings hidden.

After some understanding, Wang Feng can't say that this kind of battle system is not bad.

Simple, direct and effective.It is also full of blood, cruelty, and also implies war.

In the era when it was fairly peaceful before, there were some detailed divisions in the competition system, but after the Sun-Moon Empire appeared, especially now the Evil Soul Beast appeared.

The competition system was changed and changed again, and now there is the current peak group competition.

After a little chat, Wang Feng, led by Situ Han, successfully checked into a room of Hongyu Pavilion.

The interior decoration is not luxurious, but not bad.

For a room of 70 or 80 square meters, let alone one person, three people are enough.

Some small and exquisite soul guides can also be seen in the room.

The simplest chandelier that is as gorgeous as a rose is the soul guide.

To activate the room, just input the soul power in the room card, which is convenient and simple.

Staring at this city from the window, this city represents the forefront of the Federation, although there is only a half-day less time, it also made Wang Feng a lot of emotion.

There are still two or three days before the opening ceremony.

After the teams from the major divisions of the youth group came to Wuhun City, the competition officially began.

By then, Huo Yuhao and the others will naturally come.

As a team sent by Shrek Academy, led by Ma Xiaotao, in the divisional competition, it will inevitably stand out.

Recalling the things encountered along the way after leaving the far north.

Wang Feng looked at the darkening night sky, only to feel that there was a faint undercurrent surging, and a dark night with twinkling stars, like a curtain dotted with diamonds.

Under the seemingly brilliant appearance, I don’t know what kind of terrible monsters will be encountered once opened...

The hideous huge mouth is hidden in it, and it seems to be sinister... swallowing everything.

Wang Feng did not rest, just sat and watched.

From time to time, communicate with the little kunshark.

Halfway through the night.

The knock on the door suddenly sounded.


"Wang Feng... what you worry about seems to have happened..."

Zhang Lexuan's slightly hasty voice came from outside the door.

When Wang Feng opened the door, he saw Zhang Lexuan's clean and beautiful face, with a little bit of anxiety and shock.

Without waiting for Zhang Lexuan to answer, Wang Feng's heart moved and slowly said:

"The father and daughter, something happened?"

Zhang Lexuan nodded and took a deep breath:


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